
Former Polities of England


575 - 870                 Part of the Kingdom of East Anglia

870 - 917                 Danish rule

917                       Part of England

1209                      Cambridge University founded

875                       Osketil

875                       Anwend

1139 - 1161               de Roumare, William I, Earl of Cambridge

1340 - 1361               de Juliers, William II, Earl of Cambridge

1362 - 1402               Plantagenate, Edmund of Langley

1402 - 1414               Plantagenate, Edward I

1414 - 1415               Plantagenate, Richard of Conisburgh

1459 - 1460               Plantagenate, Richard II

1460 - 1461               Plantagenate, Edward II

1619 - 1625               Hamilton, James I

1625 - 1649               Hamilton, James II

1649 - 1651               Hamilton, William III

1659 - 1660               Stuart, Henry


1660 - 1661               Charles Stuart, Duke of Cambridge

1664 - 1667               James Stuart, Duke of Cambridge

1667 - 1671               Edgar Stuart, 1st Duke of Cambridge

       1706 - 11 Jun 1727 Hannover, George 1st Duke of Cambridge

01 Jan 1801 - 08 Jul 1850 Hannover, Adolphus, 1st Duke of Cambridge

08 Jul 1850 - 17 Mar 1904 Hannover, Prince George, 2nd Duke of Cambridge

23 Jul 1917 - 23 Oct 1927 Wurrtemberg, Adolphus Karl Alexander Albert Edward

                           George Philip, 1st Marquess of Cambridge

23 Oct 1927 - 16 Apr 1981 Cambridge, George Francis Hugh,

                           2nd Marquess of Cambridge .....................

29 Apr 2011 -             Oldenburg, Prince William Arthur Philip Louis,

                           1st Duke of Cambridge ............................. 1982-


11 Jul 1533               Archbishop excomunicated from Rome

   Nov 1534               Act of Supremacy bestows the head of the church to the Monarch

   Sep 1553 - 08 May 1558 Allegiance to Rome restored


       597  - 26 May 604  St. Augustine of Canterbury

604 - 02 Feb 619          St. Laurence of Canterbury

619 - 24 Apr 624          St. Mellitus

624 - 10 Nov 627/31       St. Justus

627/31 - 30 Sep 653       St. Honorius

       655 - 14 Jul 664   St, Deusdedit

666 - 668                 Wigheard

                          (did not take office)

26 Mar 668 - 19 Sep 690   St. Theodore of Tarsus ....................... 602-690

01 Jul 692 - 13 Jan 731   St. Berhtwald

10 Jun 731 - 30 Jun 734   St. Tatwine

       735 - 17 Oct 739   St. Nothhelm

       740 - 26 Oct 760   Cuthbert

27 Sep 761 - 764          Bregowine

02 Feb 765 - 12 Aug 792   Jænberht

21 Jul 793 - 12 May 805   Æthelhard

   Oct 805 - 21 Mar 832   Wulfred

08 Jun     - 30 Aug 832   Feologild

27 Jul 833 - 04 Feb 870   Ceolnoth

       870 - 30 Jun 888   Æthelred

       890 - 02 Aug 923   Plegmund

       923 - 08 Jan 926   Æðelhelm

       926 - 12 Feb 941   Wulfhelm

       941 - 02 Jun 958   Oda "the Good"

958 - 959                 Ælfsige

959                       Byrhthelm

959 - 988                 Dunstan

       988 - 13 Feb 990   Æthelgar

       990 - 28 Oct 994   Sigeric "the Serious"

21 Apr 995  - 16 Nov 1005 Ælfric of Abingdon

       1006 - 19 Apr 1012 Ælfheah ...................................... 953-1012

       1013 - 12 Jun 1020 Lyfing ....................................... 9..-1020

13 Nov 1020 - 29 Oct 1038 Æthelnoth ....................................    -1038

       1038 - 29 Oct 1050 Eadsige

1051 - 1052               Robert of Jumièges

       1052 - 11 Apr 1070 Stigand

   Aug 1070 - 24 May 1089 Lanfranc ..................................... 1005-1089

04 Dec 1093 - 21 Apr 1109 Anselm of Bec ................................ 1033-1109

26 Apr 1114 - 02 Oct 1122 Ralph d'Escures

22 Jul 1123 - 21 Nov 1136 William de Corbeil

08 Jan 1139 - 18 Apr 1161 Theobald of Bec .............................. 1090-1161

24 May 1162 - 29 Dec 1170 Thomas Becket (St. Thomas of Canterbury) ..... 1119-1170

   Feb      - 05 Apr 1173 Roger de Bailleul ............................ 11..-1179


07 Apr 1174 - 16 Feb 1184 Richard of Dover ............................. 11..-1184

   Dec 1184 - 19 Nov 1190 Baldwin of Forde ............................. 1125-1190

27 Nov      - 26 Dec 1191 Reginald FitzJocelin ......................... 11..-1191

                          (did not take office)

29 May 1193 - 13 Jul 1205 Hubert Walter ................................ 1160-1205

   Oct 1205 - 20 Dec 1206 Reginald

                          (election quashed by Pope Innocent III)

11 Dec 1205 - 30 Mar 1206 John de Gray ................................. 11..-1214

                          (election quashed by Pope Innocent III)

17 Jun 1207 - 09 Jul 1228 Stephen cardinal Langton ..................... 1150-1228

03 Aug 1228 - 05 Jan 1229 Walter de Hempsham

10 Jun 1229 - 03 Aug 1231 Richard le Grant ............................. 11..-1231

22 Sep      - 20 Dec 1231 Ralph Neville ................................ 11..-1244

                          (election quashed by Pope Gregory IX)

16 Mar      - 12 Jun 1232 John of Sittingbourne ........................ 11..-1238

                          (election quashed by Pope Gregory IX)

26 Aug 1232 - 01 Jun 1233 John Blund ................................... 1175-1248

                           (election quashed by Pope Gregory IX)

02 Apr 1234 - 16 Nov 1240 Edmund of Abingdon ........................... 1174-1240

01 Feb 1241 - 18 Jul 1270 Boniface of Savoy ............................ 12..-1270

                          (left England Nov 1268)

09 Nov 1270 - 1272        William Chillenden ........................... 12..-1274

                          (election quashed by Pope Gregory X)

26 Feb 1273 - 05 Jun 1278 Robert Kilwardby ............................. 1215-1279

   Jul 1278 -    Jan 1279 Robert Burnell ............................... 1239-1292

                          (election quashed by Pope Nicholas III)

25 Jan 1279 - 08 Dec 1292 John Peckham ................................. 1230-1292

13 Feb 1293 - 11 May 1313 Robert Winchelsea ............................ 1245-1313

28 May      - 01 Oct 1313 Thomas Cobham ................................ 12..-1327

                          (election quashed by Pope Clement V)

01 Oct 1313 - 16 Nov 1327 Walter Reynolds .............................. 12..-1327

11 Dec 1327 - 12 Oct 1333 Simon Meopham ................................ 12..-1333

03 Nov 1333 - 23 Aug 1348 John de Stratford ............................ 1275-1348

14 Dec 1348 - 20 May 1349 John de Ufford ............................... 12..-1249

04 Jun      - 26 Aug 1349 Thomas Bradwardine ........................... 1300-1349

20 Dec 1349 - 26 Apr 1366 Simon Islip .................................. 13..-1366

       1366               William Edington, Bishop of Winchester ....... 13..-1366

24 Jul 1366 - 28 Nov 1368 Simon cardinal de Langham .................... 1310-1376

11 Oct 1368 - 05 Jun 1374 William Whittlesea ........................... 13..-1374

04 May 1375 - 14 May 1381 Simon Theobald of Sudbury .................... 1316-1381

31 Jul 1381 - 31 Jul 1396 William Courtenay ............................ 1342-1396

25 Sep 1396 - 1397        Thomas Arundel ............................... 1353-1414

                          (1st Time)

08 Nov 1397 - 19 Oct 1399 Roger Walden ................................. 13..-1406

19 Oct 1399 - 19 Feb 1414 Thomas Arundel (2nd Time)

12 Mar 1414 - 12 Apr 1443 Henry Chicheley .............................. 1364-1443

13 May 1443 - 25 May 1452 John Stafford ................................ 13..-1452

21 Jul 1452 - 22 Mar 1454 John Cardinal Kempe .......................... 1380-1454

23 Apr 1454 - 30 Mar 1486 Thomas Cardinal Bourchier .................... 1404-1486

06 Oct 1486 - 15 Sep 1500 John Cardinal Morton ......................... 1420-1500

22 Jan      - 27 Jan 1501 Thomas Langton ............................... 14..-1501

                          (Died before he could take office)

26 Apr 1501 - 17 Feb 1503 Henry Dean ................................... 1440-1503

29 Nov 1503 - 22 Aug 1532 William Warham ............................... 1450-1532

04 Dec 1533 - 04 Dec 1554 Thomas Cranmer ............................... 1489-1556

                          (Excommunicated by Rome for heresy)

22 Mar 1556 - 17 Nov 1558 Reginald Cardinal Pole ....................... 1500-1558

                          (Last Roman Catholic Archbishop)

19 Dec 1559 - 17 May 1575 Matthew Parker ............................... 1504-1575

29 Dec 1575 - 06 Jul 1583 Edmund Grindal ............................... 1519-1583

14 Aug 1583 - 29 Feb 1604 John Whitgift ................................ 1530-1604

09 Oct 1604 - 02 Nov 1610 Richard Bancroft ............................. 1544-1610

04 Mar 1611 - 05 Aug 1633 George Abbot ................................. 1562-1633

06 Aug 1633 - 10 Jan 1645 William Laud ................................. 1573-1645

10 Jan 1645 - 02 Sep 1660 Vacant

02 Sep 1660 - 04 Jun 1663 William Juxon ................................ 1582-1663

16 Jun 1663 - 09 Nov 1677 Gilbert Sheldon .............................. 1598-1677

27 Jan 1678 - 31 Jan 1690 William Sancroft ............................. 1617-1663

31 May 1691 - 22 Nov 1694 John Tillotson ............................... 1630-1694

16 Jan 1695 - 14 Dec 1715 Thomas Tenison ............................... 1636-1715

16 Jan 1716 - 24 Jan 1737 William Wake ................................. 1657-1737

28 Feb 1737 - 10 Oct 1747 John Potter .................................. 1674-1747

24 Nov 1747 - 13 Mar 1757 Thomas Herring ............................... 1693-1757

29 Apr 1757 - 19 Mar 1758 Matthew Hutton ............................... 1693-1758

21 Apr 1758 - 03 Aug 1768 Thomas Secker ................................ 1693-1768

30 Sep 1768 - 19 Mar 1783 Frederick Cornwallis ......................... 1713-1783

26 Apr 1783 - 18 Jan 1805 John Moore ................................... 1733-1805

21 Feb 1805 - 21 Jul 1828 Charles Manners-Sutton ....................... 1755-1828

15 Aug 1828 - 11 Feb 1848 William Howley ............................... 1765-1848

10 Mar 1848 - 06 Sep 1862 John Bird Sumner ............................. 1780-1862

26 Nov 1862 - 28 Oct 1868 Charles Thomas Longley ....................... 1794-1868

30 Dec 1868 - 01 Dec 1882 Archibald Campbell Tait ...................... 1811-1882

03 Mar 1883 - 11 Oct 1896 Edward White Benson .......................... 1829-1896

22 Dec 1896 - 22 Dec 1902 Frederick Temple ............................. 1821-1902

06 Feb 1903 - 12 Nov 1928 Randall Thomas Davidson ...................... 1848-1930

30 Nov 1928 - 31 Mar 1942 William Cosmo Gordon Lang .................... 1864-1945

17 Apr 1942 - 26 Oct 1944 William Temple ............................... 1881-1944

02 Feb 1945 - 31 May 1961 Geoffrey Francis Fisher ...................... 1887-1972

21 Jun 1961 - 15 Nov 1974 Arthur Michael Ramsey ........................ 1904-1988

05 Dec 1974 - 25 Jan 1980 Frederick Donald Coggan ...................... 1909-2000

25 Feb 1980 - 31 Jan 1991 Robert Alexander Kennedy Runcie .............. 1921-2000

19 Apr 1991 - 31 Oct 2002 George Leonard Carey ......................... 1935-

02 Dec 2002 - 31 Dec 2012 Rowan Douglas Williams ....................... 1950-

04 Feb 2013 -             Justin Portal Welby .......................... 1956-

County Palatine of Chester

1067                      Norman created Earldom of Chester

c. Late 1100s             'Honour of Chester' County Palatine of Chester

06 Jun 1237               Passed to the English Crown

21 Sep 1327 -             Conferred to the Prince of Wales

1398 - 1399               Principality of Chester



1067 - 1070               Gerbod of Flanders

       1070 - 27 Jul 1101 Hugh d'Avranches "le Gros" ........................ 10..-1101

27 Jul 1101 - 25 Nov 1120 Richard d'Avranches ............................... 1094-1120

25 Nov 1120 -    Jan 1129 Ranulf I le Meschin ............................... 1070-1129

   Jan 1129 - 16 Dec 1153 Ranulf II de Gernon ............................... 1099-1153

16 Dec 1153 - 30 Jun 1181 Hugh de Kevelioc .................................. 1147-1181

30 Jun 1181 - 26 Oct 1232 Ranulf III de Blondeville ......................... 1170-1232

26 Oct      - 21 Nov 1232 Matilda of Chester, Countess of Huntingdon ........ 1171-1233

21 Nov 1232 - 06 Jun 1237 Sean of Scotland .................................. 1207-1237

1254 - 1264               Edward Longshanks, Lord of Chester ................ 1239-1307

       1264 - 04 Aug 1265 Simon de Montfort ................................. 1208-1265

       1301 - 07 Jul 1307 Edward of Caernarvon .............................. 1284-1327

13 Nov 1312 - 21 Sep 1327 Prince Edward of England and France,

                           Duke of Aquitaine ................................ 1312-1377

21 Sep 1327 -             The Princes of Wales

Cornwall (Kernow)

Celtic tribes

Part of the Kingdom of Dumnonia

Cornish Kingdom

To Wessex

1050     To England therafter

1068-    Title "Duke of Cornwall" created for the Heir to the English throne.

17 Mar 1337 Royal Duchy of Cornwall

1496 - 17 Jun 1497 Cornish rebellion



c.1 AD Thanor, King of Cornwall

c.5 AD Felix, King of Cornwall

c.6 AD Margh, King of Cornwall

... - ... Sefyl

290 - 305 Conan, Duke of Cornwall

305 - 340 Donault, Duke of Cornwall

500 - 501 Gwlhys

501 - 503 Arthoun (King Arthur)

710 - 715 Ithel Eiddyn ap Donyarth

730 - 750 Dyfnwal Boifunall ap Ithel Dyfnwal of Boifunall

750 - 770 Cawrdolli ap Dyfnwal

770 - 790 Oswallt ap Cawrdolli

790 - 810 Hernam ap Oswallt

810 - 830 Hopkin ap Hernam

830 - 850 Mordaf ap Hopkin

850 - 865 Fferferdyn ap Mordaf

865 - 876 Donyarth

880 - 890 Eluid ap Fferferdyn

890 - 900 Alanorus ap Eluid

900 - 910 Rictatus

910 - 926 Hoel II

926 - 937 Conan II

940       Rolope ap Alanorus

960       Vortegyn Helin ap Rolope Vortegyn

980       Veffyne ap Vortegyn

980 - 1000 Alured ap Veffyne

1000 - 1010 Godwyn ap Alured

1010        Herbert FitzGodwyn

1050 - 1066 Cadoc of Cornwall


1068 - 1091 d'Montrain, Robert, Earl of Cornwall

1091 - 1104 d'Montrain, William FitzRobert, Earl of Cornwall

1040 - 1141 d'Bretagne, Alan, Earl of Cornwall

1141 - 1175 Dunstanville, Rainald, Duke of Cornwall

1227 - 1272 Plantagenet, Richard I, Duke of Cornwall

1272 - 1300 Plantagenet, Edmund of Almayne

1307 - 1310 Gaveston, Piers, Earl of Cornwall

1327 - 1336 Plantagenet, John of Eltham

Dukes of Cornwall (Royal Dukedom)

17 Mar 1337 - 08 Jun 1376 Plantagenet, Edward of Woodstock "The Black Prince"

08 Jun 1376 - 22 Jun 1377 Plantagenet, Richard of Bordeaux .................. 1367-1400

   Nov 1399 - 21 Mar 1413 Lancaster, Henry of Monmouth ...................... 1386-1422

06 Dec 1421 - 31 Aug 1422 Lancaster, Henry, Duke of Aquitaine ............... 1421-1471

13 Oct 1453 - 04 May 1471 Lancaster, Edward of Westminster .................. 1453-1471

04 May 1471 - 26 Jun 1483 Plantagenet, Edward, Prince of Wales .............. 1470-1483

26 Jun 1483 - 09 Apr 1484 Plantagenet, Edward of Middleham .................. 1473-1484

20 Sep 1486 - 02 Apr 1502 Tudor, Prince Arthur of Wales ..................... 1486-1502

02 Apr 1502 - 21 Apr 1509 Tudor, Henry, Duke of York ........................ 1491-1547

01 Jan      - 22 Feb 1511 Tudor, Henry, Duke of Cornwall .................... 1511

12 Oct 1537 - 28 Jan 1547 Tudor, Edward, Prince of Wales  ................... 1537-1553

24 Mar 1603 - 06 Nov 1612 Stuart, Henry Frederick, Prince of Wales .......... 1594-1612

06 Nov 1612 - 27 Mar 1625 Stuart, Charles, Duke of Albany ................... 1600-1649

29 May 1630 - 30 Jan 1649 Stuart, Charles, Duke of Rothesay ................. 1630-1685

22 Jun 1727 - 20 Mar 1751 Hannover, Friedrich Ludwig, Prince of Wales ....... 1707-1751

12 Aug 1762 - 29 Jan 1820 Hannover, George Augustus Frederick ............... 1762-1830

09 Nov 1841 - 22 Jan 1901 Wettin, Albert Edward, Prince of Wales ............ 1841-1910

22 Jan 1901 - 06 May 1910 Wettin, George Frederick Ernest Albert ............ 1865-1936

06 May 1910 - 20 Jan 1936 Wettin, Edward Albert Christian George

                           Andrew Patrick David ............................. 1894-1972

14 Nov 1973 - 08 Sep 2022 Oldenburg, Charles Philip Arthur George,

                           Duke of Cornwall ................................. 1948-

08 Sep 2022 -             Oldenburg, Prince William Arthur Philip Louis ..... s.a

President of the Council

       18.. - 14 Dec 1861 Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha ............ 1819-1861

Dumnonii (Devonshire)

Dumnonia a celtic peptit kingdom

710 Conquered by the Anglo-Saxon Kingdom of Wessex

8.. Jarlerdom of Defnascir

1100-1461 Earldom of Devonshire a Norman fief of the de Courtenay family

1470 "Earl of Devon" a peerage of England


340 - 387 Mariadoc, Conan Meriadoc

387 - 390 Mariadoc, Gadeon ap Conan

387 - 400 Mariadoc, Guoremor ap Gadeon

400 - 410 Mariadoc, Tutwal ap Guoremor

410 - 435 Mariadoc, Conomor ap Tutwal

435 - 443 Mariadoc, Constantine Corneu ap Conomar

443 - 480 Mariadoc, Erbin ap Cobstantine

480 - 514 Mariadoc, Gereint I ap Erbin

514 - 530 Mariadoc, Cador ap Gerren

530 - 560 Mariadoc, St. Custennin ap Cador

550 - 570 Mariadoc, Hoel of Brittany

550 - 570 Mariadoc, Marc

570       Mariadoc, Tristan

560 - 598 Mariadoc, Gereint II rac Denau

598 - 613 Mariadoc, Bledric ap Custennin

613 - 633 Mariadoc, Clemen ap Bledric

633 - 654 Mariadoc, Petroc ap Clemen

659 - 661 Mariadoc, Culmin ap Petroc

661 - 700 Mariadoc, Donyarth ap Culmin

700 - 710 Mariadoc, Gereint III

Saxon Jarls

8.. - 878 Odda I

9.. - 950 Ordmaier

960s Ordgar

981 Ordulf

1010 Æthelmar

1048 - 1056 Odda II

County Palatine of Durham

       1071               Bishop of Durham granted palatine powers

04 Feb 1536               Bishops semi-regal power abolished by Act of Resumption

31 Dec 1540               Durham Abbey dissolved

28 Sep 1559               Removal of last Roman Catholic Bishop

02 Sep 1640 - 20 Aug 1641 Scottish occupation

09 Oct 1646               County Palatine abolished

02 Dec 1660               Restored

21 Feb 1836               Autonomy ended, territory fully integrated into England

31 Dec 1971               Separate palatine courts abolished


Prince-Bishops of Durham

       1071 - 14 May 1080 William Walcher

09 Nov 1080 - 02 Jan 1096 William de St-Calais

29 May 1099 - 05 Sep 1128 Ranulf Flambard

14 May 1133 - 06 May 1141 Geoffrey Rufus

14 Mar 1143 - 13 Nov 1152 William of St. Barbe

12 Jan 1153 - 03 Mar 1195 Hugh du Puiset

   Nov 1195 - 22 Apr 1208 Philip of Poitiers

29 Jun 1217 - 01 May 1226 Richard de Marsh

14 May 1228 - 15 Apr 1237 Richard le Poore

10 Feb 1241 - 02 Feb 1249 Nicholas Farnham

20 Oct 1249 - 09 Aug 1260 Walter Kirkham

05 Dec 1260 - 04 Aug 1274 Robert Stitchill

08 Nov 1274 - 07 Jun 1283 Robert of Holy Island

04 Sep 1283 - 03 Mar 1311 Antony Bek

20 May 1311 - 09 Oct 1316 Richard Kellaw

09 Feb 1317 - 24 Sep 1333 Lewis de Beaumont

14 Oct 1333 - 14 Apr 1345 Richard de Bury

01 Jun 1345 - 08 May 1381 Thomas Hatfield

09 Sep 1381 - 03 Apr 1388 John Fordham

03 Apr 1388 - 23 Mar 1406 Walter Skirlaw

14 May 1406 - 20 Nov 1437 Thomas Langley

27 Jan 1438 - 09 Jul 1457 Robert Neville

22 Aug 1457 - 01 Sep 1476 Laurence Booth

01 Sep 1476 - 29 Sep 1483 William Dudley

29 Mar 1484 - 14 Jan 1494 John Shirwood

30 Jul 1494 - 20 Aug 1501 Richard Fox

15 Oct 1502 - 1505        William Senhouse

27 Aug 1507 - 20 Sep 1508 Christopher Bainbridge

12 Jun 1509 - 04 Feb 1523 Thomas Ruthall

30 Apr 1523 - 08 Feb 1529 Thomas Cardinal Wolsey

21 Feb 1530 - 28 Sep 1559 Cuthbert Tunstal

02 Mar 1561 - 23 Jan 1576 James Pilkington

09 May 1577 - 24 Aug 1587 Richard Barnes

27 Jul 1589 - 24 Mar 1595 Matthew Hutton

13 Apr 1595 - 28 Aug 1606 Tobias Matthew   

07 Sep 1606 - 12 May 1617 William James

09 Oct 1617 - 07 Feb 1628 Richard Neile                     

19 Feb 1628 - 01 Jul 1628 George Monteigne

17 Sep 1628 - 06 Feb 1632 John Howson

02 Jul 1632 - 09 Oct 1646 Thomas Morton ..................................... 1564-1659

                          (Nominal title of Bishop to 22 Sep 1659)

02 Dec 1660 - 15 Jan 1672 John Cosin ........................................ 1694-1672

06 Dec 1674 - 18 Sep 1721 Baron Nathaniel Crewe ............................. 1633-1721

07 Nov 1721 - 10 Oct 1730 Willaim Talbot .................................... 1658-1730

21 Nov 1730 - 20 Jul 1750 Edward Chandler ................................... 1668-1730

16 Oct 1750 - 16 Jun 1752 Joseph Butler ..................................... 1692-1752

07 Dec 1752 - 09 Jun 1771 Richard Trevor .................................... 1707-1771

20 Jul 1771 - 30 Jan 1787 John Egerton ...................................... 1721-1787

19 Feb 1787 - 27 May 1791 Thomas Thurlow .................................... 1737-1791

07 Jul 1791 - 25 Mar 1826 Shute Barrington .................................. 1734-1826

24 Apr 1826 - 21 Feb 1836 William van Mildert ............................... 1765-1836

East Englena (East Anglia)

25 CE Iceni State

5..-870 Anglo-Saxon Kingdom of the East Angles (East Engla Rice)

870-917 Viking Kingdom

918      Incorporated into England

9..-1075 Earldom of East Anglia


Kings of the Iceni

25 Antedios

59-60 Prasutagus

59-61 Queen Boedicca

      (Boudica or Boedacia)

Cyning (Kings of the East Angles)

590 - 616               Wuffingas, Redwald

       616 - 04 Oct 627 Wuffingas, Earpwald

04 Oct 627 - 630        Wuffingas, Ricberht

       630 - 29 Oct 635 Wuffingas, Sigebert

635 - 639               Wuffingas, Egric

639 - 653               Wuffingas, Annah

       653 - 10 Nov 655 Wuffingas, Æthelhere Enan sunu

654 - 664               Wuffingas, Æthelwold I

664 - 713               Wuffingas, Aldwulf

713 - 749               Wuffingas, Aldwold

749 - 753               Wuffingas, Hunn

749 - 759               Wuffingas, Beorna

749 - 754               Wuffingas, Albert

759 - 777               Wuffingas, Æthelred I

       777 - 20 May 794 Wuffingas, Æthelbert

20 May 794 - 825        Wuffingas, Eadwald

825 - 840               Wuffingas, Æthelstan

840 - 855               Wuffingas, Æthelward

       855 - 20 Nov 869 Wuffingas, Edmund

870 - 876               Wuffingas, Oswald

876 - 879               Wuffingas, Æthelred II

879 - 890               Wuffingas, Guthrum I Ætheltan

       890 - 13 Dec 902 Wuffingas, Eric

902 - 917               Wuffingas, Guthrum II

                        (in rebellion)


930 - 931               Ælfred

950 - 956               Æthelstan II

956 - 959               .....

959 - 963               Ordgar

963                     Æthelwold II

963 - 992               Æthelwine

992 - 1016              Ulfcytel Snylling

1016 - 1021             Thorkel Strut-Haraldsson

1021 - 1044             .....

1044 - 1066             Cerdicingas, Harald Godwinson

1057 - 1066             Cerdicingas, Gyth

1069 - 1075             Ralph de Guader

1075                    Roger Bigod

Style: Éast-Englena cyning. Lat: Rex Anglorum orientalium.

East Seaxna (Essex)

5.. Jutish Kingdom of the East Saxons

812 - 825 Part of Mercia

825 - 860 Eldormandom of Eastsaex under Wessex

20 Dec 860 Annexed by Wessex

1139 Norman Earldom of Essex part of the peerage of England

Cyning (Kings)

527-580 Æscwiningas, Sledda Æscwine

600-616 Æscwiningas, Sæberht

616-623 Æscwiningas, Sæxraed

616-623 Æscwiningas, Sæward

616-623 Æscwiningas, Saexbald

623-653 Æscwiningas, Sigebeorht I "The Little"

650-653 Æscwiningas, Sigebeorht II "Tho Holy"

653-663 Æscwiningas, Swithhelm

663-688 Æscwiningas, Sigehere

663-692 Æscwiningas, Sæbbi

692-707 Æscwiningas, Sigeheard

693-707 Æscwiningas, Swæfread

707-709 Æscwiningas, Offa

709-746 Æscwiningas, Sælraed

709-738 Æscwiningas, Swæfbryht

746-759 Æscwiningas, Swithraed

759-798 Æscwiningas, Sigeric I

798-825 Æscwiningas, Sigaered

Saxon Elderman

833 Sigeric (II)

867 Beorhtweald

... - ... Alfgar

956 - 991 Byrhtnoth

994 - 1002 Leofsige

Earls of Essex

1140 - 1144 de Mandeville, Geoffrey

1156 - 1166 de Mandeville, Geoffrey

1166 - 1189 de Mandeville, William

1199 - 1213 FitzPeter, Geoffrey

1213 - 1216 de Mandeville, Geoffrey

1216 - 1217 de Mandeville, William

1217 - 1227 de mandeville, Maud

1220 - 1236 de Bohun, Henry

1236 - 1275 de Bohun, Humphrey I

1275 - 1297 de Bohun, Humphrey II

1297 - 1298 de Bohun, Humphrey III

1298 - 1322 de Bohun, Humphrey IV

1322 - 1336 de Bohun, John

1336 - 1361 de Bohun, Humphrey V

1361 - 1373 de Bohun, Humphrey VI

1380 - 1397 Woodstock, Thomas

Style: Éastseaxena cyning. Lat: Rex orientalium Saxonum.


c. 471 Petty Kingdom of Gloui

1121 Norman Earldom of Gloucester

1414 Dukedom of Gloucester

1461 To the Crown thereafter

Kings of Caer Gloui

471 - 480                 Vortigern II

480 - 488                 Ambrosius Aurelianus


1121 - 1147 Robert FitzHenry

1153 - 1183 William FitzRobert

1183 - 1199 Plantagenet, Prince John of England

1200 - 1213 Montfort, Amaury

1215 - 1216 Mandeville, Geoffrey

1218 - 1230 de Clare, Gilbert I

1230 - 1262 de Clare, Richard

1262 - 1295 de Clare, Gilbert II "the Red"

1295 - 1314 de Clare, Gilbert III

1337 - 1347 de Audley, Hugh


1385 - 1397 Plantagenet, Thomas of Woodstock

1397 - 1399 le Despencer, Thomas

1414 - 1447 le Despencer, Humphrey

1461 - 1483 York, Richard

1659 - 1660 Stuart, Henry

1689 - 1700 Stuart, William

19 Nov 1764 - 25 Aug 1805 Welf, Prince William Henry ........................ 1743-1805

25 Aug 1805 - 30 Nov 1834 Welf, Prince William Frederick .................... 1776-1834

31 Mar 1928 - 10 Jun 1974 Wettin, Prince Henry William Frederick Albert ..... 1900-1974

10 Jun 1974 -             Wettin, Prince Richard Alexander Walter George .... 1944-

Palatine County of the Isle of Ely

1107                      County Palatine of the Isle of Ely

04 Feb 1536               County Palatine status ended by Act of Resumption

1836                      Last remaining secular powers of the Bishop abolished,

                           Ely incorporated into Cambridgeshire

31 Dec 1971               Separate courts abolished


Bishops of Ely

   Oct 1109 - 30 Aug 1131 Hervey le Breton .................................. 10..-1131

01 Oct 1133 - 30 May 1169 Nigel

06 Oct 1174 - 21 Aug 1189 Geoffrey Ridel

15 Sep 1189 - 1197        William de Longchamp

08 Mar 1198 - 04 Feb 1215 Eustace

14 Apr 1215 -    Dec 1219 Robert of York

                          (election quashed 11 May 1219)

24 Jan 1220 - 06 May 1225 John of Fountains

   Jun 1225 - 08 Dec 1228 Geoffrey de Burgh ................................. 1180-1228

03 Feb 1229 - 06 Aug 1254 Hugh of Northwold

29 Sep 1254 - 21 Sep 1256 William of Kilkenny

   Nov 1256 - 16 Jun 1286 Hugh de Balsham

26 Jul 1286 - 26 Mar 1290 John Kirkby

12 May 1290 - 25 Mar 1298 William of Louth

       1298 - 05 Jun 1299 John Salmon ....................................... 12..-1325

                          (election quashed by Pope Boniface VIII)

       1298 - 05 Jun 1299 John Langton ...................................... 12..-1337

                          (King's candidate, election quashed by Pope Boniface VIII)

05 Jun 1298 - 20 Mar 1302 Ralph Walpole

14 Aor 1302 - 21 Jan 1310 Robert Orford

02 Mar 1310 - 14 May 1316 John Ketton

20 Jun 1316 - 14 Jan 1337 John Hotham

14 Mar 1337 - 20 Jun 1345 Simon Montacute

15 Jul 1345 - 23 Jun 1361 Thomas de Lisle ................................... 1298-1361

10 Jan 1362 - 24 Jul 1366 Simon de Langham .................................. 1310-1376

15 Dec 1366 - 08 Jun 1373 John Barnet

14 Aug 1373 - 03 Apr 1388 Thomas Arundel .................................... 1353-1414

03 Apr 1388 - 19 Nov 1425 John Fordham

27 Feb 1426 - 25 Oct 1435 Philip Morgan

27 Sep 1437 - 18 Sep 1443 Louis II de Luxembourg

       1443 - 1454        Thomas Cardinal Bouchier .......................... 1404-1486

21 Jun 1454 - 04 Apr 1478 William Grey

08 Aug 1478 - 06 Oct 1486 John Morton ....................................... 1420-1500

06 Oct 1486 - 01 Oct 1500 John Alcock ....................................... 1430-1500

26 May 1501 - 24 Aug 1505 Richard Redman

       1506 - 22 Mar 1515 Jammes Stanley .................................... 1465-1515

   May 1515 - 28 Apr 1533 Nicolas West ...................................... 1461-1533

       1534 - 10 May 1554 Thomas Goodricke .................................. 1494-1554

   Jul 1554 - 05 Jul 1559 Thomas Thirlby .................................... 1506-1570

       1559 - 22 Jul 1581 Richard Cox ....................................... 1500-1581

1600 - 1609               Martin Heton ...................................... 1554-1609

       1609 -    Feb 1619 Lancelot Andrewes ................................. 1555-1626

1619 - 1626               Nicholas Felton ................................... 1555-1626

       1628 - 23 May 1631 John Buckeridge ................................... 1562-1631

15 Nov 1631 -    Feb 1638 Francis White ..................................... 1564-1638

   Mar 1638 - 24 Apr 1667 Matthew Wren ...................................... 1585-1667

   Jun 1667 - 24 Jan 1675 Benhamin Lany ..................................... 1591-1675

   Mar 1675 - 06 Jul 1684 Peter Gunning ..................................... 1614-1684

16 Jul 1684 - 05 Feb 1691 Francis Turner .................................... 1637-1700

05 Feb 1691 - 31 May 1707 Simon Patrick ..................................... 1626-1707

   Jun 1707 - 31 Jul 1714 John Moore ........................................ 1646-1714

01 Aug 1714 - 04 Aug 1723 William Fleetwood ................................. 1656-1723

04 Aug 1723 - 18 May 1738 Thomas Green ...................................... 1658-1738

18 May 1738 - 26 Jan 1748 Robert Butts ...................................... 1684-1748

26 Jan 1748 - 14 Feb 1754 Sir Thomas Gooch,

                           2nd Baronet of Benacre ........................... 1674-1754

14 Feb 1754 - 23 Nov 1770 Matthias Mawson ................................... 1683-1770

22 Jan 1771 - 06 Jul 1781 Edmund Keene ...................................... 1714-1781

08 Jul 1781 - 26 Aug 1808 James Yorke ....................................... 1730-1808

26 Aug 1808 - 13 May 1812 Thomas Dampier .................................... 1748-1812

14 May 1812 - 04 Apr 1836 Bowyer Edward Sparke .............................. 1759-1836

04 Apr 1836 - 20 Mar 1845 Joseph Allen ...................................... 1770-1845

       1845 - 07 Jan 1864 Thomas Turton ..................................... 1780-1864

29 Mar 1864 - 21 May 1885 Edward Harold Browne .............................. 1811-1891

1886 - 1905               Lord Alwyne Compton ............................... 1825-1906

1905 - 1924               Frederic Henry Chase .............................. 1853-1925

       1924 - 31 Dec 1933 Leonard Jauncey White-Thomson ..................... 1863-1933

1934 - 1940               Bernard Oliver Francis Heywood .................... 1871-1960

       1941 - 12 Aug 1956 Harold Edward Wynn ................................ 1889-1956

18 Jan 1957 - 1963        Noel Baring Hudson ................................ 1893-1970

1964 - 1977               Edward James Keymer Roberts ....................... 1908-2001

1977 - 1989               Peter Knight Walker ............................... 1919-2010

02 May 1990 - 2000        Stephen Whitefield Sykes .......................... 1939-2014

10 May 2000 - 28 Feb 2010 Anthony John Russell .............................. 1943-

06 Dec 2010 -             Stephen David Conway .............................. 1957-

Kent (Cant)

c.500 Cant Rice (Kingdom of Kent)

31 Aug 686 - 687 Under West Saxon rule

798        Under Mercia

20 Dec 860 Annexed by Wessex

866 Saxon Eldermanship

1066      Given to the Bishop of Bayreaux the

          half brother of William the Conquerer

1710      Duchy of Kent

1799      Royal Dukedom

Cyning (Kings)

455 - 488 Hengistas, Hengest

4.. - 5.. Hengistas, Horsa

488 - 512 Hengistas, Oisic

512 - 540 Hengistas, Octha

540 - 590 Hengistas, Eormeníc

       590 - 24 Feb 616 Hengistas, Ædelberht I Eormenríces sunu

24 Feb 616 - 20 Jan 640 Hengistas, Éadelbald Æthelberhtes sunu

24 Feb 616 - 62.        Hengistas, Ædelwald Æthelberhtes sunu


20 Jan 640 - 14 Jul 664 Hengistas, Eorcenberht Éadbaldes sunu

14 Jul 664 - 04 Jul 673 Hengistas, Ecgberht I Eorcenberhtes sunu

       674 - 06 Feb 685 Hengistas, Hlóthhere Eorcenberhtes sunu

       679 - 31 Aug 686 Hengistas, Éadríc Ecgberhtes sunu


31 Aug 686 - 687        Hengistas, Múl Cénbenhtes sunu

687 - 692               Hengistas, Swæfberht Seabban sunu

689 - 690               Hengistas, Óswyn

       692 - 23 Apr 725 Hengistas, Wihtread Ecberhtes sunu

23 Apr 725              Hengistas, Ælfric Wihtreades sunu

725 - 748               Hengistas, Éadberht I Wihtreades sunu

725 - 762               Hengistas, Ædelberht II Wihtraedes sunu

762                     Hengistas, Eardwulf Éadberthtes sunu

762                     Hengistas, Éadberht II Æthelberhtes sunu

762                     Hengistas, Sigeraed

762 - 764               Hengistas, Éammund

764 - 765               Hengistas, Héaberht Æthelberhtes sunu

765 - 779               Hengistas, Ecgberht II Æthelberhtes sunu

779 - 784               Hengistas, Ealhmund Eafes sunu

796 - 798               Hengistas, Éadberht III Eathmundes sunu Præn

798 - 807               Hengistas, Cuthread Cuthberthtes sunu

809 - 822               Hengistas, Coenwulf

822 - 824               Hengistas, Coelwulf

824 - 825               Hengistas, Baldraed

825 - 839               Hengistas, Ecgberht III

825 - 858               Hengistas, Ædelwulf Ecgbehrtes sunu

04 Feb 839 - 851        Hengistas, Ædelstán Æthelwulfes sunu

       855 - 20 Dec 860 Hengistas, Ædelberht III Æthelwulfes sunu

865 - 871               Hengistas, Ædelred


866 - 8..               Beorhtweald

900                     Sigehelm

920 - 933               Edwin

1020 - 1053               Godwin Cerdicingas

       1053 - 14 Oct 1066 Leofin Godwinson


1066 - 1082               Oddo of Bayreaux

1141 - 1155               Willem van Yper

       1227 - 05 May 1243 Hubert de Burgh ................................... 1170-1243

       1321 - 19 Mar 1330 Plantagenet, Edmund of Woodstock

19 Mar 1330 - 05 Oct 1331 Plantagenet, Edmund

05 Oct 1331 - 26 Dec 1352 Plantagenet, John

       1328 - 07 Aug 1385 Plantagenet, Joan, Countess of Kent "the fair maid of Kent"

Dukes of Kent

       1710 - 05 Jun 1740 Grey, Henry ....................................... 1671-1740

24 Apr 1799 - 23 Jan 1820 Welf, Prince Edward,

                           Duke of Kent and Strathearn ...................... 1767-1820

29 Nov 1934 - 25 Aug 1942 Wettin, Prince George, Duke of Kent ............... 1902-1942

25 Aug 1942 -             Wettin, Prince Edward, Duke of Kent ............... 1935-


1267 - 1351 Earldom of Lancaster

1351        County Palatine of Lancaster

10 Nov 1399 Merged with the English Crown

1422        Royal Duchy of Lancaster

1873        Last privileges abolished



30 Jun 1267 - 05 Jun 1296 Edmund Crouchback

08 Sep 1298 - 22 Mar 1322 Thomas of Lancaster

22 Mar 1322 - 22 Sep 1345 Henry of Lancaster

22 Sep 1345 - 23 May 1361 Henry of Grosmont

23 May 1361 - 03 Feb 1399 John of Gaunt

03 Feb 1399 - 21 Mar 1413 Lancaster, Henry of Bolingbroke

                          (Henry IV)

21 Mar 1413 - 31 Aug 1422 Lancaster, Henry of Monmouth, Prince of Wales

                          (Henry V)

31 Aug 1422 - 01 May 1707 The Monarchs of England

01 May 1707 -             The Monarch of the United Kingdom



Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster (sinecure office of the British government)

1361 - 1373               Henry de Haydock

       1373 - 16 Apr 1377 Ralph de Ergham

16 Apr 1377 - 1378        Thomas de Thelwell

       1378 - 10 Nov 1382 John de Yerborough

10 Nov      - 29 Nov 1382 Thomas Stanley

29 Nov 1382 - 1383        Thomas Scarle

1383 - 1400               William Okey

1400                      John de Wakering

1400 - 1404               William Burgoyne

15 Mar 1404 - 30 Mar 1410 Thomas Stanley

30 Mar 1410 - 04 Apr 1413 John Springthorp

04 Apr 1413 - 10 Jun 1424 John Wodehouse

10 Jun 1424 - 16 Feb 1431 William Troutbecke

16 Fev 1431 - 03 Jul 1442 William Sherington

03 Jul 1442 - 10 Jun 1449 William Tresham ................................... 1404-1450

10 Jun 1449 - 10 Jun 1462 Sir John Say (1st Time)

10 Jun 1462 - 03 Nov 1477 Richard Flower .................................... 1425-1477

03 Nov 1477 - 02 Apr 1478 Sir John Say (2nd Time)

02 Apr 1478 - 07 Jun 1483 Thomas Thwaites ................................... 1435-1503

07 Jun 1483 - 13 Sep 1486 Thomas Metcalfe

13 Sep 1486 - 24 Jun 1503 Sir Reginald Bray ................................. 1440-1503

24 Jun 1503 - 03 Oct 1505 Sir John Mordaunt

03 Oct 1505 - 14 May 1509 Sir Richard Empson ................................ 1450-1510

14 May 1509 - 14 Apr 1523 Henry Marney, Baron Marney ........................ 1447-1523

14 Apr 1523 - 03 Nov 1529 Sir Thomas More ................................... 1478-1535

03 Nov 1529 - 10 May 1533 William FitzWilliam, Earl of Southampton .......... 1490-1542

10 May 1533 - 01 Jul 1547 Sir John Gage ..................................... 1479-1556

01 Jul 1547 - 07 Jul 1552 William Paget, Baron Paget ........................ 1506-1563

07 Jul 1552 - 22 Aug 1553 Sir John Gates .................................... 1504-1533

22 Aug 1553 - 28 Nov 1557 Sir Robert Rochester .............................. 1494-1557

22 Jun 1558 - 1559        Sir Edward Waldegrave ............................. 1516-1561

       1559 - 16 May 1568 Sir Ambrose Cave

16 May 1568 - 15 Jun 1587 Sir Ralph Sadler

15 Jun 1587 - 06 Apr 1590 Sir Francis Walsingham ............................ 1532-1590

06 Apr 1590 - 17 Oct 1595 Sir Thomas Heneage ................................ 1532-1595

18 Oct 1597 - 1599        Robert Cecil, Earl of Salisbury

16 Sep 1601 - 23 Dec 1607 Sir John Fortescue of Salden

       1608 - 30 May 1616 Sir Thomas Perry .................................. 1541-1616

27 May 1615 - 29 Jan 1618 Sir John Dackombe ................................. 1570-1618

23 Mar 1618 - 16 Apr 1629 Sir Humprey May ................................... 1573-1630

16 Apr 1629 - 19 Feb 1644 Edward Barrett, Lord Barrett of Newburgh .......... 1581-1645

19 Feb 1644 - 1645        Francis Seymour, Baron Seymour of Trowbridge ...... 1590-1664

                          (appointed by the Crown [de jure])

10 Feb 1644 - 1648        William Grey, Baron Grey of Werke

                          (appointed by parliament)

       1648 - 01 Aug 1649 Gilbert Gerard,

                           1st Baronet of Harrow on the Hill ................ 1587-1670

01 Aug 1649 - 31 Oct 1659 John Bradshaw ..................................... 1602-1659


1653 - 1658               Thomas Fell ....................................... 1598-1658

                          (with Bradshaw)

       1659               William Lenthell

       1659 - 09 Jul 1660 Gilbert Gerard,

                           1st Baronet of Harrow on the Hill (2nd Time)

09 Jul 1660 - 21 Jul 1664 Francis Seymour, Baron Seymour of Trowbridge ...... s.a

21 Jul 1664 - 13 Feb 1672 Thomas Ingram ..................................... 1614-1672

22 Feb 1672 - 21 Nov 1682 Robert Carr, Baronet of Sleaford .................. 1637-1682

21 Nov      - 1682        Sir Thomas Chicheley .............................. 1614-1699

       1687 - 21 Mar 1689 Robert Phelips .................................... 1619-1707

21 Mar 1689 - 04 May 1697 Robert Bertie, Lord Willoughby de Eresby .......... 1660-1723

04 May 1697 - 12 May 1702 Thomas Grey, 2nd Earl of Stamford ................. 1654-1720

12 May 1702 - 10 Jun 1706 John Leverson-Gower, Baron Leverson-Gower ......... 1675-1709

10 Jun 1706 - 21 Sep 1710 James Stanley, Earl of Derby ...................... 1664-1736

21 Sep 1710 - 06 Nov 1714 William Berkeley, Baron Berkeley of Stratton

06 Nov 1714 - 12 Mar 1716 Heneage Finch, Earl of Aylesford .................. 1649-1719

12 Mar 1716 - 19 Jun 1717 Richard Lumley, Earl of Scarbrough ................ 1650-1717

19 Jun      - 17 Jul 1717 Nicholas Lechmere, Baron Lechmere ................. 1675-1727

17 Jul 1717 - 21 May 1735 John Manners, Duke of Rutland ..................... 1696-1779

21 May 1735 - 22 Dec 1742 George Cholmondeley, Earl of Cholmondeley ......... 1703-1770

22 Dec 1742 - 25 Dec 1758 Richard Edgcumbe, Baron Edgcumbe .................. 1680-1758

27 Feb 1759 - 13 Dec 1762 Thomas Hay, Earl of Kinnoull ...................... 1710-1787

13 Dec 1762 - 14 Jun 1771 James Smith-Stanley, Lord Strange ................. 1716-1771

14 Jun 1771 - 17 Apr 1782 Thomas Villiers, Earl of Clarendon ................ 1709-1786

17 Apr 1782 - 29 Aug 1783 John Dunning, Baron Ashburton ..................... 1731-1783

                          (1st Time)

29 Aug      - 31 Dec 1783 Edward Smith-Stanley, Earl of Derby ............... 1752-1834

31 Dec 1783 - 06 Sep 1786 John Dunning, Baron Ash (2nd Time)

06 Sep 1786 - 11 Nov 1803 Charles Jenkinson, Earl of Liverpool .............. 1729-1808

11 Nov 1803 - 06 Jun 1804 Thomas Pelham,  Earl of Chichester ................ 1756-1826

06 Jun 1804 - 14 Jan 1805 Gen. Henry Philipps, Lord Mulgrave ................ 1755-1831

14 Jan      - 10 Jul 1805 Robert Hobart, Earl of Buckinghamshire ............ 1760-1816

10 Jul 1805 - 12 Feb 1806 Dudley Ryder, Earl of Harrowby .................... 1762-1847

12 Feb 1806 - 30 Mar 1807 Edward Smith-Stanley, Earl of Derby (2nd Time)

30 Mar 1807 - 11 May 1812 Spencer Perceval .................................. 1762-1812

23 May      – 23 Jun 1812 Robert Hobart, Earl of Buckinghamshire (2nd Time)

23 Jun 1812 – 13 Feb 1823 Charles Bragge Bathurst ........................... 1754-1831

13 Feb 1823 – 26 Jan 1828 Nicholas Vansittart, Baron Bexley ................. 1766-1851

26          - 02 Jun 1828 George Hamilton-Gordon, Earl of Aberdeen .......... 1784-1860

02 Jun 1828 – 25 Nov 1830 Charles Arbuthnot ................................. 1767-1850

25 Nov 1830 – 14 Nov 1834 Henry Richard Fox, Baron Holland (1st time) ....... 1773-1840

26 Dec 1834 – 08 Apr 1835 Charles Watkin Williams Wynn ...................... 1775-1850

23 Apr 1835 – 31 Oct 1840 Henry Richard Fox, Baron Holland

                           (2nd time)       

31 Oct 1840 – 23 Jun 1841 George William Frederick Villiers,

                           Earl of Clarendon (1st Time) ..................... 1800-1870

23 Jun      - 30 Aug 1841 Sir George Grey (1st Time) ........................ 1799-1882

03 Sep 1841 – 27 Jun 1846 Granville Charles Henry Somerset .................. 1792-1848

06 Jul 1846 – 06 Mar 1850 John Campbell, Baron Campbell ..................... 1779-1861

06 Mar 1850 – 21 Feb 1852 George William Frederick Howard,

                           Earl of Carlisle ................................. 1802-1864

01 Mar      - 17 Dec 1852 Robert Adam Christopher ........................... 1804-1877

03 Jan 1853 – 21 Jun 1854 Edward Strutt ..................................... 1801-1880

21 Jun 1854 – 30 Jan 1855 Granville George Leveson-Gower, Earl Granville .... 1815-1891

31 Mar      - 07 Dec 1855 Dudley Ryder, Earl of Harrowby .................... 1798-1882

07 Dec 1855 – 21 Feb 1858 Matthew Talbot Baines ............................. 1798-1860

26 Feb 1858 – 11 Jun 1859 James Graham, Duke of Montrose .................... 1799-1874

22 Jun 1859 – 25 Jul 1861 Sir George Grey (2nd Time)

25 Jul 1861 - 07 Apr 1864 Edward Cardwell ................................... 1813-1886

07 Apr 1864 – 03 Nov 1865 George William Frederick Villiers,

                           Earl of Clarendon (2nd Time)

26 Jan      – 26 Jun 1866 George Joachim Goschen ............................ 1831-1907

10 Jul 1866 – 26 Jun 1867 William Reginald Courtenay, Earl of Devon ......... 1807-1888

26 Jun 1867 – 07 Nov 1868 John Wilson-Patten ................................ 1802-1892

07 Nov      - 01 Dec 1868 Thomas Edward Taylor (1st Time) ................... 1811-1883

12 Dec 1868 – 09 Aug 1872 Frederick Temple Hamilton-Temple-Blackwood,

                           Baron Clandeboye ................................. 1825-1902

09 Aug 1872 – 30 Sep 1873 Hugh Culling Eardley Childers ..................... 1827-1896

30 Sep 1873 – 17 Feb 1874 John Bright (1st Time) ............................ 1811-1889

02 Mar 1874 – 21 Apr 1880 Thomas Edward Taylor (2nd Time) 

28 Apr 1880 – 25 Jul 1882 John Bright (2nd Time)           

25 Jul      - 28 Dec 1882 John Wodehouse, Earl of Kimberley ................. 1826-1902

28 Dec 1882 – 29 Oct 1884 John George Dodson ................................ 1825-1897

29 Oct 1884 – 09 Jun 1885 Sir George Otto Trevelyan ......................... 1838-1928

24 Jun 1885 – 28 Jan 1886 Henry Chaplin ..................................... 1840-1923

06 Feb      - 16 Apr 1886 Edward Heneage .................................... 1840-1922

16 Apr      - 30 Jul 1886 Sir Ughtred James Kay-Shuttleworth ................ 1844-1939

03 Aug      - 16 Aug 1886 Gathorne Gathorne-Hardy, Viscount Cranbrook ....... 1814-1906

16 Aug 1886 – 11 Aug 1892 John James Manners, Duke of Rutland ............... 1818-1906

18 Aug 1892 – 28 May 1894 James Bryce ....................................... 1838-1922

28 May 1894 – 21 Jun 1895 Edward Marjoribanks, Baron Tweedmouth ............. 1849-1909

29 Jun      - 04 Jul 1895 Richard Assheton Cross, Viscount Cross ............ 1823-1914

04 Jul 1895 – 11 Aug 1902 Henry James, Baron James of Hereford .............. 1828-1911

11 Aug 1902 - 04 Dec 1905 Sir William Hood Walrond .......................... 1849-1925

10 Dec 1905 - 13 Oct 1908 Sir Henry Hartley Fowler .......................... 1830-1911

13 Oct 1908 - 25 Jun 1909 Edmond George Petty-Fitzmaurice,

                           Baron Fitzmaurice ................................ 1846-1935

25 Jun 1909 - 14 Feb 1910 Herbert Louis Samuel (1st Time) ................... 1870-1963

14 Feb 1910 - 23 Oct 1911 Joseph Albert Pease ............................... 1860-1963

23 Oct 1911 - 11 Feb 1914 Charles Edwatd Henry Hobhouse ..................... 1862-1941

11 Feb 1914 - 03 Feb 1915 Charles Frederick Gurney Masterman ................ 1873-1927

03 Feb      - 25 May 1915 Edwin Samuel Montagu (1st Time) ................... 1879-1924

25 May      - 25 Nov 1915 Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill ................. 1874-1965

25 Nov 1915 - 11 Jan 1916 Herbert Louis Samuel (2nd Time)

11 Jan      - 09 Jul 1916 Edwin Samuel Montagu (2nd Time)

09 Jul      - 10 Dec 1916 Thomas McKinnon Wood .............................. 1855-1927

10 Dec 1916 - 10 Feb 1918 Frederick Crawley ................................. 1850-1937

10 Feb      - 04 Nov 1918 William Maxwell Aitken,

                           Baron Beaverbrook ................................ 1879-1964

04 Nov 1918 - 10 Jan 1919 William Hayes Fisher,

                           Baron Downham .................................... 1853-1920

10 Jan 1919 - 01 Apr 1921 David Alexander Edward Lindsay,

                           Earl of Crawford and Earl of Balcarres ........... 1871-1940

01 Apr 1921 - 02 Apr 1922 William Robert Wellesley Peel, Earl Peel .......... 1867-1937

07 Apr      - 09 Oct 1922 Sir William Sutherland ............................ 1880-1949

24 Oct 1922 - 25 May 1923 James Edward Hubert Gascoyne-Cecil,

                           Marquess of Salisbury ............................ 1861-1947

25 May 1923 - 22 Jan 1924 John Colin Campbell Davidson ...................... 1889-1970

22 Jan      - 03 Nov 1924 Col. Josiah Clement Wedgwood ...................... 1872-1943

03 Nov 1924 - 19 Oct 1927 Edgar Algernon Robert Gascoyne-Cecil,

                           Viscount Cecil of Chelwood ....................... 1864-1958

19 Oct 1927 - 04 Jun 1929 Ronald John McNeill, Baron Cushendun .............. 1861-1934

07 Jun 1929 - 19 May 1930 Sir Oswald Ernald Mosley .......................... 1896-1980

28 May      - 26 Jul 1945 Sir James Arthur Salter ........................... 1881-1975

04 Aug 1945 - 17 Apr 1947 John Burns John Neale Hynd ........................ 1902-1971

17 Apr 1947 - 31 May 1948 Frank Pakenham, Baron Pakenham .................... 1905-2001

31 May 1948 - 28 Feb 1950 Edward Hugh Dalton ................................ 1887-1962

28 Feb 1950 - 26 Oct 1951 Albert Victor Alexander,

                           Viscount Alexander of Hillsborough ............... 1885-1965

26 Oct 1951 - 24 Nov 1952 Philip Cunliffe-Lister,

                           Viscount Swinton ................................. 1884-1972

24 Nov 1952 - 20 Nov 1955 Frederick James Marquis,

                           Viscount Woolton ................................. 1883-1964

20 Nov 1955 - 13 Jan 1957 George Douglas-Hamilton,

                           Earl of Selkirk .................................. 1906-1994

13 Jan 1957 - 09 Oct 1961 Charles Hill ...................................... 1904-1989

09 Oct 1961 - 20 Oct 1963 Iain Norman Macleod ............................... 1913-1970

20 Oct 1963 - 16 Oct 1964 John Hugh Hare,

                           Viscount Blakenham ............................... 1911-1982

16 Oct 1964 - 06 Apr 1966 Arthur Leslie Noel Douglas Houghton ............... 1898-1996

06 Apr 1966 - 07 Jan 1967 George Morgan Thomson (1st Time) .................. 1921-2008

07 Jan 1967 - 06 Oct 1969 Frederick Lee ..................................... 1906-1984

06 Oct 1969 - 20 Jun 1970 George Morgan Thomson (2nd Time)

20 Jun      - 28 Jul 1970 Anthony Perrinott Lysberg Barber .................. 1920-2005

28 Jul 1970 - 05 Nov 1972 Aubery Geoffrey Frederick Rippon .................. 1924-1997

05 Nov 1972 - 04 Mar 1974 John Emerson Harding Davies ....................... 1916-1979

05 Mar 1974 - 04 May 1979 Norman Harold Lever ............................... 1914-1995

04 May 1979 - 05 Jan 1981 Norman St. John-Stevas ............................ 1929-2012

05 Jan      - 14 Sep 1981 Francis Leslie Pym ................................ 1922-2008

14 Sep 1981 - 06 Apr 1982 Janet Mary Baker Young,

                           Baroness Young ................................... 1926-2002

06 Apr 1982 - 11 Jun 1983 Cecil Edward Parkinson ............................ 1931-

11 Jun 1983 - 11 Sep 1984 Francis Arthur Cockfield,

                           Baron Cockfield .................................. 1916-2007

11 Sep 1984 - 03 Sep 1985 Alexander Patrick Greysteil Ruthven,

                           Earl of Gowrie ................................... 1939-

03 Sep 1985 - 13 Jun 1987 Norman Beresford Tebbit ........................... 1931-

13 Jun 1987 - 25 Jul 1988 Kenneth Henry Clarke .............................. 1940-

25 Jul 1988 - 24 Jul 1989 Anthony Harold Newton ............................. 1937-2012

24 Jul 1989 - 28 Nov 1990 Kenneth Wilfred Baker ............................. 1934-

28 Nov 1990 - 10 Apr 1992 Christopher Francis Patten ........................ 1944-

10 Apr 1992 - 20 Jul 1994 William Arthur Waldegrave ......................... 1946-

20 Jul 1994 - 05 Jul 1995 David James Fletcher Hunt ......................... 1942-

05 Jul 1995 - 02 May 1997 Roger Norman Freeman .............................. 1942-

03 May 1997 - 27 Jul 1998 David George Clark ................................ 1939-

27 Jul 1998 - 11 Oct 1999 Jack Anderson Cunningham .......................... 1939-

11 Oct 1999 - 11 Jun 2001 Majorie Mowlam .................................... 1949-2005

11 Jun 2001 - 13 Jun 2003 Angus John Macdonald,

                           Baron Macdonald of Tradeston ..................... 1958-

06 May      - 03 Nov 2005 John Matthew Patrick Hutton ....................... 1955-

05 May 2006 - 28 Jun 2007 Hilary Jane Armstrong ............................. 1945-

28 Jun 2007 - 03 Oct 2008 Edward Samuel Miliband ............................ 1969-

03 Oct 2008 - 05 Jun 2009 Liam Dominic Byrne ................................ 1970-

05 Jun 2009 - 11 May 2010 Janet Anne Royall,

                           Baroness Royall of Blaisdon ...................... 1955-

12 May 2010 - 07 Jan 2013 Thomas Galloway Dunlop du Roy de Bilcquy Galbraith,

                           Baron Strathclyde ................................ 1960-

07 Jan 2013 - 15 Jul 2014 Jonathan Hopkin Hill,

                           Baron Hill of Oareford ........................... 1960-

15 Jul 2014 - 14 Jul 2016 Oliver Letwin ..................................... 1956-

16 Jul 2016 - 08 Jan 2018 Sir Patrick Allen McLoughlin ...................... 1957-

08 Jan 2018 - 25 Jul 2019 David Roy Liddington .............................. 1956-

25 Jul 2019 - 15 Sep 2021 Michael Andrew Gove ............................... 1967-

15 Sep 2021 - 07 Jul 2022 Stephen Paul Barclay .............................. 1972-

07 Jul      - 06 Sep 2022 Christopher Laurie Malthouse ...................... 1966-

06 Sep      - 25 Oct 2022 Nadhim Zahawi ..................................... 1967-

25 Oct 2022 - 05 Jul 2024 Oliver James Dowden ............................... 1978-

05 Jul 2024 -             Patrick Bosco McFadden ............................ 1965-


                          Island named Lundi (Puffin Island) by Norse fighters

c.1100                    Under ownership of the de Newmash family

1150                      Leased to the de Marisco family

1160                      Henry II grants Lundy to the Knights Templar

                          (disputed by the de Marisco family)

1199                      Possession of the Knights Templar confirmed

1242 - 1281               Confiscated from the de Marisco family by the Crown

1627 - 1632               Captured by Barbary pirates under Jan Janszoon

1834 - 1917               Purchased by the Heaven family (called "the kingdom

                          of Heaven")

1917                      Purchased by Augustus Christie

1924                      Purchased by Martin Coles Hartman

1969                      Sold to businessman Jack Hayward who gives Lundy

                          to the National Trust


Local rulers

1250 - 1242               William de Marisco

                          (self-styled 'King')

1281                      William de Marisco

            - 1321        Olivia de Marisco

       1642 - 24 Feb 1647 Thomas Bushell

                          (royalist general)

1656 - 1662               William Fiennes, Viscount Saye and Sele

1747 - 1753               Thomas Benson ..................................... 1708-1772

1802 - 18..               Sir Aubrey Vere Hunt

18.. - 1834               Aubrey Thomas Vere

1834 - 1883               William Hudson Heaven ............................. 1799-1883

1883 - 1916               Reverend Hudson Grossett Heaven

1916 - 1917               Walter Charles Hudson Heaven

1917 - 1924               Augustus Langham Christie

       1924 - 05 Dec 1954 Martin Coles Hartman .............................. 1885-1954

                          (self styled 'King of Lundy')

05 Dec 1954 - 23 Jun 1968 Albion P. Coles Hartman ........................... 19..-1968

Mercia (Myrce)

c.585                  Myrce Rice (Kingdom of Mercia)

656 - 658              Occupied by Northumberland

658 - 679              Mercia a tributary of Northumbria

829 - 830              To Wessex

874 - 881              East Mercia under Denmark

c.881                  Incorporated into Wessex then England

883                    Anglo-Saxon Eldermanship

9.. - 1100             Anglo-Saxon Earldom of Mercia

c.1100                 Area under Norman rule

Cyning (Kings)

585 - 593              Icelingas, Créoda Cynewaldes sunu

593 - 606              Icelingas, Pybba Créodan sunu

606 - 626              Icelingas, Cearl

      626 - 15 Nov 655 Icelingas, Penda Pybban sunu

      635 - 05 Aug 642 Icelingas, Éowa Pybban sunu

      653 - 17 Apr 646 Icelingas, Péada Pendan sunu

658 - 675              Icelingas, Wulfhére Pendan sunu

675 - 704              Icelingas, Æthelraed I Pendan sunu

704 - 709              Icelingas, Coenraed Wulfhéres sunu

709 - 716              Icelingas, Céolraed Æthelraedes sunu

716 - 757              Icelingas, Æthelbald Alwéowes sunu

757                    Icelingas, Beornraed

       757 - 26 Jul 796 Icelingas, Offa Thingfríthes sunu

       787 - 14 Dec 796 Icelingas, Ecgfríth Offan sunu

14 Dec 796 - 821        Icelingas, Coenwulf Cuthberhtes sunu

821 - 823               Icelingas, Ceolwulf Cuthberhtes sunu

823 - 826               Icelingas, Beornwulf

826 - 827               Icelingas, Ludeca

827 - 839               Icelingas, Wígláf

839                     Icelingas, Ælfflæd (Queen regent)

839 - 852               Icelingas, Beorhtwulf

852 - 874               Icelingas, Burgraed

874 - 881               Icelingas, Ceolwulf II

                        (in Danish ruled East Mercia)


883 - 911               Icelingas, Æthelraed II Mucel

911 - 918               Icelingas, Æthelflaeda "Lady of the Mercians"

918 - 919               Icelingas, Elfwynna

919 - 920               Icelingas, Hælfwyn

920 - 943               Icelingas, Wulfrun

983 - 985               Icelingas, Ælfric

983                     Icelingas, Alfhere

Earls of Mercia

Leofricson, Leofric I

Leofricson, Alfgar I

Leofricson, Alfgar II

9.. - 1001 Leofricson, Leofric II

1001 - 1007 Leofricson, Edulf I

1007 - 1017 Ædricsson, Ædric

1028        Leofricson, Leofwine

1028 - 1057 Leofricson, Leofric III

10.. - 1057 Leofricson, Godgifu (Lady Godiva)

1057 - 1059 Leofricson, Alfgar III

1059 - 1066 Leofricson, Edwin

1070 - 1100 Leofricson, Estmond


5.. Beornicia Kingdom

559 Bernicia Kingdom

655 Unification of Bernici and Deira as the Kingdom of Northumbria

21 Nov 866 - 883 Danish rule

875 - 954        Replaced by the Scandinavian Kingdom of Jorvik (York)

05 Aug 910 - 949 Intermitant English rule

954              Incorporated into England as a Eldermanship

1066             Norman rule

1377             Earldom granted to the Percy family

1537             Earldom suppressed during the reformation, but was later reinstated

                 to Thomas Percy who was later executed for high treason; afterwhich

                 the Earldom was stripped of all its autonomy by the Crown



Northanhymbra cyning (Kings of Northumbria)

       634 - 05 Aug 642 Iding, St. Oswald of Deira and Bernicia

   Nov 655 - 15 Feb 670 Iding, Óswéo

15 Feb 670 - 20 May 685 Iding, Ecgfrith Óswéowes sunu

20 May 685 - 14 Dec 704 Iding, Aldfrith

14 Dec 704 -    Feb 705 Iding, Eadwulf

   Feb 705 - 716        Iding, Osred I

716 - 718               Iding, Coenred

       718 - 09 May 729 Iding, Osric

09 May 729 - 731        Iding, Ceowulf I

731 - 737               Iding, Ceowulf II

737 - 758               Iding, Eadberht

       758 - 24 Jul 759 Iding, Oswulf

24 Jul 759 - 30 Oct 765 Iding, Æthelwald Moll

30 Oct 765 -    Apr 774 Iding, Alhred

774 - 779               Iding, Æthelred (1st Time)

       779 - 23 Sep 788 Iding, Ælfwald I

23 Sep 788 - 790        Iding, Osred II

790 - 796               Iding, Æthelred (2nd Time)

18 Apr     - 14 May 796 Iding, Osbald

14 May 796 - 806        Iding, Eardwulf I (1st Time)

806 - 808               Iding, Ælfwald II

808 - 810               Iding, Eardwulf I (2nd Time)

810 - 841               Iding, Eanred

841 - 844               Iding, Æthelred II (1st Time)

844                     Iding, Rædwulf

844 - 849               Iding, Æthelred II (2nd Time)

849 - 866               Iding, Osberht

   Dec 866 - 21 Mar 867 Iding, Ælla

21 Mar 867 - 872        Iding, Ecgbert I

873 - 876               Iding, Ricsige

876 - 878               Iding, Ecgbert II

Earls of Northumbria

954-963 Uhtredsson, Osulf I

963     Uhtredsson, Oslac

963-993 Uhtredsson, Ealdulf I Evilcild

963-995 Uhtredsson, Waltheof

995-1016 Uhtredsson, Untred "The Bold"

1016-1038 Uhtredsson, Ealdulf II Cudel

          (in Bamburgh from 1031)

1016-1031 Haakonsson, Eric


1031-1055 Haakonson, Siward

1031-1039 Thurbrandsson, Carl Hold

          (in opposition)

1038-1041 Ealdulfsson, Eadulf III

1055-1065 Cerdicingas, Tostig

1065-1066 Leofricson, Morcar

1067      Copsige

1067      Uhtredsson, Osulf II

1067-1068 Uhtredsson, Gospatric (1st Time)

1068      Robert I Comine

1069-1072 Iding, Gospatric (2nd Time)

1072-1075 Haakonson, Waltheof II

1075-1080 William Walcher, Prince-Bishop of Durham

1080-1086 Aubrey de Coucy

1086-1095 de Mowbray, Robert II

1189-1194 de Puiset, Hugh

Earls of Northumberland

1377 - 1405               Percy, Henry I

       1416 - 22 May 1455 Percy, Henry II

22 May 1455 - 29 Mar 1461 Percy, Henry III

29 Mar 1464 - 14 Apr 1470 John Nevill

14 Apr 1470 - 28 Apr 1489 Percy, Henry IV

28 Apr 1489 - 19 May 1527 Percy, Henry Algernon

19 May 1527 - 29 Jun 1537 Percy, Henry V

01 May 1557 - 22 Aug 1572 Percy, Thomas, 7th Earl of Northumberland*

Note: Thomas Percy led the "Rising of the North" 1569-70, and was later

executed for high treason and venerated as a Catholic martyr.

Suthseaxna (Sussex)

645 Súthseaxena ríce (Kingdom of the South Saxons), separated from Wessex

686 - 688 To Wessex

772 - 825 Annexed to Mercia

825       Ruled by Wessex

20 Dec 860 Annexed by Wessex


477-491 Ælla

491-516 Cissa

658-685 Athelwalth

685-686 Berthun

686-690 Wattus

690-725 Nunna

712-714 Athelstan

725-750 Athelbert

750-772 Osmund

765-791 Ealdwulf


772-774 Oswald

772-777 Oslac

774-779 Ælhwald

855-858 Æthelwulf, King of Wessex and Sussex

974-998 Æthelward "The Chronicler"

979-982 EAdwine, King of Sussex

998-1016 Æthelmar, King of Sussex


24 Nov 1801 - 21 Apr 1843 Welf, Prince Augustus Frederick,

                           Duke of Sussex ................................... 1773-1843

18 May 2018 -             Prince Henry Charles Arthur David,

                           Duke of Sussex ................................... 1984-

Westseaxena (Wessex)

Guinntguic Sub-Kingdom

519-839 Anglo-Saxon Kingdom of Wessex

825 Wessex incorporated the Kingdoms of Essex, Kent and Sussex from Mercia

20 Dec 860 Essex, Kent and Sussex fully merged with Wessex

14 Apr 871 Alfred the Great proclaimed King of the Saxons

12 Jul 927           Æthelstan proclaimed King of the English

1020 - 1071          Earldom of Wessex

1999 -               Royal Earldom of Wessex



440-480 Elaf

480-509 Nudd

509-519 Einion

519-534 Cerdicingas, Cerdic

534-560 Cerdicingas, Cyndric

560-591 Cerdicingas, Cealwin

570-580 Cerdicingas, Cutha of Gewisse

591-594 Cerdicingas, Ceolric Cúthwulfes sunu

594-611 Cerdicingas, Ceolwulf Cúthwulfes sunu

611-643 Cerdicingas, Cynegils

614-641 Cerdicingas, Cwichelm

641-645 Cerdicingas, Cenwalh Cyneglis sunu (1st Time)

645-648 Cerdicingas, Cuthred I

648-672 Cerdicingas, Cenwalh Cyneglis sunu (2nd Time)

672-674 Cerdicingas, Saexburh

674-676 Cerdicingas, Æscwine Cénfúsing sunu

676-685 Cerdicingas, Centwine

686-688 Cerdicingas, Caewalla Cénbehrting sunu

688-726 Cerdicingas, Ine Cénraeding sunu

726-740 Cerdicingas, Æthelheard

740-756 Cerdicingas, Cuthred II

756-757 Cerdicingas, Sigebeort

757-786 Cerdicingas, Cynewulf

786-802 Pendingas, Beorhtric

       802 - 04 Feb 839 Cerdicingas, Egbert Ealhmundes sunu

04 Feb 839 - 13 Jan 858 Æthelwulf Ecgbehrtes sunu

13 Jan 858 - 20 Dec 860 Æthelbald Æthelwulfes sunu

13 Jan 858 - 865        Æthelberht Æthelwulfes sunu

   Sep 865 - 01 Apr 871 Æthelraed Æthelwulfes sunu

01 Apr 871 - 26 Oct 899 Ælfraed Æthelwulfes sunu

26 Oct 899 - 17 Jul 924 Eadvveard Ælfreding

17 Jul     - 02 Aug 924 Ælfweard

02 Aug 924 - 12 Jul 927 Æthelstan


1020 - 1053             Cerdicingas, Godwin

1035 - 1066             Cerdicingas, Harold Godwinson

Earls of Wiltshire

11.. - 1168             Hervey Le Breton

1397 - 1399             William Le Scrope

1449 - 1461             James Butler

1470 - 1473             John Stafford

1473 - 1499             Edward Stafford

1510 - 1523             Henry Stafford

1529 - 1539             Thomas Boleyn

Earl of Wessex

19 Jun 1999 -           Mountbatten-Windsor, Edward Anthony Richard Louis . 1964-


c.560 Kingdom of Deira

Part of Northumberland

875 - 954 Danish Kingdom of Jórvík replaces the Kingdom Northumbria

954       Incorporated into England

1385      Royal Dukedom of York (used intermitantly)

Kings of Deira

560 - 589                 Yffing, Ælli

589 - 604                 Yffing, Æthelric

604 - 616                 Yffing, Æthelfrith

       616 - 14 Oct 632   Yffing, Edvvin Ælling

14 Oct 632 - 633          Yffing, Osric

Kings of Jórvík

875 - 883                 Halfdan I Ragnarsson

      883 - 24 Aug 895    Guthred

883 - 8..                 Sigfridh

8.. - 9..                 Knutr

900 - 902                 Æthelwold

      902 - 05 Aug 910    Halfdan II

902 - 910                 Eowils


914 - 921                 Rægnald I ua Ímair

921 - 927                 Sigtryggr

927                       Gofraid ua Ímair

927 - 939                 Æthelstan

939 - 941                 Óláfr I Guthfrithson

941 - 944                 Óláfr II Sigtryggsson (1st Time)

943 - 944                 Raegnald II Guthfrithson

947 - 948                 Eiríkr Haraldsson "Bloodaxe" (1st Time)

948 - 952                 Óláfr II Sigtryggsson (2nd Time)

952 - 954                 Eiríkr Haraldsson "Bloodaxe" (2nd Time)


06 Aug 1385 - 01 Aug 1402 Plantagenet, Edmond of Langley

01 Aug 1402 - 25 Oct 1415 Plantagenet, Sir Edward of Norwich

25 Oct 1459 - 30 Dec 1460 Plantagenet, Richard

30 Dec 1460 - 04 Mar 1461 York, Edward

   May 1474 - 1483        York, Richard of Shrewsbury

       1494 - 21 Apr 1509 Tudor, Henry

       1605 - 06 Nov 1612 Stuart, Charles

22 Jan 1644 - 06 Feb 1685 Stuart, James

29 Jun 1716 - 14 Aug 1728 Welf, Prinz Ernst August von Braunschweig

01 Apr 1760 - 17 Sep 1767 Welf, Edward Augustus

27 Nov 1784 - 05 Jan 1827 Welf, Frederick Augustus

24 May 1892 - 06 May 1910 Wettin, George Frederick Ernest Albert

04 Jun 1920 - 11 Dec 1936 Wettin, Albert Frederick Arthur Augustus

23 Jul 1986 -             Mountbatten-Windsor, Andrew Albert Christian Edward

Diocese of York

1646 - 1660 See abolished


625 - 633 Paulinus of York

664 - 669 Chad

664 - 678 Wilfrid I

678 - 706 Bosa

706 - 714 John of Beverley

714 - 732 Wilfrid II


732 - 766 Ecgbert

767 - 780 Æthelbert

       780 - 10 Aug 796   Eanbald I

14 Aug 796 - 808          Eanbald II

808 - 834                 Wulfsige

837 - 854                 Wigmund

854 - 892/900             Wulfhere

900 - 912                 Æthelbeald

916 - 931                 Lodeward

      931 - 26 Dec 956    Wulfstan I

958 - 971                 Oscytel

971                       Edwald

      972 - 29 Feb 992    Oswald of Worcester

      995 - 06 May 1002   Ealdwulf

       1002 - 28 May 1023 Wulfstan II (Lupus)

       1023 - 22 Jan 1051 Ælfric Puttoc

       1051 - 22 Dec 1060 Cynesige

25 Dec 1060 - 11 Sep 1069 Ealdred

23 May 1070 - 18 Nov 1100 Thomas I de Bayeux

   Dec 1100 - 21 May 1108 Gerard

27 Jun 1109 - 24 Feb 1114 Thomas II of York

   Aug 1114 - 21 Jan 1140 Turstin de Bayeux

       1140               St. Waltheof of Melrose

                          (election quashed by the King)

       1140               Henry de Sully

                          (election quashed by the Pope)

   Jan 1141 - 1147        William FitzHerbert (1st Time)

       1147               Hilary of Chichester

                          (deposed by the Pope)

   Jan 1151 - 14 Oct 1153 Henry Murdac

14 Oct 1153 - 08 Jun 1154 William FitzHerbert (2nd Time)

   Oct 1154 - 26 Nov 1181 Roger de Pont L'Évêque

   Aug 1189 - 12 Dec 1212 Geoffrey Plantagenet

       1215               Simon Langton

                          (election quashed by Pope Innocent III)

10 Nov 1215 - 01 May 1255 Walter de Grey

01 Oct 1255 - 10 May 1258 Sewal de Bovil

25 Jul 1258 - 12 Jan 1265 Godfrey Ludham

12 Mar      -    Nov 1265 William of Rotherfield

                          (election quashed by the Pope)

1265 - 1266               Giovanni di Fidanza (St. Bonaventure) ............. 1221-1274

                          (never consecrated)

15 Oct 1266 -    Apr 1279 Walter Giffard .................................... 1225-1279

25 Dec 1279 - 27 Aug 1285 William de Wickwane ............................... 12..-1285

29 Oct 1285 - 11 Mar 1296 John le Romeyn .................................... 1230-1296

07 May 1296 - 15 Aug 1299 Henry of Newark ................................... 12..-1299

28 Feb 1300 - 22 Sep 1304 Thomas of Corbridge

04 Dec 1304 - 06 Dec 1315 William of Greenfield ............................. 12..-1315

   Sep 1317 - 05 Apr 1340 William Melton

07 Jul 1342 - 19 Jul 1352 William de la Zouche .............................. 13..-1352

08 Sep 1353 - 06 Nov 1373 John of Thoresby .................................. 13..-1373

04 Jun 1374 - 30 Apr 1388 Alexander Neville ................................. 1340-1392

       1388 - 25 Sep 1396 Thomas Arundel .................................... 1353-1414

05 Oct 1396 - 29 Dec 1397 Robert Waldby ..................................... 13..-1397

27 Feb 1398 - 08 Jun 1405 Richard le Scrope ................................. 1350-1405

   Aug 1405 - 1406        Thomas Langley .................................... 1363-1437

                          (election quashed)

       1407               Robert Hallam ..................................... 13..-1417

                          (nomination vetoed by Henry IV)

07 Oct 1407 - 20 Oct 1423 Henry Bowet ....................................... 13..-1423

   Nov 1423 - 24 Feb 1424 Philip Morgan ..................................... 13..-1435

                          (election quashed)

1424 - 1425               Richard Fleming ................................... 1381-1431

                          (nomination vetoed by Henry V)

20 Jul 1420 -    Jul 1452 John Cardinal Kemp ................................ 1380-1455

21 Jul 1452 - 12 Sep 1464 William Bothe ..................................... 1388-1464

15 Mar 1465 - 08 Jun 1476 George Neville .................................... 1432-1476

01 Sep 1476 - 19 May 1480 Lawrence Booth .................................... 1420-1480

07 Jul 1480 - 29 May 1500 Thomas de Rotherham ............................... 1423-1500

18 Jan 1501 - 03 Sep 1507 Thomas Savage ..................................... 1449-1507

1508 - 1514               Christopher Cardinal Bainbridge ................... 1462-1514

15 Sep 1514 - 29 Nov 1530 Thomas Cardinal Wolsey ............................ 1473-1530

       1531 - 13 Sep 1544 Edward Lee ........................................ 1482-1544

                          (first protestant archbishop)

1545 - 1554               Robert Holgate .................................... 1481-1555

1555 - 1559               Nicolas Heath ..................................... 1501-1578

27 Jan 1561 - 26 Jun 1568 Thomas Young ...................................... 1507-1568

       1570 - 26 Jul 1576 Edmund Grindal .................................... 1519-1583

       1576 - 10 Jul 1588 Edwin Sandys ...................................... 1519-1588

       1589 - 28 Sep 1594 John Pierse ....................................... 1522-1594

14 Feb 1595 - 1606        Matthew Hutton .................................... 1529-1606

       1606 - 29 Mar 1628 Tobias Matthew .................................... 1546-1628

   Jul      -    Oct 1628 George Montaigne .................................. 1569-1628

26 Nov 1628 - 25 May 1631 Samuel Harsnett ................................... 1561-1631

       1631 - 31 Oct 1640 Richard Neile ..................................... 1562-1640

1641 - 1646               John Williams ..................................... 1582-1650

       1660 - 28 Mar 1664 Accepted Frewen ................................... 1588-1664

1664 - 1683               Richard Sterne .................................... 1596-1683

1683 - 1686               John Dolben ....................................... 1625-1686

28 Nov 1688 - 05 May 1691 Thomas Lamplugh ................................... 1615-1691

       1691 - 02 Feb 1714 John Sharp ........................................ 1645-1714

       1714 - 30 Apr 1724 Sir William Dawes,

                           3rd Baronet of Putney ............................ 1671-1724

       1724 - 23 Mar 1743 Lancelot Blackburne ............................... 1658-1743

1743 - 1747               Thomas Herring .................................... 1693-1757

1747 - 1757               Matthew Hutton .................................... 1693-1758

       1757 - 09 Aug 1761 John Gilbert ...................................... 1693-1761

03 Oct 1761 - 10 Dec 1776 Robert Hay Drummond ............................... 1711-1776

17 Jan 1777 - 03 Nov 1807 William Markham ................................... 1719-1807

26 Nov 1807 - 05 Nov 1847 Edward Venables-Vernon-Harcourt ................... 1757-1847

10 Dec 1847 - 04 May 1860 Thomas Musgrave ................................... 1788-1860

       1860 - 1862        Charles Thomas Longley ............................ 1794-1868

       1862 - 25 Dec 1890 William Thomson ................................... 1819-1890

17 Mar      - 05 May 1891 William Connor Magee .............................. 1821-1891

28 Jul 1891 - 1908        William Dalrymple Maclagan ........................ 1826-1910

       1908 - 26 Jul 1928 William Cosmo Gordon Lang ......................... 1864-1945

       1928 - 01 Apr 1942 William Temple .................................... 1881-1944

11 Jun 1942 - 06 Feb 1955 Cyril Forster Garbett ............................. 1875-1955

1956 - 1961               Arthur Michael Ramsey ............................. 1904-1988

18 Sep 1961 - 1974        Frederick Donald Coggan ........................... 1909-2000

25 Feb 1975 - 05 Sep 1983 Stuart Yarworth Blanch ............................ 1918-1994

1983 - 1995               John Stapylton Habgood ............................ 1927-2019

08 Dec 1995 - 28 Feb 2005 David Michael Hope ................................ 1940-

30 Nov 2005 - 07 Jun 2020 John Tucker Mugabi Sentamu ........................ 1949-

09 Jul 2019 -             Stephen Geoffrey Cottrell ......................... 1958-

