
Meshwesh Empire

Emperors (Pharaohs of the 22 Dynasty 945 - 715)







1230 - 1220 Merirey

1200        Buyuwawa

.... - .... Mawasun

.... - .... Neb-Neshi

.... - .... Pasouti

1000 - .... Sheshonq I

900 - ... Nimlot

945 - 924 Sheshonq II

924 - 889 Osorkon I

... - ... Sheshonq III

889 - 874 Takelot I

874 - 850 Osorkon II

850 - 825 Takelot II

825 - 773 Sheshonq IV

773 - 767 Pami

767 - 730 Sheshonq V

730 - 715 Osorkon III

600 - ... Tarqu

... - ... Adikran

... - ... .....

400 - ... Psammetichus I

463 - 454 Inaros

445 - 444 Psammetichus II

4.. - ... Psammetichus III

Libyan Kingdom

King of Libya

24 Dec 1951 - 01 Sep 1969 Senussi, Sayyid Mohammed Idris I ............. 1890-1983

                          (Abdicated 04 Aug 1969, effective 02 Sep 1969)

26 Oct 1956 - 01 Sep 1969 Prince Hasan ar-Rida al-Mahdi as-Senussi ..... 1928-1992

                          (Regent, acting)

Prime Ministers

24 Dec 1951 - 19 Feb 1954 Mahmud al-Muntasir ........................... 1903-1970

19 Feb      - 12 Apr 1954 Muhammad Sakizli ............................. 1892-1976

12 Apr 1954 - 26 May 1957 Mustafa Ben Halim ............................ 1921-2021

26 May 1957 - 17 Oct 1960 Abdul Majid Kubar ............................ 1909-1986

17 Oct 1960 - 19 Mar 1963 Muhammad Osman Said .......................... 1922-2007

19 Mar 1963 - 20 Jan 1964 Mohieddin Fikini ............................. 1925-1994

20 Jan 1964 - 20 Mar 1965 Mahmud al-Muntasir (2nd Time)

20 Mar 1965 - 02 Jul 1967 Hussain Maziq ................................ 1918-2006

02 Jul      - 25 Oct 1967 Abdul Qadir al-Badri ......................... 1921-2003

25 Oct 1967 - 04 Sep 1968 Abdul Hamid al-Bakkoush ...................... 1933-2007

04 Sep 1968 - 31 Aug 1969 Wanis al-Qaddafi ............................. 1922-1986

Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya

01 Sep 1969               Libyan Arab Republic

01 Jan 1972 - 19 Nov 1977 Part of the Federation of Arab Republics

02 Mar 1977               Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya

23 Aug 2011               Tripoli falls to anti-Gaddafi rebels

20 Oct 2011               Fall of the regime after civil war

Government: "state of the masses"

Capital: Tripoli (Sirte 01 Sep - 20 Oct 2011).

Language: Arabic, Berber.

Religion: Islam, Christian.

National Anthem: "Allahu Akbar" ("God is Great").

National Motto: "Freedom, Socialism and Unity".

National Emblem: Hawk of Quraish.

National Day: Revolution day, 1st September (1969).

Currency: Libyan Dinar.

Leader of the Revolution

01 Sep 1969 - 20 Oct 2011 Col. Muammar Muhammad Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi .. 1942-2011

                          (fled Tripoli 20 Aug 2011)

20 Oct      - 19 Nov 2011 Saif al-Islam Gaddafi ........................ 1972-

                          (in rebellion, prisoner from 19 Nov 2011)

General Secretaries of the General People's Congress

01 Sep 1969 - 01 Mar 1979 Col. Muammar Muhammad Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi .. s.a       ASU

01 Mar 1979 - 07 Jan 1981 Abdul Ati al-Obeidi .......................... 1939-2023

07 Jan 1981 - 15 Feb 1984 Mohammed az-Zaruq Rajab ...................... 1940-

15 Feb 1984 - 07 Oct 1990 Mifta al-Usta Omar ........................... 1935-2010

07 Oct 1990 - 18 Nov 1992 Abdul Razzaq as-Sawsa

18 Nov 1992 - 03 Mar 2008 Zentani Mohammed az-Zentani .................. 1937-

03 Mar 2008 - 05 Mar 2009 Muftah Muhammad K'eba ........................ 1942-

05 Mar 2009 - 26 Jan 2010 Mubarak Abdallah al-Shamikh .................. 1950-

26 Jan 2010 - 08 Sep 2011 Muhammad Abu Al-Qasim al-Zwai ................ 1952-

                          (fled Tripoli 20 Aug 2011)

Prime Ministers

08 Sep 1969 - 16 Jan 1970 Mahmud Sulayman al-Maghribi .................. 1935-2009 ASU

16 Jan 1970 - 16 Jul 1972 Muammar Muhammad Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi ....... (s.a)     ASU

16 Jul 1972 - 02 Mar 1977 Abdul Salam Jalloud .......................... 1944-     ASU

General Secretaries of the General People's Committee

02 Mar 1977 - 02 Mar 1979 Abdul Ati al-Obeidi .......................... s.a

02 Mar 1979 - 23 Feb 1984 Jadallah Azzuz at-Talhi (1st Time) ........... 1939-2024

23 Feb 1984 - 02 Mar 1986 Muhammad az-Zaruq Rajab ...................... s.a

02 Mar 1986 - 02 Mar 1987 Jadallah Azzuz at-Talhi (2nd Time)

02 Mar 1987 - 07 Oct 1990 Umar Mustafa al-Muntasir ..................... 1939-2001

07 Oct 1990 - 29 Jan 1994 Abuzed Omar Dorda ............................ 1944-2022

29 Jan 1994 - 29 Dec 1997 Abdul Majid al-Qa`ud ......................... 1943-

29 Dec 1997 - 01 Mar 2000 Muhammad Ahmad al-Mangoush

01 Mar 2000 - 13 Jun 2003 Mubarak Abdullah al-Shamikh .................. s.a

13 Jun 2003 - 05 Mar 2006 Shukri Muhammad Ghanem ....................... 1942-2012

05 Mar 2006 - 01 Sep 2011 Al-Baghdadi Ali-Mahmudi ...................... 1945-

                          (fled to Tunisia 20 Aug 2011)

ASU=Arab Socialist Union (Arab nationalism, Nasserism [dissolved 1977])

State of Libya

Capital: Tripoli, (Benghazi 15 Feb - 20 Sep 2011 de facto).

Language: Arabic, Berber, Italian.

Religion: Islam, Christian.

National Anthem: "Libya, Libya, Libya".

National Motto:

National Emblem:

National Day: Day of Revolt, 17 February (2011).

Currency: Libyan Dinar.

Chairman of the Provisional Government (in Benghazi to 10 Sep 2011)

26 Feb 2011 - 08 Aug 2012 Mustafa Mohamad Abdul Jalil .................. 1952-     NTC

Chairmen of the General National Congress

08 Aug      - 10 Aug 2012 Mohammed Ali Salim ........................... 1935-

10 Aug 2012 - 28 May 2013 Mohammed Yousef el-Magariaf .................. 1940-

28 May      - 25 Jun 2013 Giuma Ahmad Attigha .......................... 1950-


25 Jun 2013 - 04 Aug 2014 Nouri Abusahmain ............................. 1956-

President of the House of Representatives

05 Aug 2014 - 10 Mar 2021 Akila Saleh Issa ............................. 1944-

                          (in opposition from 12 Mar 2016 [in Tobruk])

Presidents of the Presidential Council of the Government of National Accord

30 Mar 2016 - 10 Mar 2021 Fayez Mustafa al-Sarraj ...................... 1960-

                          (in Tripoli)

10 Mar 2021 -             Muhammed Younus al-Menfi ..................... 1976-

Chairmen of the National Transitional Council (provisional)

05 Mar      - 23 Oct 2011 Mahmoud Jibril el-Warfally ................... 1952-2020 NTC

                          (in rebellion in Benghazi to 10 Sep 2011)

23 Oct      - 24 Nov 2011 Ali Abdussalam Tarhouni ...................... 1951-     NTC

Prime Minister

24 Nov 2011 - 14 Nov 2012 Abdurrahim Abdulhafiz El-Keib ................ 1950-2020 NTC

Chairmen of the Provisional Governemnt

14 Nov 2012 - 11 Mar 2014 Ali Zeidan ................................... 1950-

11 Mar 2014 - 15 Mar  Abdullah al-Thani ............................ 1954-

                          (based in Tobruk, in opposition from 12 Mar 2016)

04 May      - 09 Jun 2014 Ahmed Matiq .................................. 1971-

                          (election declared unconstitutional)

Chairmen of the Counicl of Ministers

25 Aug 2014 - 01 Apr 2015 Omar al-Hassi (1st Time) ..................... 1949-

                          (in opposition in Tripoli)

01 Apr 2015 - 18 Oct 2016 Khalifa al-Ghawali (1st Time) ................ 1964-

                          (in opposition)

12 Mar 2016 - 15 Mar 2021 Fayez Mustafa al-Sarraj ...................... s.a

                          (in exile in Tunis, Tunisia to 30 Mar 2016)

14 Oct 2016 - 16 Mar 2017 Khalifa al-Ghawali (2nd Time)

                          (of the Tripoli based National Salvation Government)

01 Dec 2016 - 15 Mar 2021 Omar al-Hassi (2nd Time)

                          (Chairman of the High Council of Revolution,

                           in opposition in Tripoli)

15 Mar 2021 -             Abdul Hamid Muhammed Dbeibah ................. 1959-

03 Mar 2022 -             Fathi Ali Abdul Salam Bashagha ............... 1962-

                          (in opposition in Tobruk)

16 May 2023 -             Osama Saad Hammad Saleh


DP=Democratic Party (Secularissm)

JCP=Justice and Construction Party (Islamism, conservativism)

NFA=National Forces Alliance (liberalism)

NFP=National Front Party (liberalism, progressivism)

NTC=National Transitional Council (anti-Qaddafi militant alliance, est. 27 Feb 2011)