Yugoslav Republics

29 Oct 1918               Part of the State of Croats, Slovenes and Serbs

01 Dec 1918               Part of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes

04 Oct 1929               Part of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia,

                           divided into Drina and Vrbas Banovinas

16 Apr      - 30 Apr 1941 German occupation

01 May 1941               Part of the Independent State of Croatia

29 Nov 1943               Declared to be part of Yugoslavia,

                          in opposition to the NDH

06 Apr 1945               Sarajevo liberated by Yugoslav Partizan forces

29 Nov 1945               Part of Yugoslavia

02 Dec 1945               People's Republic of Bosnia and Hercegovina

07 Jul 1963               Socialist Republic of Bosnia and Hercegovina

03 Mar 1992               Independence declared, secession from Yugoslavia

Presidents of the Central Committee of the League of Communists of Bosnia and Hercegovina

01 Dec 1945 -    Mar 1965 Djuro Pucar "Stari" .................. 1899-1979

   Mar 1965 - 1969        Cvijetin Mijatovic ................... 1913-1993

       1969 -    Apr 1978 Branko Mikulic ....................... 1928-1994

   Apr 1978 - 23 May 1982 Nikola Štojanovic .................... 1933-

23 May 1982 - 28 May 1984 Hamdija Pozderac ..................... 1924-1988

28 May 1984 -    Jun 1986 Mato Andric .......................... 1928-2015

   Jun 1986 -    May 1988 Milan Uzelec ......................... 1932-2005

   May 1988 - 30 Jun 1989 Abdulah Mutapčic ..................... 1932-

01 Jul 1989 - 20 Dec 1990 Nijaz Djurakovic ..................... 1949-2012


Chairman of the Committee of the State of Croats, Slovenes and Serbs

03 Nov      - 31 Dec 1918 Gligorije Jeftanović ................. 1840-1929

Presidents of the Provisional Government

01 Jan 1919 - 1920        Anatasije Vojeslavic Šola ............ 1878-1955

1920 - 1921               Milan Srskić ......................... 1880-1937

1921 - 1922               Nikola Djerdjević .................... 1864-1933

Provincial Commissioner

1922 - 1924               Ljubomir Vulović ..................... 1872-1933

Bans of Drina

09 Oct 1929 - 1934        Velimir Popović ...................... 1886-19..

31 May 1935 - 1937        Predrag Lukić

09 Dec 1937 - 05 Jan 1938 Dusan Davidović ...................... 1892-1938

05 Jan 1938 – 1939        Mihailo Krecković


1939                      Radislav Dunić ....................... 1871-1948

1939                      Vladimir Jevtić ...................... 1887-1952

1939 - 1940               Ilija Popović

       1940 - 17 Apr 1941 Stanoje Mihaldzić

Bans of Vrbas

09 Oct 1929 - 18 Apr 1934 Svetislav Tisa Miloslavljević  ....... 1882-1960

30 Apr 1934 - 14 Jan 1935 Dragoslav Djordjević ................. 1887-1973

14 Jan 1935 - 04 Oct 1937 Bogoljub Kujundzić ................... 1887-1949

25 Dec 1937 - 22 Mar 1938 Todor Lazarević

22 Mar 1938 - 1940        Petar Cvetković


1940 - 1941               Gojko Ruzić


03 Apr      - 17 Apr 1941 Nikola Stojanović .................... 1880-1964

Chairman of the Ante-Fascist Council of People's Liberation

25 Nov 1943 -    Nov 1946 Vojislav Djedo Kecmanović ............ 1881-1946 SKJ

Presidents of the Presidium of the People's Assembly

   Nov 1946 -    Sep 1948 Djuro Pucar Stari .................... (s.a)

   Sep 1948 -    Jun 1963 Vlado Šegrt .......................... 1907-1991 SKJ

   Jun 1963 - 1967        Ratomir Dugonjić (1st Time) .......... 1916-1987 SKJ

1967 - 1971               Džemal Bijedić ....................... 1917-1977 SKJ

       1971 -    May 1974 Hamidja Pozderać ..................... (s.a)

Presidents of the Presidium

   May 1974 -    Apr 1978 Ratomir Dugonjić (2nd Time)

   Apr 1978 -    Apr 1982 Raif Dizdarević ...................... 1926-     SKJ

   Apr 1982 - 26 Apr 1984 Branko Mikulić ....................... (s.a)

26 Apr 1984 - 26 Apr 1985 Milanko Renovica ..................... 1928-2013 SKJ

26 Apr 1985 -    Apr 1987 Munir Mesihović ...................... 1928-     SKJ

   Apr 1987 -    Apr 1988 Mato Andrić .......................... (s.a)

   Apr 1988 -    Apr 1989 Nikola Filipović ..................... 1928-     SKJ

   Apr 1989 - 20 Dec 1990 Obrad Piljak ......................... 1933-     SKJ

20 Dec 1990 - 08 Apr 1992 Alija Izetbegović .................... 1925-2003 SDA


Minister for Bosnia and Hercegovina

07 Mar      - 27 Apr 1945 Rodoljub Čolakovic Roćko ............. 1900-1983

Prime Ministers

27 Apr 1945 -    Sep 1948 Rodoljub Čolakovic Roćko ............. (s.a)

   Sep 1948 -    Mar 1953 Djuro Pucar Stari .................... (s.a)

Chairmen of the Executive Council

   Mar 1953 -    Dec 1956 Avdo Humo ............................ 1914-1983 SKJ

   Dec 1956 - 1963        Osman Karabegović .................... 1911-1996 SKJ

1963 - 1965               Hasan Brkić .......................... 1913-1965 SKJ

1965 - 1967               Rudi Kolak ........................... 1918-2004 SKJ

1967 - 1969               Branko Mikulić ....................... (s.a)

       1969 -    Apr 1974 Dragutin Košovac ..................... 1924-2012 SKJ

   Apr 1974 - 28 Apr 1982 Milanko Renovica ..................... (s.a)

28 Apr 1982 - 28 Apr 1984 Seid Maglajlija ...................... 1940-     SKJ

28 Apr 1984 -    Apr 1986 Gojko Ubiparip ....................... 1927-2000 SKJ

   Apr 1986 -    Apr 1988 Josip Lovrenović ..................... 1929-     SKJ

   Apr 1988 - 20 Dec 1990 Marko Ceranić

20 Dec 1990 - 08 Apr 1992 Jure Pelivan ......................... 1928-2014 HDZ

Presidents of the People's Assembly

1953 - 1963               Djuradj Pucar ........................ s.a

1963 - 1967               Ratomir "Rato" Dugonjić .............. s.a

1967 - 1971               Džemal Bijdić ........................ s.a

1971 - 1978               Hamdija Pozderac ..................... s.a

1978 - 1981               Niko Mihaljević

1981 - 1983               Vaso Gačić

1983 - 1984               Ivica Blažević

1984 - 1987               Salko Oruč

1987 - 1989               Savo Čečur

       1989 - 20 Dec 1990 Zlatan Karavdić

20 Dec 1990 - 07 Apr 1992 Momčilo Krajišnik .................... 1945-2020 SDS   

HDZ=Hrvatska demokratska zajednica, Croatian Democratic Union; Croat nationalist,

    rightist, secessionist 1992-94).

SDA=Stranka Demokratske Akcije (Party of Democratic Action; Muslim nationalist,


SDS=Srpska Democratska Stranka (Serbian Democratic Party; Serb nationalist,

    Conservative, secessionist).

SKJ=Savez Komunista Jugoslavije (League of Communists of Yugoslavia, dissolved 1990).

Crna Gora (Montenegro)

26 Nov 1918               Incorporated into Serbia

01 Dec 1918               Part of Yugoslavia

04 Oct 1929               Area part of the Zeta Banovina

17 Apr 1941 - 26 Sep 1943 Italian occupation as Governatorato del Montenegro

26 Sep 1943 -    Dec 1944 German occupation

02 Dec 1945               People's Republic of Montenegro

07 Jul 1963               Socialist Republic of Montenegro

27 Apr 1992               Part of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia

12 Oct 1992               Republic of Montenegro

04 Feb 2003               Part of Serbia and Montenegro

03 Jun 2006               Independence

Secretaries of the Committee of the League of Communists of Montenegro

   May 1943 - 29 Jun 1963 Blažo Jovanović ...................... 1907-1976

29 Jun 1963 - 14 Dec 1968 Djordjije Pajković ................... 1917-1980

14 Dec 1968 - 21 Mar 1977 Vešelin Djuranović ................... 1925-1997

21 Mar 1977 - 01 Jul 1982 Vojo Srzentić ........................ 1934-

01 Jul 1982 -    May 1984 Dobrosav-Toro Ćulafić ................ 1926-2011

   May      - 30 Jul 1984 Vidoje Žarkovic ...................... 1927-2000

30 Jul 1984 -    May 1986 Marko Orlandić ....................... 1930-2019

   May 1986 - 11 Jan 1989 Milajn Radović ....................... 1933-2015

11 Jan      - 26 Apr 1989 Veselin Vukotić ...................... 1949-


26 Apr      - 28 Apr 1989 Milica Pejanović-Djurišić ............ 1959-


28 Apr 1989 - 22 Jun 1991 Momir Bulatović ...................... 1956-2019

President of the Executive Committee of the Union of Serbia and Montenegro

05 Nov      - 26 Nov 1918 Svetozar Tomić

President of the Grand National Assembly of the Serbian People of Montenegro

26 Nov      - 29 Nov 1918 Savo Cerović

President of the National Executive Council

29 Nov 1918 - 28 Apr 1919 Stevo Petrović Vukotić ............... 1861-1922

Yugoslav Royal Commissioner

29 Apr 1919 - 28 Apr 1922 Ivan Pavićević ....................... 1869-1926

Bans of Zita

09 Oct 1929 - 1931        Kristo Smiljanić ..................... 1868-1944

1931 - 1932               Uroš Krulj ........................... 1875-1961

1932 - 1934               Aleksa Stanišić ...................... 18..-1942

1933 - 1936               Mujo Socica

12 Aug 1936 - 1939        Petar Ivanišević ..................... 1878-1961

1939 - 1941               Božidar Krstić

            - 17 Apr 1941 Blažo Djukanović ..................... 1888-1943

Presidents of the People's Assembly

15 Nov 1943 - 21 Nov 1946 Nikola Miljanić ...................... 1892-1957

                          (President of the Anti-Fascist Committee)

21 Nov 1946 - 06 Nov 1950 Miloš Rašović ........................ 1894-1950

06 Nov 1950 - 15 Dec 1953 Nikola Kovačević ..................... 1890-1964

15 Dec 1953 - 12 Jul 1962 Blažo Jovanović ...................... (s.a)

15 Jul 1962 - 05 May 1963 Filip Bajković ....................... 1910-1985

05 May 1963 - 05 May 1967 Andrija Mugoša ....................... 1912-2006

05 May 1967 - 06 Oct 1969 Veljko Miltović ...................... 1921-2004

06 Oct 1969 - 06 May 1974 Vidoje Žarković ...................... (s.a)

Presidents of the Presidency

06 May 1974 - 07 May 1982 Veljko Milatović ..................... (s.a)

07 May 1982 - 07 May 1983 Vešelin Djuranović ................... (s.a)

07 May 1983 - 07 May 1984 Marko Orlandić ....................... (s.a)

07 May 1984 - 07 May 1985 Miodrag Vlahović ..................... (s.a)

07 May 1985 - 06 May 1986 Branislav Šoškić ..................... 1922-2022

06 May 1986 - 06 May 1988 Radivoje Brajović .................... 1935-

06 May 1988 - 13 Jan 1989 Božina Ivanović ...................... 1931-2002

13 Jan      - 17 Mar 1989 Slobodan Simović ..................... (s.a)

17 Mar 1989 - 23 Dec 1990 Branko Kostić ........................ 1939-2020


23 Dec 1990 - 15 Jan 1998 Momir Bulatović ...................... s.a

15 Jan 1998 - 25 Nov 2002 Milo Djukanović ...................... 1962-

25 Nov 2002 - 19 May 2003 Filip Vujanović (1st Time) ........... 1954-


19 May      - 22 May 2003 Rifat Rastoder ....................... 1950-2023

                        - Dragan Kujović ....................... 1948-2010


22 May 2003 - 04 Jun 2006 Filip Vujanović (2nd Time)

                          (continues to 20 May 2018)

Minister for Montenegro

07 Mar      - 17 Apr 1945 Milovan Djilas ....................... 1911-1995

Prime Minister

17 Apr 1945 - 04 Feb 1953 Blažo Jovanović ...................... (s.a)

Presidents of the Executive Council

04 Feb 1953 - 12 Jul 1962 Filip Bajković ....................... (s.a)

12 Jul 1962 - 25 Jun 1963 Djordjije Djorka Pajković ............ (s.a)

25 Jun 1963 - 08 Dec 1966 Vešelin Djuranović ................... (s.a)

08 Dec 1966 - 05 May 1967 Mijuško Šibalić ...................... 1915-1995

05 May 1967 - 07 Oct 1969 Vidoje Žarković ...................... (s.a)

07 Oct 1969 - 06 May 1974 Žarko Bulajić ........................ 1922-2009

06 May 1974 - 28 Apr 1978 Marko Orlandić ....................... (s.a)

28 Apr 1978 - 07 May 1982 Momčilo Cervović ..................... 1928-2001

07 May 1982 - 06 Jun 1986 Radivoje Brajović .................... (s.a)

06 Jun 1986 - 29 Mar 1989 Vuko Vukadinović ..................... 1937-

29 Mar 1989 - 15 Feb 1991 Radoje Kontić ........................ 1937-

Prime Ministers

15 Feb 1991 - 05 Feb 1998 Milo Djukanović (1st Time) ........... (s.a)

05 Feb 1998 - 08 Jan 2003 Filip Vujanović ...................... (s.a)

08 Jan 2003 - 10 Nov 2006 Milo Djukanović (2nd Time)

Hrvratska (Croatia)

1939-1941                                         1946-1990

29 Oct 1918               Proclamation of the State of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs

                          (Laibach, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia-Slavonia)

01 Dec 1918               Unification with Serbia and Montenegro,

                          as the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes

20 Jan 1919 - 02 Mar 1921 Autonomy

04 Oct 1929               Kingdom renamed Yugoslavia

04 Oct 1929 - 26 Aug 1939 Partitioned into the Banovinas of Sava and Primorje

26 Aug 1939               Autonomous Banovina of Croatia

10 Apr 1941               Axis occupation

10 Apr 1941 - 08 May 1945 Nezavisna Draza Hrvatska (Independent State of Croatia)

                          proclaimed (gaining limited international recognition)

15 May 1941 - 12 Sep 1943 Nominally a Kingdom

19 May 1941 - 08 Sep 1943 Part of the Dalmatian coast and the Adriatic islands

                          are ceded to Italy

04 Dec 1943               Re-incorporation into Yugoslavia declared

09 May 1944               Federal State of Croatia (part of Yugoslavia)

08 May 1945               Zagreb liberated by the Yugoslav partizans

31 Jan 1946               People's Republic of Croatia

09 Jun 1963               Socialist Republic of Croatia

25 Jul 1990               Republic of Croatia

19 May 1991               Referendum approves independence by 93%

25 Jun 1991               Secession from Yugoslavia

08 Jul      - 08 Oct 1991 Independence susspended

14 Dec 1995               Independence recognised by Yugoslavia

Secretaries of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Croatia

   Aug 1937 - 1939        Djuro Špoljarić ...................... 1906-1991

1940 - 1941               Rade Končar .......................... 1911-1942

1941 - 1942               Vladimir Popović ..................... 1914-1972

   Nov 1942 -    Oct 1944 Andrija Hebrang ...................... 1899-1949

   Oct 1944 - 1969        Vladimir Bakarić ..................... 1912-1983

       1969 - 14 Dec 1971 Savka Dabčević-Kučar ................. 1923-2009

14 Dec 1971 -    May 1982 Milka Planić ......................... 1924-2010

Presidents of the Central Committee of the League of Communists of Croatia

   May 1982 - 01 Jul 1983 Jure Bilić ........................... 1922-2006

01 Jul 1983 - 15 May 1984 Josip Vrhović ........................ 1926-2006

15 May 1984 -    May 1986 Mika Špiljak ......................... 1916-2007

   May 1986 - 13 Dec 1989 Stanko Stojčević ..................... 1929-2009

13 Dec 1989 - 03 Nov 1990 Ivica Račan .......................... 1944-2007


29 Oct 1918 - 20 Jan 1919 Antun von Mihailović ................. 1868-1949

20 Jan      - 24 Nov 1919 Ivan Paleček

24 Nov 1919 - 22 Feb 1920 Tomislav Tomljenović (1st Time) ...... 1877-1945

22 Feb      - 11 Dec 1920 Matko Laginja ........................ 1852-1930

11 Dec 1920 - 02 Mar 1921 Teodor Bosnjak ....................... 1876-1942


02 Mar      - 03 Jul 1921 Tomislav Tomljenović (2nd Time)

Provincial Commissioners for Croatia and Slavonia

03 Jul 1921 - 23 Dec 1922 Juraj Demetrović ..................... 1885-1945

23 Dec 1922 - 28 Feb 1924 Ernest Cimić ......................... 1876-1941

Bans of Sava

09 Oct 1929 -    Jan 1931 Josip Silović ........................ 1858-1937

   Jan 1931 - 1935        Ivo Nikola Perović ................... 1881-1958

       1935 - 25 Apr 1936 Marko Kostrenčić ..................... 1884-1976

25 Apr 1936 - 24 Aug 1938 Viktor Ruzić ......................... 1893-1976

24 Aug 1938 - 26 Aug 1939 Stanoje Mihaldžić .................... 1892-19..


Ban of Croatia

26 Aug 1939 - 10 Apr 1941 Ivan Subasic ......................... 1892-1955

Chairmen of the Anti-Fascist Council of the People's Liberation

13 Jun 1943 - 25 Aug 1945 Vladimir Nazor ....................... 1876-1949

Presidents of the Presidium of the People's Liberation

25 Aug 1945 - 19 Jun 1949 Vladimir Nazor ....................... (s.a)

15 Oct 1949 -    Feb 1952 Karlo-Gašpar Marzovic ................ 1902-1987

       1952 - 06 Feb 1953 Vicko Krstulovic ..................... 1905-1989

Presidents of the Presidency

06 Feb      - 18 Dec 1953 Zlatan Šremec ........................ 1898-1971

18 Dec 1953 - 27 Jun 1963 Vladimir Bakarić ..................... (s.a)

27 Jun 1963 - 11 May 1967 Ivan Krajačic ........................ 1906-1987

11 May 1967 - 10 May 1982 Jakov Blažević ....................... 1912-1996

10 May 1982 - 10 May 1983 Marijan Cvetković .................... 1920-1990

10 May 1983 - 10 May 1984 Milutin Baltić ....................... 1920-2013

10 May 1984 - 10 May 1985 Jakša Petrić ......................... 1922-1993

10 May      - 20 Nov 1985 Pero Car ............................. 1920-1985

20 Nov 1985 - 10 May 1986 Ema Derosi-Bjelajac .................. 1926-2020

10 May 1986 - 10 May 1988 Ante Marković ........................ 1924-2011

10 May 1988 - 30 May 1990 Ivo Latin ............................ 1929-2002

30 May      - 22 Dec 1990 Franjo Tudjman ....................... 1922-1999 HDZ


Minister for Croatia

07 Mar      - 14 Apr 1945 Pavle Gregorić ....................... 1892-1987

Prime Minister

14 Apr 1945 - 18 Dec 1953 Vladimir Bakarić ..................... (s.a)

Chairmen of the Executive Council

18 Dec 1953 - 10 Jul 1962 Jakov Blažević ....................... (s.a)

10 Jul 1962 - 27 Jun 1963 Zvonko Brkić ......................... 1912-1977

27 Jun 1963 - 11 May 1967 Mika Špiljak ......................... (s.a)

11 May 1967 - 08 May 1969 Savka Dabčević-Kučar ................. (s.a)

08 May 1969 - 28 Dec 1971 Dragutin Haramija .................... 1923-20

28 Dec 1971 - 08 May 1974 Ivo Perišin .......................... 1925-2008

08 May 1974 - 09 May 1978 Jakov Sirotković ..................... 1922-2002

09 May 1978 - 10 May 1982 Petar Fleković ....................... 1932-

10 May 1982 - 10 May 1986 Ante Marković ........................ (s.a)

10 May 1986 - 30 May 1990 Ante Milović ......................... 1934-2008

30 May      - 24 Aug 1990 Stjepan Mesić ........................ 1934-     HDZ

HDZ=Hrvatska demokratska zajednica (Croatian Democratic Union; Croat nationalist,


Makedonija (Macedonia)

       1913               Part of Serbia

01 Dec 1918               Part of Yugoslavia

04 Oct 1929               Area becomes the Vardarska Banovina

17 Apr 1941 - 09 Sep 1944 Incorporated into Bulgaria

29 Jun 1941 -    Oct 1944 Western territories annexed to Albania

02 Aug 1944               Declared part of Yugoslavia (effectivly on 13 Nov 1944)

08 Sep      - 13 Nov 1944 Independent Macedonian State declared

                           under German occupation

31 Jan 1946               People's Republic of Macedonia

12 Apr 1963               Socialist Republic of Macedonia

25 Jan 1991               Declaration of state sovereignty

07 Jun 1991               Republic of Macedonia

08 Sep 1991               Referendum supports independence by 96%*

18 Sep 1991               Independence declared

Presidents of the Central Committee for League of Communists of Macedonia

   Oct 1941 -    Jul 1963 Lazar Penev Kolishevski .............. 1914-2000

   Jul 1963 -    Mar 1969 Krste Tsrvenkovski ................... 1921-2001

   Mar 1969 -    May 1982 Angel Čemerski Januš ................. 1923-2005

   May 1982 - 05 May 1984 Krste Markovski ...................... 1925-

05 May 1984 -    Jun 1986 Milan Pančevski ...................... 1935-2019

   Jun 1986 - 1989        Jakov Lazarovski ..................... 1936-2021

27 Nov 1989 - 21 Apr 1991 Petar Goshev ......................... 1948-

Bans of Vardar

09 Oct 1929 - 1932        Zivojin Lazic ........................ 1876-1941

1932 - 1933               Dobrica Matkovic ..................... 1887-1973

       1933 - 16 Sep 1935 Dragoslav Djordjevic

16 Sep 1935 - 1936        Ranko Trifonovic

            - 19 Aug 1936 Dusan Filipovic


20 Aug 1936 - 1937        Dragic Pavnovic

28 Jul 1937 - 1939        Marko Novakovic

25 Sep      - 06 Sep 1939 Vladomir Hajdukveljkovic ............. 1892-1939

06 Sep      - 1939        Aleksandar Cvetkovic

1939 - 1940               Aleksandar Andrejevic

       1940 - 17 Apr 1941 Zivojin Rafajlovic ................... 1871-1953

Presidents of the Presidium of the People's Assembly

15 Apr 1945 - 15 Mar 1946 Metodija Andronov-Čento .............. 1902-1957

                          (President of the Anti-Fascist Committee)

15 Mar      - 15 Apr 1946 Dimitar Nestorov ..................... 1890-1968

15 Apr 1946 - 04 Jan 1951 Blagoye Fotev ........................ 1900-1993

04 Jan      - 15 Oct 1951 Vidoe Smilevski Bato (1st Time) ...... 1915-1979

15 Oct 1951 - 02 Feb 1953 Strahil Gigov ........................ 1909-1999

02 Feb      - 19 Dec 1953 Dimitar Mire Stojanov ................ 1910-1991

19 Dec 1953 - 26 Jun 1962 Lazar Penev Koliševski ............... s.a

26 Jun 1962 - 24 Jun 1963 Lyupco Arsov (1st Time) .............. 1910-1986

25 Jun 1963 - 12 May 1967 Vidoe Smilevski Bato (2nd Time)

12 May 1967 - 01 Aug 1968 Mito Hazhivasilev Jasmin ............. 1921-1968

01 Aug      - 23 Sep 1968 Zlatko Bilyanovski ................... 1920-2009


23 Sep 1968 - 06 May 1974 Nikola Minchev ....................... 1915-1997

Presidents of the Presidency

06 May 1974 - 31 Oct 1979 Vidoe Smilevski Bato (3rd Time)

31 Oct 1979 - 29 Apr 1982 Lyupco Arsov (2nd Time)

29 Apr 1982 - 29 Apr 1983 Angel Tsemerski Januš ................ s.a

29 Apr 1983 - 29 Apr 1984 Blagoja Taleski ...................... 1924-2001

29 Apr 1984 - 26 Apr 1985 Tome Bukleski ........................ 1921-2018

26 Apr 1985 - 28 Apr 1986 Vantso Apostolski .................... 1925-2008

28 Apr      - 30 Apr 1986 Mateja Matevski ...................... 1929-2018


30 Apr 1986 - 28 Apr 1988 Dragolyub Stavrev .................... 1932-2003

28 Apr 1988 - 28 Apr 1990 Yezdimir Bogdanski ................... 1930-2007

28 Apr 1990 - 27 Jan 1991 Vladimir Mitkov ...................... 1931-

Minister for Macedonia

07 Mar      - 16 Apr 1945 Emanuel Chuchkov ..................... 1901-1967

Prime Minister

16 Apr 1945 - 19 Dec 1953 Lazar Penev Koliševski ............... s.a

Chairmen of the Executive Council

19 Dec 1953 - 21 Dec 1960 Ljupco Arsov ......................... s.a

21 Dec 1960 - 11 May 1965 Aleksandar Grlitskov ................. 1923-1989

11 May 1965 - 23 Sep 1968 Nikola Minchev ....................... s.a

23 Sep 1968 - 08 May 1974 Ksente Bogoev ........................ 1913-2008

08 May 1974 - 29 Apr 1982 Blagoya Popov ........................ 1920-1992

29 Apr 1982 - 28 Apr 1986 Dragolyub Stavrev .................... s.a

28 Apr 1986 - 20 Mar 1991 Gligorije Gogovski ................... 1943-

*Note: On 7 September 1991 a peace conference was held in The Hague under

the Dutch presidency of the EEC attempting to mediate the conflict in

Yugoslavia. One recomendation to resolve the crisis was to hold referendums

on independence in all six republics. Macedonia was the only republic to hold

a referendum at this time, however the referendum question also stated

that the republic had a right to enter into a union with a successor state

of the S.F.R.Y. In 1992 the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia proposed a

confederation of Yugoslavia, F.Y.R.O.M and Greece, though this plan was

rejected by Greece due to pressure from opposition parties in 1994.

The plan was however seriously considered by many politicians in the F.Y.R.O.M.

Slovenija (Slovenia)

29 Oct 1918               Proclamation of the State of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs

                          (Laibach, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia-Slavonia)

01 Dec 1918               Unification with Serbia and Montenegro,

                          as the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes

20 Jan 1919 - 29 Mar 1923 Local Slovene government

04 Oct 1929               Banate of Drava

       1940               Planned creation of a Banovina of Slovenia

19 Feb 1944               Federal State of Slovenia

31 Jan 1946               People's Republic of Slovenia

07 Apr 1963               Socialist Republic of Slovenia

08 Mar 1990               Republic of Slovenia

25 Jun 1991               Secession from Yugoslavia

08 Jul      - 08 Oct 1991 Independence susspended


Presidents of the Central Committee of the League of Communists of Slovenia

1937 - 1943               Edvard Kardelj ....................... 1910-1979

1943 - 1946               Franc-Luka Leskošek .................. 1897-1983

       1946 -    Oct 1966 Miha Marinko ......................... 1900-1983

   Oct 1966 -    Dec 1968 Albert Jakopič ....................... 1914-1996

   Mar 1969 -    Apr 1982 France Jokl Popit .................... 1921-2013

   Apr 1982 -    May 1986 Andrej Marinc ........................ 1930-

   May 1986 -    Dec 1989 Milan Kučan .......................... 1941-

   Dec 1989 - 10 May 1990 Ciril Ribičič ........................ 1947-


Presidents of the National Council of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs Ljubljana

31 Oct 1918 - 24 Jan 1919 Josip Pogačnik ....................... 1866-1932

Presidents of the State Government of Slovenia

20 Jan      - 06 Nov 1919 Janko Brejc (1st Time) ............... 1869-1934

07 Nov 1919 - 21 Feb 1920 Gregor Zerjav ........................ 1882-1929

22 Feb      - 14 Dec 1920 Janko Brejc (2nd Time)

14 Dec 1920 - 16 Feb 1921 Leonid Pitmanič ...................... 1885-1971

16 Feb      - 01 Aug 1921 Vilko Baltič ......................... 1887-1959


02 Aug 1921 - 29 Mar 1923 Ivan Hribar .......................... 1851-1941

Bans of Drava

09 Oct 1929 - 04 Dec 1930 Dušan Sernec ......................... 1882-1952

04 Dec 1930 - 08 Feb 1935 Drago Marušič ........................ 1884-1975

08 Feb      - 10 Feb 1935 Dinko Puc ............................ 1879-1945

10 Feb 1935 - 16 Apr 1941 Marko Natlachan ...................... 1886-1943

Presidents of the People's Assembly

03 Oct 1943 - 18 Nov 1946 Josip Vidmar (1st Time) .............. 1895-1992

                          (Chairman of the Liberation Front of Slovenia)

18 Nov      - 19 Nov 1946 Oton Zupančič ........................ 1878-1949


19 Nov 1946               Bogdan Osolnik ....................... 1920-2019


19 Nov      - 20 Nov 1946 Ferdo Kozak (1st Time)  .............. 1894-1950

20 Nov 1946 - 30 Jan 1953 Josip Vidmar (2nd Time)

30 Jan      - 15 Dec 1953 Ferdo Kozak (2nd Time)

15 Dec 1953 - 09 Jun 1962 Miha Marinko ......................... (s.a)

09 Jun 1962 - 25 Jun 1963 Vida Bernot Tomšič ................... 1913-1998

25 Jun 1963 - 29 Apr 1965 Ivan Maček ........................... 1908-1993

29 Apr 1965 - 09 May 1967 Janko Rudolf ......................... 1914-1997

09 May 1967 - 09 May 1974 Sergej Kraigher  (1st Time) .......... 1914-2001

       1974               Marjan Brecelj ....................... 1910-1989


Presidents of the Presidency

09 May 1974 - 23 May 1979 Sergej Kraigher (2nd Time)

23 May 1979 - 07 May 1982 Viktor Avbelj-Rudi ................... 1914-1994

07 May 1982 - 06 May 1988 France Jokl Popit .................... (s.a)

06 May 1988 - 10 May 1990 Janez Stanovnik ...................... 1922-2020

10 May 1990 - 23 Jan 1992 Milan Kučan .......................... (s.a)



Minister for Slovenia

07 Mar      - 05 May 1945 Edvard Kocbek ........................ 1904-1981

Prime Ministers

05 May 1945 - 17 Jun 1946 Boris Kidrič ......................... 1912-1953

17 Jun 1946 - 15 Dec 1953 Miha Marinko ......................... s.a

Chairmen of the Executive Council

15 Dec 1953 - 25 Jun 1962 Boris Kraigher ....................... 1914-1967

25 Jun 1962 - 29 Apr 1965 Viktor Avbelj-Rudi ................... (s.a)

29 Apr 1965 - 09 May 1967 Janko Smole .......................... 1921-2010

09 May 1967 - 27 Nov 1972 Stane Kavčič ......................... 1919-1987

27 Nov 1972 - 09 May 1978 Andrej Marinc ........................ (s.a)

09 May 1978 -    Jul 1980 Anton Vratuša ........................ 1915-2017

   Jul 1980 - 23 May 1984 Janez Zemljarič ...................... 1928-2022

23 May 1984 - 16 May 1990 Dušan Šinigoj ........................ 1933-2024

16 May 1990 - 23 Jan 1992 Alojz Peterle ........................ 1948-

Srbija (Serbia)

01 Dec 1918               Serbia part of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes

       1940               Planned creation of a Banovina of Serbi

13 Apr 1941 - 20 Oct 1944 German occupation

29 Nov 1943               Proclaimed part of Federative Democratic Yugoslavia

09 Nov 1944               Serbia

29 Nov 1945               Part of Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia

31 Jan 1946               People's Republic of Serbia

07 Apr 1963               Socialist Republic of Serbia

28 Sep 1990               Republic of Serbia

27 Apr 1992               Part of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia

04 Feb 2003               Part of Serbia and Montenegro

05 Jun 2006               Independent


Secretaries of the Provisional Committee of the Yugoslav of Communist Party for Serbia

   Jun 1937 - 11 Sep 1941 Aleksandar Ranković .................. 1909-1983

11 Sep 1941 - 21 Jan 1949 Blagoje Neštovik ..................... 1907-1984

                          (for the Central Committee to 08 May 1945)

Secretaries of the Central Committee of the League of Communists of Serbia

21 Jan 1949 - 30 Mar 1957 Petar Stambolić ...................... 1912-2007

                          (of the Central Committee to 07 Nov 1952)

30 Mar 1957 - 04 Nov 1966 Jovan Veselinov Žarko ................ 1906-1982

Presidents of the Central Committee of the League of Communists of Serbia

04 Nov 1966 - 19 Jan 1968 Dobrivoje Radoslavljević ............. 1915-1984

19 Jan 1968 - 26 Oct 1972 Marko Nikezić ........................ 1921-1991

26 Oct 1972 -    May 1982 Tihomir Vlaskalić .................... 1923-1993

   May 1982 - 17 May 1984 Dušan Čkrebić ........................ 1927-2022

17 May 1984 -    May 1986 Ivan Stambolić ....................... 1936-2000

   May 1986 - 24 May 1989 Slobadan Milošević (1st Time) ........ 1941-2006

24 May 1989 - 16 Jul 1990 Bogdan Trifunović .................... 1933-2007

17 Jul 1990 - 24 May 1991 Slobodan Milošević (2nd Time) 

                          (As president of the SPS)


Bans of Morava

09 Oct 1929 - 1931        Djordje Branko Nestorović ............ 1864-1932

1931 - 1932               Djordje Drenovac

1932 - 1935               Jeremija Zivanović ................... 1874-1940

1935 - 1936               Dobrica Matkovi ...................... (s.a)

27 Apr 1936 - 1937        Marko Novaković

       1937 -    Sep 1938 Predrag Lukić

1938 - 1939               Janicije Krasojević

       1939 - 1941        Milan Nikolić ........................ 1877-1943

            - 17 Apr 1941 Ivan Djordjević ...................... 1893-19..

Chairman of the Anti-Fascist Assembly for Liberation

12 Nov 1944 -    Mar 1953 Siniša Stanković ..................... 1892-1974

Presidents of the Assembly

   Dec 1953 -    Apr 1957 Petar Stambolić ...................... (s.a)

   Apr 1957 - 26 Jun 1963 Jovan Vešalinov "Zarko" .............. (s.a)

26 Jun 1963 - 06 May 1967 Dušan Petrović ....................... 1914-1977

06 May 1967 - 06 May 1969 Miloš Minić .......................... 1914-2003

06 May 1969 - 19 Apr 1974 Dragoslav Drazo Marković (1st Time) .. 1920-2005

19 Apr      - 05 May 1974 Zivan Vasiljević ..................... 1920-1994

Presidents of the Presidency

05 May 1974 - 05 May 1978 Dragoslav Drazo Marković (2nd Time)

05 May 1978 - 05 May 1982 Dobrivoje Vidić ...................... 1918-1991

05 May 1982 - 15 May 1984 Nikola Ljubicić ...................... 1916-2005

15 May 1984 - 05 May 1985 Dušan Čkrebić ........................ (s.a)

05 May 1985 - 14 Dec 1987 Ivan Stambolić ....................... (s.a)

14 Dec 1987 - 20 Mar 1989 Petar Gracanin Periša ................ 1923-2004

20 Mar      - 08 May 1989 Ljubiša Igić ......................... 1941-


08 May 1989 - 11 Jan 1991 Slobodan Milošević ................... (s.a)


11 Jan 1991 - 23 Jul 1997 Slobodan Milošević ................... (s.a)     SPS

23 Jul      - 29 Dec 1997 Dragan Tomić ......................... 1937-202 SPS


29 Dec 1997 - 29 Dec 2002 Milan Milutinović .................... 1942-     SPS

29 Dec 2002 - 04 Feb 2004 Nataša Mićić ......................... 1965-


04 Feb      - 03 Mar 2004 Dragan Maršićanin .................... 1950-     DSS


03 Mar      - 04 Mar 2004 Vojislav Mihailović .................. 1951-     SPO


04 Mar      - 11 Jul 2004 Predrag Marković ..................... 1955-     G17+


11 Jul 2004 - 05 Jun 2006 Boris Tadić .......................... 1958-     DS



Chairman of the Provisional Committee

18 Nov      - 31 Dec 1944 Miltentije Popović ................... 1913-1971

President of the Economic Council

01 Jan      - 09 Apr 1945 Pavel Savić .......................... 1909-1994

Minister for Serbia

07 Mar      - 09 Apr 1945 Jakov Jaša Prodanović ................ 1867-1948

Prime Ministers

09 Apr 1945 - 05 Sep 1948 Blagoje Neković ...................... 1907-1984

05 Sep 1948 - 16 Dec 1953 Petar Stambolić ...................... (s.a)

Presidents of the Executive Council

16 Dec 1953 - 06 Apr 1957 Jovan Veselinov ...................... 1906-1982

06 Apr 1957 - 09 Jun 1962 Miloš Minić .......................... 1914-2003

09 Jun 1962 - 06 Nov 1964 Slobadan Penezić Krcun ............... 1918-1964

06 Nov      - 17 Nov 1964 Stjepan Doronjski .................... 1919-1981

17 Nov 1964 - 06 May 1967 Dragi Stamenković .................... 1920-2004

06 May 1967 - 06 May 1969 Djurica Jojkić ....................... 1914-1981

06 May 1969 - 06 May 1974 Milenko Bojanić ...................... 1924-1987

06 May 1974 - 06 May 1978 Dušan Čkrebić ........................ s.a

06 May 1978 - 05 May 1982 Ivan Stambolić ....................... (s.a)

05 May 1982 - 06 May 1986 Branislav Ikonić ..................... 1928-2002

06 May 1986 - 05 Dec 1989 Desimir Jeftić ....................... 1938-2017

05 Dec 1989 - 11 Feb 1991 Stanko Radmilović .................... 1936-2018

Prime Ministers

11 Feb      - 23 Dec 1991 Dragutin Zelenović ................... 1928-2020 SPS

23 Dec 1991 - 10 Feb 1993 Radoman Bozović ...................... 1953-     SPS

10 Feb 1993 - 18 Mar 1994 Nikola Šainović ...................... 1948-     SPS

18 Mar 1994 - 24 Oct 2000 Mirko Marjanović ..................... 1937-2006 SPS

24 Oct 2000 - 25 Jan 2001 Milomir Minić ........................ 1950-     SPS

25 Jan 2001 - 12 Mar 2003 Zoran Đinndijć ....................... 1952-2003 DS

18 Mar 2003 - 03 Mar 2004 Zoran Živković ....................... 1960-     DS

03 Mar 2004 - 05 Jun 2006 Dr. Vojislav Koštunića ............... 1944-     DSS

SPS=Socijalisticka Partija Srbije (Socialist Party of Serbia, Neo-communist, authoritarian 1990-2000, former SKS).

Autonomous Province of Kosovo

10 Jul 1945               Autonomous Kosovo and Metohija Region within Serbia

07 Apr 1963               Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija

26 Dec 1968               Socialist Autonomous Province of Kosovo within Serbia

23 Mar 1989               Autonomy reduced to pre-1968 status

02 Jul 1990               Unilaterally declared a republic independent of Serbia

                          but not Yugoslavia (not recognised)

28 Sep 1990               Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija

Secretaries of the Regional Committee for the Communist Party of Serbia

for Kosovo and Metohija

15 Oct 1944 - 13 Mar 1945 Miladin Popović ...................... 1910-1945

13 Mar 1945 -    Feb 1956 Đorđije Pajković ..................... 1917-1980

   Mar 1956 - 16 Jun 1965 Dušan Mugosa ......................... 1914-1973

16 Jun 1965 - 28 Jun 1971 Velli Deva (1st Time) ................ 1923-2015   

28 Jun 1971 - 06 May 1981 Mahmut Bakalli ....................... 1936-2006

06 Mar 1981 -    Jun 1982 Velli Deva (2nd Time)

Presidents of the Provincial Committee for the League of Communists of Kosovo

   Jun 1982 -    May 1983 Sinan Hasani ......................... 1922-2010

   May 1983 -    Mar 1984 Ilaz Kurteshi ........................ 1927-2016

   Mar 1984 -    May 1985 Svetislav Dolasević .................. 1926-1995

   May 1985 -    May 1986 Kolë Shiroka ......................... 1922-1994

   May 1986 -    May 1988 Azem Vllasi .......................... 1948-

   May      - 17 Nov 1988 Kaqusha Jashari ...................... 1946-

17 Nov 1988 - 27 Jan 1989 Remzi Kolgeci ........................ 1947-2011


27 Jan 1989 - 12 Oct 1990 Rahman Morina ........................ 1943-1990


Chairman of the People's Liberation Committee

01 Jan 1944 - 11 Jul 1945 Mehmed Hoxha ......................... 1908-1987

Presidents of the Assembly

11 Jul 1945 - 20 Feb 1953 Fadil Hoxha (1st Time)  .............. 1916-2001

20 Dec      - 12 Dec 1953 Ismet Saqiri ......................... 1918-1986

12 Dec 1953 - 05 May 1956 Đorđije Pajković ..................... s.a

05 May 1956 - 04 Apr 1960 Pavel Jovicević ...................... 1910-1985

04 Apr 1960 - 18 Jun 1963 Dušan Mugosa ......................... s.a

18 Jun 1963 - 24 Jun 1967 Stanoje Aksić ........................ 1921-1970

24 Jun 1967 - 07 May 1969 Fadil Hoxha (2nd Time)

07 May 1969 -    May 1974 Ilaz Kurteshi ........................ s.a

Presidents of the Presidency

   May 1974 - 05 Aug 1981 Xhavid Nimani ........................ 1919-2000

05 Aug 1981 -    Oct 1982 Ali Shukri ........................... 1919-2005

   Oct 1982 -    May 1983 Kolë Shiroka ......................... s.a

   May 1983 -    May 1985 Shefqet Nebih Gashi .................. 1927-

   May 1985 -    May 1986 Branislav Skembarević ................ 1920-2003

05 May 1986 -    May 1988 Bajram Selani

   May 1988 - 05 Apr 1989 Remzi Kolgeci ........................ s.a

05 Apr 1989 - 11 Apr 1990 Hysen Kajdomçaj ...................... 1943-

Provincial Coordinator

11 Apr 1990 - 11 Jan 1991 Momcilo Trajković .................... 1950-


Chairmen of the Executive Council

01 Jul 1945 - 1963        Fadil Hoxha .......................... s.a

       1963 -    May 1967 Ali Shukri ........................... s.a

   May 1967 -    May 1974 Ilija Vakić .......................... 1932-

   May 1974 -    May 1978 Bogoljub Nedeljković ................. 1920-1986

   May 1978 -    May 1980 Bahri Oruçi .......................... 1930-2011

   May 1980 -    May 1982 Riza Sapunxhiu ....................... 1925-2008

   May 1982 - 05 May 1984 Imer Pula ............................ 1921-2010

05 May 1984 -    May 1986 Ljubomir Nedjo Borković .............. 1926-

   May 1986 -        1987 Namzi Mustafa ........................ 1941-

       1987 - 09 May 1989 Kaqusha Jashari ...................... s.a

09 May 1989               Nikolla Shkreli ...................... s.a

            - 04 Dec 1989 Daut Jashanica ....................... 1948-

04 Dec 1989 - 30 Sep 1990 Jusuf Zejnullah ...................... 1944-

Autonomous Province of Vojvodina

01 Sep 1945               Autonomous Province of Vojvodina

07 Apr 1963               Socialist Autonomous Province of Vojvodina

       1974 - 28 Sep 1990 Autonomy upgraded


Secretaries of the Provinsial Committee of the Communist Party of Serbia

for Vojvodina

       1938 - 04 Nov 1942 Zarko Zrenjanin ...................... 1902-1942

04 Nov 1942 -    Jan 1943 Isa Jovanović ........................ 1906-1982


   Jan 1943 -    Nov 1946 Jovan Vešelinov ...................... 1907-1982

   Nov 1946 -    May 1951 Dobrivoje Vidić ...................... 1918-1992

1951 - 1966               Stevan Doronjski ..................... 1919-1981

1966 - 1969               Mirko Tepavać ........................ 1922-2014

   Dec 1969 - 24 Dec 1972 Mirko Čanadanović .................... 1936-

24 Dec 1972 - 28 Apr 1981 Dušan Alimpić ........................ 1921-2002

28 Apr 1981 - 28 Apr 1982 Bosko Krunić (1st Time) .............. 1929-2017

Presidents of the Presidency of the Provincial Committee of the Communist

Party of Vojvodina

28 Apr 1982 - 28 Apr 1983 Marko Djuričin ....................... 1925-2013

28 Apr 1983 - 28 Apr 1984 Slavko Vešelinov ..................... 1925-1997

28 Apr 1984 - 24 Apr 1985 Bosko Krunić (2nd Time)

24 Apr 1985 - 06 Oct 1988 Đorđe Stojsić ........................ 1928-2014

06 Oct      - 14 Nov 1988 Milorad Sogorov ...................... 1941-

14 Nov 1988 - 20 Jan 1989 Bogoslav Kovačević ................... 1923-

20 Jan 1989 - 16 Jul 1990 Nedeljko Sipovać ..................... 1938-2010

Presidents of the Government

24 Nov 1918 - 11 Mar 1919 Jovan Lalošević ...................... 1870-1935

Bans of Dunav

09 Oct 1929 - 16 Jan 1930 Daka Popovic ......................... 1886-1967

17 Jan      - 1930        Radoslav Djunic ...................... 1871-1948

       1930 - 02 May 1931 Svetomir Matic ....................... 1870-1931

11 May 1931 - 09 Apr 1933 Milan Nikolic ........................ 1877-1943

09 Apr 1933 - 1935        Dobrica Matkovic ..................... 1887-1973

1935                      Milojko Vašovic ...................... 1885-1981

12 Sep 1935 - 20 Aug 1936 Svetislav Paunovic

20 Aug 1936 - 1939        Svetislav Rajic ...................... 1889-1941

27 Feb 1939 - 25 Apr 1940 Jovan Radivojevic .................... 1884-1946

       1940 - 31 Mar 1941 Branko Kijurina ...................... 1891-19..

01 Apr      - 14 Apr 1941 Milorad Vlaškalic .................... 1890-1984

Presidents of the People's Defense Committee

   Nov 1943 -        1944 Nikola Grulovich ..................... 1888-1959

       1944 -    Jul 1947 Jovan Vešelinov ...................... (s.a)

Presidents of the Presidency (People's Assembly to 1953-1974)

   Jul 1947 -    Dec 1953 Luka Mrksić .......................... 1899-1976

   Dec 1953 - 18 Jul 1963 Stepan Doronjski ..................... (s.a)

18 Jul 1963 - 20 Apr 1967 Radovan Vlajković (1st Time) ......... 1922-2001

20 Apr 1967 - 05 Jun 1973 Ilija Rajačić ........................ 1923-2005

05 Jun 1973 -    Nov 1974 Sreten Kovacević ..................... 1920-1995

   Nov 1974 -    May 1981 Radovan Vlajković (2nd Time)

   May 1981 -    May 1982 Predrag Vladisavljević (1st Time) .... 1919-2000

   May 1982 -    May 1983 Danilo Kekić ......................... 1918-1999

   May 1983 - 04 May 1984 Đorđe Radosavljević .................. 1921-

04 May 1984 - 07 May 1985 Nándor Major (1st Time) .............. 1931-

07 May 1985 -    May 1986 Predrag Vladisavljević (2nd Time)

   May 1986 -    May 1988 Đorđe Radosavljević .................. (s.a)

   May 1988 -    May 1989 Nándor Major (2nd Time)

   May 1989 - 11 Jan 1991 Jugoslav Kostić ...................... 1939-


President of the Great People's Council

24 Nov 1918 - 11 Mar 1919 Slavko Miletić ....................... 1869-1934

Yugoslav Military Administrator

17 Oct 1944 - 27 Jan 1945 Ivan Rukavina ........................ 1912-1992 Mil

Prime Ministers

09 Apr 1945 - 05 Sep 1948 Aleksandar Sević ..................... 1897-1975

05 Sep 1948 - 20 Mar 1953 Luka Mrksić .......................... (s.a)

Chairmen of the Executive Council

20 Mar      -    Dec 1953 Stevan Doronjski ..................... (s.a)

   Dec 1953 - 22 Jul 1962 Geza Tikvicki ........................ 1917-1999

22 Jul 1962 - 18 Jul 1963 Djurica Jojkić ....................... 1914-1981

18 Jul 1963 - 20 Apr 1967 Ilija Rajacić ........................ 1923-1986

20 Apr 1967 -    Oct 1971 Stijpan Marusić ...................... 1926-1974

   Oct 1971 - 06 May 1974 Ferenc Nagy .......................... 1923-1986

06 May 1974 - 05 May 1982 Nikola Kmezić ........................ 1919-2009

05 May 1982 -    May 1986 Zivan Marelj ......................... 1938-

   May 1986 - 24 Oct 1989 Jon Srbovan .......................... 1930-2018

24 Oct      -    Dec 1989 Sredoje Erdeljan ..................... 1939-2011

   Dec 1989 - 11 Jan 1991 Jovan Radić .......................... 1949-