Scottish polities


c.800 Island of Barra under Viking control

900 - 1140 To Orkney

1140 - 1494 Part of the Lordship of the Isles (Outer Hebrides)

1427        Barra granted to the MacNeil clan by the Lord of the Isles

1494        Part of Scotland (Western Isles) thereafter

1688        Lordship of Barra a Baronetcy of the Crown of Scotland

1838        Barra estate sold and most of the population cleared

1938        Barra estate re-purchased by the Chief of Clan MacNeil


880 Kjarval (Cearbhall I of Ossory?)

1033 MacNeil (UiNial), Anrothan

Naill I "of the Castle"



Muircheartach I

Niall II

Naill III Og "the Young"

Muircheartach II


1427 - 14.. MacNeil, Gilleonan I

14.. - 14.. MacLean, John Garbh

14.. - 14.. MacNeil, Roderick I

1495 - 15.. MacNeil, Gilleonan II

15.. - 15.. MacNeil, Gilleonan III

1545 - 1578 MacNeil, Gilleonan IV

1578 - 1594 MacNeil, Roderick II Og "the young"

1594 - 16.. MacNeil, Roderick III "the turbulant"

16.. - 1651 MacNeil, Niall IV Og

16.. - 16.. MacNeil, Gilleonan V


1688 - 1715 MacNeil, Roderick IV "the Black"

1747 - 1763 MacNeil, Roderick V "the Dove of the West"

1763 - 1822 MacNeil, Roderick VI "the Gentle"

1822 - 1863 MacNeil, Roderick VII "the General"

1863 - 1880 MacNeil, Donald McGougan

1880 - 1893 MacNeil, Iain

1863 - 1914 MacNeil, Roderick VIII

1914 - 1970 MacNeil, Robert Lister

1970 - 2010 MacNeil, Ian Roderick

2010 -      MacNeil, Roderick Wilson

Dál Riata

c.498                   Kingdom of Dál Riata

c.6.. - 685             Tributary of the Kingdom of Northumbria

c.685                   Tricutary of the Kingdom of Picts

c.736 - 750             Pictish rule

843                     United with Pictavia as Kingdom of Alba


4.. - 4..               Loarn mac Eirc

       498 - 12 Oct 501 Fergus Mór mac Earca

12 Oct 501 - 507        Domangairt Réti

5.. - 537               Comgall mac Domangairt

5.. - 5..               Gabráin mac Domangairt "the traitor"

c.558 - 574             Conall I mac Comgaill

c. 574 - 609            Áedán mac Gabráin (Aodhán mac Gabhráin)

c. 609 - 629            Eochaidh Buide

c. 629 - 642            Domnall mac Echdach (Donald Brecc) "the Freckled"

c. 642 - 650            Ferchair I mac Connaid

c. 650 - 654            Dúnchadh mac Dúbáin (Dúnchad mac Conaing)

c. 650 - 660            Conall mac Echdach (Conall Crandomma)

c. 660 - 673            Domangairt mac Domnaill

c. 673 - 688            Máel Dúin mac Conaill

c. 688 - 696            Domnall Donn

c. 696 - 697            Ferchair II Fota "the Tall"

697                     Eochadh mac Domangairt

697 - 698               Ainbcellach mac Ferchair

698 - 700               Fiannamail ua Dúnchado

700 - 707               Bécc ua Dúnchado

707 - 721               Dúnchado Bécc

721 - 723               Selbach mac Ferchair

723 - 726               Dúnghal mac Selbaigh

726 - 733               Eochaidh mac Echdach

733 - 736               Muiredach mac Ainbcellaigh

736 - 7..               Eóghain mac Muiredaig

7.. - 741               Indrechtach mac Fiannamail

768 - 778               Áedh find mac Eochadha "the White"

778 - 781               Ferghus mac Eochadha

781 - 792               Donncoirce

781 - 805               Selbach mac Eóghain

805 - 807               Conall mac Taidhc

807 - 811               Conall mac Áedáin

811 - 835               Domhnall mac Caustantín

835 - 839               Áedh mac Boanta

      831 - 20 Jul 834  Alpín mac Echdach

c. 914                  Dairmaid mac Sealbhaigh

Galloway (Gallgeidhael)

138 - 162 Part of the Roman Empire

162 - 369 To the Novantae

369 - 400 To Rome

c. 450    Galloway given to the son of the king of Alt Clut

550 - 638 to Rheged

638 - 700 To the Kingdom of Man

700 - 740 To Northumbria

740 - 830 To Alt Clut

830 - 839 to Dal Riata

839 - 870 to Alt Clut

870 - 875 to Dublin

875 - 9.. To Jorvik

9.. - 1000 To Strathclyde

c.950     Norse rule

1000 - 1057 To Orkney

1057        To Scotland


4.. - 4.. Tutgwal Theodovellaunus ap Cinuit

4.. - 5.. Dingat ap Tutgwal

5.. - 550 Sennylt ap Dingat

830 - 836 Alpín mac Echdach

9..       Ronald

9.. - 9.. Suibe mac Cináeda

(Outer) Hebrides (na h-Eileanan  [Western Isles])

2000 BC      Hebrides the realm of the mythical king Net

c. 500 - 848 Part of Dal Riada

c. 848       Norse Viking Lordship of the Hebrides

941          Part of Kingdom of Man and the Isles

1164         Kingdom of the Isles divided into two kingdoms, the North (Hebridies)

             and South Isles following the death of Somerled; the islands are inherited by his sons

1237 - 1597 Lewis and Harris under the McLeod clan and then the MacKenzie clan

1266        Part of Scotland

1266 - 1494 Semi-independent under the MacDonald clan

1494        Title of "Lord of the Isles" held by the Duke of Rothesay (Prince of Wales from 1603)

1598 - 1609 Lewis and Harris awarded to 12 lowlander colonists by James V

1609 - 1716 Lewis and Harris under the MacKenzie Earls of Seaforth

1794 - 1975 Divided between Inverness-shire and Ross-shire and Cromartyshire

16 May 1975 Western Isles Islands Council created (abolition of former Scottish council areas)

       1995 Western Isles Council

27 Apr 1997 Comhairle nan Eilean Siar (Council of the Western Isles)

2000 BC     Net (mythical King of the Hebrides)

800 AD      Gothfrith

853 - 866   Ketil "Flatnose"

866 - 870   Helgi Ketilsson

870         Solvi Hunthjofsson "the splitter"

88. - 88.   Olaf Ingjaldsson "the white"

88. - 890   Thorstein Olafson "the Red" (Olaf of Dublin)

96. - 973   Maccus

9..         Gilli

1000        Lagman

1065        Gilledoman

1113 - 1153 Olaf Bitling

Lord of the Isles

1140 - 1164 Somhairlidh =Somerled

1164 - 1175 Dubhghaill mac Somairle =Dugald I

1164 - 1207 Ragnall mac Somairle =Ranald

12.. - 1244 Donnchadh mac Dubgaill (Duncan)

12.. - 12.. Dubhghaill mac Dubgaill =Dugald II

12.. - 1230 Somairle mac Dubgaill =Somerland

1207 - 1247 Ruaidhri mac Raghnaill =Rory

1248 - 1263 Eoghan mac Dubhghaill =Ewen

1249 - 1264 Dubhghaill mac Ruaidhri =Dugald III

1266 - 1296 MacDonald, Aonghas I (Angus I)

1296 - 1299 MacDonald, Alasdair I (Alexander I)

1299 - 1330 MacDonald, Aonghas II (Angus II)

1336 - 1386 MacDonald, Eóin I Mac Dómhnall (John I of Islay)

1386 - 1423 MacDonald, Dómhnall (Donald of Islay)

1423 - 1449 MacDonald, Alasdair II MacDomhnaill (Alexander II of Islay)

1449 - 1476 MacDonald, Eóin II Mac Dómhnall (John II of Islay)

            (stripped of his lands by James III)

1476 - 1490 MacDonald, Aonghas (III) Og (Angus of Islay)

            (in rebellion)

1494 - 1651 The Dukes of Rothesay

1501 - 1545 MacDonald, Dómhnall Dubh (Donald "the Black")

            (in rebellion and prisoner of the Scottish Crown 1506-1543)

1660 -      The Dukes of Rothesay

Lord-Lieutenants of the Western Isles

13 Apr 1975 - 1983        Maj. Samuel Longbotham

14 Apr 1983 - 07 Dec 1993 Granville James Leveson-Gower,

                           5th Earl of Granville

07 Dec 1993 - 22 Mar 2000 Flt Lt. John William Morrison,

                           2nd Viscount Dunrossil

27 Apr 2001 - 16 Nov 2016 Alexander "Sandy" Matheson

20 Dec 2016 - 21 Mar 2022 Donald Martin

21 Mar 2021 -             Iain Macaulay

Convenors for the Council of the Western Isles

1975 - 1982               Angus Campbell

1982 - 1990               Alexander "Sandy" Matheson

1990 - 1991               Donald Macauley

1991 - 1994               Donald MacLeod

1994 - 1999               Donald Mackay

1999 - 2012               Alexander MacDonald

2012 - 2022               Norman MacDonald

2022 -                    Kenneth MacLeod

Leaders of the Council

2007 - 2017               Angus Campbell

2017 - 2022               Roddie MacKay

2022 -                    Paul Steele

Chief Executive

2005 -                    Malcolm Burr


c. 3.. Establishment of the druid library on Iona

410 Irish rule

563 Founding of Iona Abbey by St Columba

838 - 1098 Bishopric of Iona

908 Primacy transfered to St Andrew's

1203 Founding of the Benedictine Monastery of Iona

11 Aug 1615 Iona Abbey is annexed to the Bishopric of the Isles

Abbots of Iona Abbey

563 - 09 Jun 597 Colum Cille mac Fedelmtheo (St Columba)

597 - 598        Baithéne mac Brénaind

598 - 16 Sep 605 Lasrén mac Feradaig

605 - 02 Mar 623 Fergno Britt mac Faílbí

623 - 12 Aug 652 Ségéne mac Fiachnaí

652 - 11 Jan 657 Suibne moccu Fir Thrí

657 - 24 Feb 669 Cumméne Find

669 - 22 Mar 679 Fáilbe mac Pípáin

679 - 23 Sep 704 Adommnán mac Rónáin

704 - 707        Conamailmac Faílbi

707 - 713        Dúnchad mac Cinn Faelad (1st Time)

28 Oct 713       Dorbbéne mac Altaini

713 - 25 May 717 Dunchad mac Cinn Fáelad (2nd Time)

717 - 722 Fáelchú mac Dorbbéni

722       Fedelmid

722 - 726 Cilléne Fota

726 - 752 Cilléne Droichtech

752 - 766 Sléibine mac Congaile

766 - 771 Suibne

771 - 801 Bresal mac Ségéni

801 - 802 Connachtach

802 - 814 Cellach mac Congaile

814 - 831 Dairmait daltae Daigri

832 - 854 Indrechtach ua Fínnachta

854 - 865 Cellach mac Ailello

865 - 880 Feradach mac Cormaic

881 - 20 Apr 891 Flann mac Maíle Dúin

891 - 27 Feb 927 Máel Brigte mac Tornáin

927 - 935 Aongas McMuircert

935 - 938 Dubthach mac Dubáin

938 - 947 Cáenchomrac

947 - 954 Robartach

954 - 959 Dub Dúin ua Stepháin

959 - 964 Dub Scoile mac Cináeda

965 - 977 Fiachra

977 - 985 Mugrón

985 - 24 Dec 986 Máel Ciaráin ua Maigne

987 - 989 Dúnchad Ua Robacháin

989 - 998 Dub dá Leithe mac Cellaig

998 - 1005 Máel Brigte mac Rímeda

1005 - 1007 Muiredach mac Cricháin

1007 - 1008 Ferdomnach

1008 - 1009 Máel Muire Ua hUchtáin (1st Time)

1009 - 1025 Flandabra

1025        Máel Eóin Ua Toráin

1025 - 1040 Máel Muire Ua hUchtáin (2nd Time)

1040 - 1057 Murchad mac Flainn ua Máel Sechlainn

1057        Robartach mac Ferdomnaih

1057 - 1062 Gilla Crist Ua Mail Doraid

1062 - 1070 Mac meic Báethéne

1070 - 1098 Domnall mac Robartaig

1098 - 1099 Donnchad mac meic Máenaig

Kingdom of the Isles

c. 500 - 848 Part of Dal Riada

c. 848       Norse Viking Lordship of the Hebrides

941          Kingdom of Man and the Isles

1164         Divided into two kingdoms, the North and South Isles

1266         Part of Scotland

Kings of the Isles

848 ....

853 Gofraid I mac Fergusa

872 - 873 Gofraidh (Goðrið)

873     Ímar (Ivarr hin Beinlausi)

873       Amlaíb Conung (Óláfr)

874       Ásbjorn skerjablesi

890 - 900 Caitill (Ketill Björnsson) "Flatnose"

900 - 941 ....

941 - 980 Amlaín mac Sitric Cuarán (Óláfr Sigtryggsson)

980 - 98. Maccus mac Arailt (Maccus Haroldsson)

98. - 989 Gofraid II mac Arailt (Guðroeðr Haroldsson)

990 - 10.. Gilli

10.. - 1005 Ragnall mac Gofraid (Ragnall Goðriðsson)

1005 - 1014 Sigarð Hloðvirsson "the Stout"

            (Jarl of Orkney)

1014 - 1016 Einarr rangmunnr Sigarðsson "Wry-mouth"

1016 - 1030 Håkon Eiríksson

1030 - 1034 Amlaíb mac Sitriuc (Óláf Sigtryggsson)

1034 - 1058 Thorfinnr Sigurdsson "the Mighty"

1045        Ímar mac Arailt (Ivarr Haroldsson)

            (King of Dublin)

1052 - 1061 Echmarcach mac Ragnaill

            (King of Dublin)

1061 - 1070 Murchad mac Diarmata

1070 - 1072 Diatmait mac Maél na mBó

            (King of Ireland)

10.. - 1074 Gofraid mac Sitriuc (Goðreð Sigtryggssson)

1074 - 1079 Fingal mac Godfraid (Fingal Goðreðsson)

1079 - 1094 Gofraid Crobán (Goðred Meránach)

1095 - 1098 Lagmann mac Gofraid (Lagmaðr Guðröðarson)

1112 - 1152 Olave Godredsson (Óláfr Guðröðarson) ("the Red")

1154 - 1156 Godred the Black (Guðröðr Óláfsson) (1st Time)

1158 - 1164 Somhairlidh (Somerled)

Orkney (Arcaibh)

892 Earldom of Orkney (under Norway)

900 Shetland Islands under Orkney

1098 The Shetland Isles part of the Jarldom of Orkney (Northern Isles)

1236 Scottish jarls under Norway

1470 Under Scotland directly

1947 Orkney separated from Shetland


875 - 892 Sigurð Eysteinsson

892 - 893 Guthorm Sigurðsson

895 - 910 Einarr Rognvaldarson "Torf-Einarr"

910       Arnkel Torf-Einarsson

910       Erlend Torf-Einarsson

910 - 963 Thorfinnr Torf-Einarsson "Skull-splitter"

963 - 9.. Arnfinn Thorfinnsson

9.. - 9.. Havarðr Thorfinsson ( Havarðr in arsaeli) "Harvest-happy"

9.. - 980 Ljot Thorfinnsson

980 - 988 Hloðvir Thorfinnsson

991 - 23 Apr 1014 Sigurð Hloðvirsson

1014        Sumarliði Sigurðsson

1014 - 103. Brusi Sigurðsson

1014 - 1020 Einar Sigurðsson "Einar Wry-mouth"

1016 - 1065 Thorfinn Sigurðsson "the Mighty"

1036 - 1046 Rögnvald Brusason

1065 - 1098 Pál Thorfinnsson

1065 - 1098 Erlend Thorfinnsson

1098 - 1103 Sigurð I Magnusson (Sigurð Jorsalafari)

1105 - 1123 Haakon Pálsson

1106 - 1115 Magnús I Erlendsson (St. Magnus "the Martyr")

1122 - 1127 Harald Haakonsson

1122 - 1137 Pál Haakonsson

1136 - 1139 Rögnvald Kali Kolsson "St. Ronald of Orkney)

1139 - 1206 Haraldr Maddaðsson

1151 - 21 Dec 1154 Erlend Haraldsson

1191        Harald Eiriksson

1206 - 1214 David Haraldsson

1206 - 1231 Jón Haraldsson

1236 - 1239 Magnús II 

1239 - 12.. Gilbert

12.. - 1256 Gilbert Magnússon (Gille Brigte)

1256 - 1273 Magnús III

1273 - 1284 Magnús IV Magnússon

1284 - 1303 Jón Magnússon

1303 - 1320 Magnús Jónsson

1330 - 1350 Maol Iosa (Malise V of Caithness and Strathearn)

1353 - 1360 Erengisle Suneson of Hultboda

1375 - 1376 Alastair of Ard

1379 - 1400 Henry I Sinclair (of Caithness and Strathearn)

1400 - 01 Feb 1420 Henry II 

1434 - 1470 William Sinclair (of Caithness and Strathearn)

Lord-Lieutenants of Orkney and Shetland

1715 - 1730               James Douglas, 12th Earl of Morton

1735 - 1738               George Douglas, Earl of Morton ............... 1662-1738

17 Mar 1794 - 14 Jun 1820 Lord Thomas Dundas ........................... 1741-1820

10 May 1831 - 19 Feb 1839 Lawrence Douglas, Earl of Zetland ............ 1766-1839

30 Mar 1839 - 14 Feb 1866 John Charles Dundas .......................... 1808-1866

07 Mar 1866 - 26 Oct 1872 Frederick Dundas ............................. 1802-1872

18 Dec 1872 - 13 Sep 1892 John Charles Dundas .......................... 1845-1892

05 Nov 1892 - 10 Dec 1917 Malcolm Alfred Laing

1919 - 1930               Sir William Watson Cheyne,

                           Baronet of Leagarth ......................... 1852-1932

1930 - 1947               Alfred Baikie

Lord-Lieutenants of Orkney

08 Apr 1948 - 26 Sep 1958 Patrick Neale Sutherland Graeme

15 Jan 1959 - 18 May 1966 Robert Scarth

29 Jul 1966 - 19 May 1972 Col. Henry William Scarth

02 Aug 1972 - 1990        Col. Sir Robert Macrae

26 Apr 1990 - 30 Aug 1996 Brig. Malcolm Dennison

28 Apr 1997 - 2007        George Marwick

12 Mat 2007 - 17 May 2013 Anthony Robert Trickett

18 Feb 2014 - 20 Jan 2020 James William Spence

29 Jan 2020 -             Elizabeth Elaine Grieve

Convenors of the Orkney Islands Council

1974 - 1978               George Marwick

1978 - 1990               Edwin Eunson

1990 - 1994               Jacqueline Tait

1994 - 2003               Hugh Halcro-Johnston

2003 - 2012               Stephen Hagan

2012 - 2017               Steven Heddle

2017 - 2022               Harvey Johnston

17 May 2022 -             Graham Bevan

Leaders of the Council

2017 - 2024               James Stockan

20 Feb 2024 -             Heather Woodbridge

Chief Executive

2023 -                    Oliver Reid

Pictavia (Pictland)

Kings of Picts

311 - 341 Vipoig

341 - 345 Canatumel (Canutulachama)

345 - 347 Úradech

347 - 387 Gartnait II

387 - 412 Talorg mac Achiuir

412 - 452 Drost (Drest) I MacErp = Durst I

452 - 456 Talorg I MacAnail = Talorc I

456 - 480 Nechtan I MacUuirp (Morbet or Celmchamoth)

480 - 510 Drost II Gurthinmac

510 - 522 Galan Gurthinmoch

522 - 530 Drost III MacUudrost

522 - 531 Drost IV MacGurom

531 - 537 Garthait I MacGirom

537 - 538 Cailtram MacGirom

538 - 549 Talorc II MacMurtolic

549 - 550 Drost V MacManath

550 - 555 Galam Cennalath

555 - 584 Bridhei I (Bruide) mac Mailcon

584 - 595 Gartnait II (Gartnaidh) mac Domhaill

595 - 616 Nechtan II (Nehhton) mac Canainn)

616 - 631 Cenoydh map Lugthrein (Cinaedh mac Lutrin) = Kenneth I

631 - 635 Gartnait III (Gartnaidh) mac Uuid

635 - 641 Bridhei II mac Uuid (Bruide mac Forith) 

641 - 653 Talorg III (Talorcan mac Foith) = Talorc III

653 - 657 Talorgan

657 - 663 Gartnait IV (Gartnaidh) mac Domhnaill

663 - 672 Drost VI mac Domhnaill

672 - 693 Bridhei III (Bruide) mac Bili

693 - 697 Taran mac Ainfidaigh

697 - 706 Bridhei IV (Bruide) mac-Der-Ilei

706 - 724 Nechtan III mac Der-Ilei (1st Time)

724 - 726 Drost VII

726 - 728 Elpin I (Alpín I)

728 - 729 Nechtan III mac Der-Ilei (2nd Time)

729 - 761 Onuist map Vurguist (Óenegus mac Fergusso) = Angus I

761 - 763 Bridhei V (Bruide mac Ferghusa) map Úrguist 

763 - 775 Cemoydh II map Úroidech (Cinaedh mac Feradaigh) = Kenneth II

775 - 778 Elpín II map Uuroid (Alpín mac Feredaig)

778 - 782 Talorg II (Talorcain) = Talorc II

782 - 783 Drost VIII map Talorgen (Drest mac Talorcain)

783 - 785 Talorg III (Talorcain mac Onuist)

785 - 789 Conall mac Taidg

789 - 820 Castantin map Urguist (Causantin mac Ferghusa) = Constantine I

820 - 834 Onuist map Urguist (Óenghus mac Ferghusa)

834 - 836 Drost IX map Castantin)

836 - 839 Úen map Onuist (Eogen mac Óenghusa) = Owen

839 - 843 Úrad map Bargoit (Feradach mac Bargoit)

839 - 842 Uurad map Bargoit (Ferat mac Bargoit)

842 - 843 Bridhei VI map Uurad (Brude mac Ferat)

843       Cenoydh III map Elpin (Cinaedh mac Ailpin)

843 - 858 Cenoydh IV map Elpin (Cinaedh mac Ailpin) = Kenneth IV

843 - 845 Bridhei VII map Uuthoil (Brude mac Fochel)

845 - 848 Drost X map Uurad (Drest mac Ferat)

Note: The Picts, called Picti by the Romans from the Greek Pyktis ('the painted ones'),

were a Brittonic people thought to be descended from the Caledonii tribe. The Picts' own name for themselves is unknown as their language was never transcribed. As the Romans described all unconquered peoples in the north 'Picti' it is also likely they were not all the same. The Picts eventually became Celticised and were later forcibly incorporated into the Scottish kingdom.


1147        To Scotlan

Pitish rulers

1CE         Moireadh

500         Urien


8.. 862     Máil Brigti I

8.. - 9..   Ruadri







            Máil Brigti II

1014 - 1020 Findláech mac Ruaidri

1020 - 1029 Máel Coluim mac Máil Brigti (Malcolm)

1029 - 1032 Gille Coemgáin mac Máil Brigti 

1032 - 1037 Mac Bethad mac Findláich (Macbeth)

1057 - 1058 Lulach mac Gille Coemgáin 

1058 - 1078 Máel Snechtai mac Luláich

1078 - 1116 Áedh

1116 - 1130 Óengus mac inghine Luláich

1130 - 1147 Uilleam mac Donnchada (William fitz Duncan)

Shetland Islands (Zetland)

c. 400 - 800 To the Picts

c.800 Norse settlement (called "Hjaltland")

900         Part of Jarldom of Orkney (Northern Isles)

1098 - 1470 To Norway (under Denmark from 1380)

1472 Part of Scotland (Gaelic name "Sealtainn")

1707 Part of Great Britain

1715 - 1947 Administered together with Orkney

1975        Shetland Islands Council formed

25 Nov 2013 Lerwick Declaration on decentralising power in Scotland

Sigurd Hrolf

Einer Sigurdson

Lord-Lieutenants of Shetland

08 Apr 1948 - 25 Apr 1952 Sir Arthur Nicolson

21 Jul 1952 - 1963        Sir Basil Hamilton Hebden Neven-Spence

05 Jul 1963 - 1982        Robert Hunter Wingate Bruce

06 Oct 1982 - 1994        Magnus MacDonald Shearer

21 Apr 1994 - 2011        Sir John Hamilton Scott 1936-

30 Nov 2011 - 2024        Robert Hunter

05 Feb 2024 -             Lindsay William Tulloch

Convenor of the Shetland Islands Council

1974 - 1986               A.I. Tulloch

1986 - 1994               Edward Thomason

1994 - 1999               Lewis Shand Smith

1999 - 2003               Thomas Stove

2003 - 2012               Alexander "Sandy" Cluness

2012 - 2022               Malcolm Bell

23 May 2022 -             Andrea Manson

Leaders of the Shetland Islands Council

2011 - 2012               Josie Simpson

2012 - 2017               Gary Robinson

2017 - 2018               Cecil Smith

2018 - 2022               Steven Coutts

23 May 2022 -             Emma MacDonald

Chief Executive

28 Feb 2018 -             Maggie Sandison

Skye (An t-Eilean Sgiathanach)

Skye the mythical realm of the warrior goddess Scathach ("Lady of the Shadow Isle"),

her daughter Uathach and rival the warrior queen Aoife according to the Irish tale of Cuchulain. The Island was known to the Romans as Scitis and to the Norse sagas as Skíð,

Skuy, Skyey or Skuyö ("misty isle"). The alternative Gaelic name Eilean a'Cheo also has the same meaning.

c.500 AD Part of Dal Riada and Scotland

c. 800 - 1494 Part of the Lordship of the Isles

1237          Under the MacLeod clan

1375          Skye invaded by the MacDonald clan and eventually

              granted to the Earl of Ross

1494          Part of Scotland thereafter

1237 - 1280 Liotr MacLeod

1280 - 1320 Tormod MacLeod

1320 - 1360 Calum Reamhar Math Macleod

1360 - 1392 Ian Cair MacLeod

Strathclyde (Alt Clut)

4.. Legendary foundation of the Brittonic kingdom of Alt Clut (Teyrnas Ystrad Clut)

c.756 Under Pictish suzeraignty

870   Norse rule

c.872 Strathclyde kingdom under Kingdom of Alba (Scotland)

c.1015 Incorporated into Scotland

Kings of Damnonii

c.180 Corbed

Art I Vroisc

Fer I

Duibne "the great"

c. 250 Biennie

Art II

Fer II





Kings of Alt Clut

410 - 450 Ceretic Guletic (Coroticus)

450 - 475 Dyfnwal Hen (Dumnagual Hen)

475 - 480 Erbin

480 - 485 Cynwyd (Cincuit)

485 - 490 Geraint

490 - 495 Tudwal I (Tutagual)

495 - 500 Caw (Cawn)

501 - 508 Domgal

508 - 540 Clynog (Clinoch)

540 - 558 Cinbelin

559 - 573 Tudwal II (Tutagual)

573       Rhydderch Hael "the generous"

612 - 621 Nwython (Nechton)

621 - 633 Beli I

633 - 645 Eugein I

645 - 658 Gwriad (Guret)

658 - 682 Murmin

672 - 693 Bridei

          (King of Picts)

682 - 693 Elfin 

693 - 694 Dyfnwal II ab Owain (Dumnagual II)

694 - 722 Beli II ap Elfin

722 - 752 Teudebur ap Beli

752 - 754 Rotri

754 - 760 Dyfnwal III ap Tewdwr

760 - 780 Eugein II

780 - 798 Riderch

798 - 816 Cynan

816 - 8.. Dyfnwal IV

8.. - 8.. Constantine

859 - 8.. Neithon

8.. - 872 Arthgal ap Dyfnwal

Kings of Strathclyde

872 - 877 Rhun ap Arthgal

877 - 889 Eochaid (Eochu) ap Rhun

908 - 925 Dyfnwal IV (Donald)

925 - 937 Owain ap Dyfnwal

962 - 973 Dyfnwal V ap Owain

973 - 975 Rhydderch ap Dyfnwal

975 - 997 Máel Colium I (Callum)

997 - 1015 Owain ap Dyfnwal "the Bald"

1015 - 1054 Máel Colium II (Callum)