
Belarus (White Russia)  

c. 4th cent - 1326        Principality of Minsk

862 - 1397                Principality of Polatsk

       1240 -        1569 Part of Lithuania

04 Jul 1569 - 23 Jan 1793 Part of Poland-Lithuania

23 Jan 1793               Part of Russian Empire

   Jul 1917               Belarussian Rada created

   Oct 1917               Autonomy within Russia

21 Feb      - 09 Dec 1918 German occupation

03 Mar 1918               Transfered to Germany by Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

09 Mar 1918               White Ruthenian Democratic Republic (Ger: Weissruthenien Volksrepublik)

25 Mar 1918               Belorussian Rada declared independence (not effective)

10 Dec 1918               Soviet control re-established in Minsk

01 Jan 1919               Byelorussian S.S.R

09 Feb 1919               Polish invasion

27 Feb      - 01 Sep 1919 Part of the Socialist Conciliar Republic of Lithuania and White Russia

08 Aug 1919               Polish occupation of Minsk

01 Sep 1919 - 11 Jul 1920 Polish occupation

12 Dec 1919               Belorussian People's Republic (restored under Poland)

   May 1920               Autonomy within Poland

11 Jul 1920               Soviet occupation

31 Jul 1920               Belarussian Socialist Soviet

30 Apr 1921               Western White Russia recognised as part of Poland by Treaty of Riga

30 Dec 1922               Founding member of the USSR

10 Mar 1924               Vitebsk and Mogilev transfered to Beylorussian S.S.R by Russian S.F.S.R

06 May 1926               Gomel transfered to Beylorussian S.S.R by Russian S.F.S.R

02 Feb 1937               Beylorussian Soviet Socialist Republic

28 Sep 1939               Polish Beylorussia annexed by U.S.S.R

28 Jun 1941 - 03 Jul 1944 German occupation

01 Sep 1941 - 21 Jan 1945 Part of German administered Ostland

21 Dec 1943 - 20 Jul 1944 Pro-axis collaborationist government

27 Jul 1990               State sovereignty declared

25 Aug 1991               Independence declared

19 Sep 1991               Republic of Belarus (Beylarussian S.S.R allowed until 1993)

08 Dec 1991               Belovezha Accords signed ending the U.S.S.R

31 Dec 1991               Independnce effective (dissolution of the U.S.S.R)

01 Jan 2015               Accession to the Eurasian Union

Belarussian Principalities

- Princes of Polatsk -

972-976 Rahvalod

980-1001 Izyaslav

1001-1044 Braczyslav

1044-1101 Usayslav

1101-1106 Barys I

1106-1127 Davyd

1127-1128 Barys II

1132-1144 Vasyl I

1144-1151 Rahvalod Barysavich (1st Time)

1151-1159 Rascyslav I

1159-1162 Rahvalod Barysavich (2nd Time)

1162-1167 Usayslav Vasylkavich

1167-1177 Valadar

1177-1192 Mingay

1192-1199 Kginwil

1199-12.. Borys Polocki

12..-12.. Hleb olocki

12..-1281 Izyaslav

1281-1285 Dovmont

1315-13.. Voyn

13..-13.. Narymunt

13..-1342 Lubart

1342-1387 Andrzey

1387-1397 Skiryhayla

- Princes of Izyaslav -

980-1001 Izyaslavl I

1001-1003 Vseslav

1101-1116 Davyd I (1st Time)

1116-1127 Bryaczislav I

1127-1128 Davyd I (2nd Time)

1146-1151 Bryaczislav II (1st Time)

1151-1158 Vsavolod I (1st Time)

1158-1159 Bryaczislav II (2nd Time)

1159      Vsavolod I (2nd Time)

1159-1167 Bryaczislav II (3rd Time)

1167-1189 Basyl

1189-1215 Uladzymyr

1346-1366 Yavnut

1366-1399 Mykalay I

1399-1425 Gyorgy

1425-1455 Yan

1455-1477 Mykalay II

1477-1508 Fyodor

- Princes of Tarav -

988-1010 Svyatopolk I

1078-1087 Yaropolk

1087-1113 Svyatopolk II

1113-1119 Roman

1119-1133 Vyacheslav (1st Time)

1133-1134 Izyaslav

1134-1141 Vyacheslav (2nd Time)

1141-1142 Svyatoslav (1st Time)

1142-1146 Vyacheslav (3rd Time)

1146-1150 Yarolsau I of Luchesk (1st Time)

1151-1154 Yarolsau I of Luchesk (2nd Time)

1154-1155 Svyatoslav (2nd Time)

1155-1157 Borys

1157-1184 Gyorgy

1184-1187 Yaroslav II

1187-1190 Svyatopolk III

1190-1196 Hleb

1196-1228 Rostyslav


Belorussian General-Governorate


28 May 1772 - 04 Feb 1782 Zakhar Grigoryevich Chernyshyov ................ 1722-1784

1782 - 1796               Pyotr Bogdanovich Passek ....................... 1796-1804

1801 - 1803               Aleksandr Mikhailovich Rimsky-Korsakov ......... 1753-1840

1803 - 1806               Ivan Ivanovich Mikhelson ....................... 1740-1807

1811 - 1822               Duke Alexander Friedrich Karl von Württemberg .. 1771-1833

       1823 - 10 May 1836 Prince Nikolay Nikolayevich Khovansky .......... 1777-1837

10 May 1836 - 1845        Pyotr Nikolayevich Dyakov ...................... 1788-1860

       1845 - 29 May 1853 Prince Andrey Mikhailovich Golitsyn ............ 1792-1863

25 Jul 1853 - 1855        Pavel Nikolayevich Ignatiev .................... 1797-1879

       1855 - 17 Feb 1856 Prince Mikhail Aleksandrovich Urusov ........... 1802-1883

Belarus 1918-1919, 1943-1944 and 1991-1994

Presidents of the Rada

31 Dec 1917 - 03 Jan 1918 Tomash Tomashevich Hryb ........................ 1895-1938

03 Jan      - 19 Mar 1918 Yazep Yakavlevich Voronka ...................... 1891-1952

19 Mar      - 14 May 1918 Ivan Mykytavich Syerada ........................ 1879-1943

14 May      - 10 Dec 1918 Yazep Yuravich Lyosik .......................... 1883-1940

                          (in opposition to 13 Dec 1919)

President of the Belarussian Central Rada

21 Dec 1943 - 20 Jul 1944 Radaslav Kazimiravich Astroyski ................ 1887-1976

                          (continues in German exile to 24 Sep 1945)

Heads of State (Chairman of the Supreme Soviet)

18 Sep 1991 - 26 Jan 1994 Stanislav Stanislavovich Shushkyavich .......... 1934-202

26 Jan      - 28 Jan 1994 Vyacheslav Mikalayavich Kuznyatsov ............. 1947-


28 Jan 1994 - 10 Jan 1996 Myechyslav Ivanavich Hryb ...................... 1938-

                          (acting Head of State to 20 Jul 1994)

Chairman of the Council of Ministers

19 Sep 1991 - 21 Jul 1994 Vyachaslav Frantsavich Kyrbych ................. 1936-