United Kingdom

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

24 Mar 1603               Union of the Crowns unites the Kingdoms England, Ireland

                          and Scotland in a personal union

19 May 1649 - 16 Dec 1653 Commonwealth of England

16 Dec 1653 - 08 May 1660 Commonwealth of England, Scotland and Ireland

08 May 1660               Union of the Crowns is restored

01 May 1707               Act of Union unites England and Scotland as the

                           United Kingdom of Great Britain (in personal union with Ireland)

01 Aug 1714 - 20 Jun 1837 In Personal Union with Hannover

01 Jan 1801               United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland

21 Jan 1919               Independence of the Irish Republic declared (not recognised by

                          Great Britain)

06 Dec 1921               British-Irish Treaty recognises the independence of the

                          Irish Free State from Great Britain (a Dominion to 1949)

31 Mar 1922               The Irish Free State treaty comes into effect

06 Dec 1922               The Irish Free State treaty is fully implemented

12 Apr 1927               United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

01 Jan 1973 - 31 Jan 2020 Member of the European Union (EEC before 1993)

24 Jun 2016               Referendum supports leaving the EU 52% to 48%

Periods in British History

1603 - 1694 Stuart

1603 - 1625 Jacobean

1625 - 1649 Caroline

1649 - 1660 (Interregnum)

1660 - 1714 Restoration

1714 - 1837 Georgian (Hannoverian)

1811 - 1820 Regency

1837 - 1901 Victorian

1901 - 1919 Edwardian

1920 - 1939 Interwar

1939 - 1945 Second World War

1945 - 1979 Post War

1979 -      Contemporary

Union of England, Scotland and Ireland

24 Mar 1603 - 17 Mar 1649 Union of the Crowns unites England, Ireland and Scotland

19 May 1649 - 16 Dec 1653 Commonwealth of England

16 Dec 1653 - 08 May 1660 Commonwealth of England, Scotland and Ireland

Kings of England, Ireland and Scotland

24 Mar 1603 - 27 Mar 1625 Stuart, James VI of Scotland ........... 1567-1525

27 Mar 1625 - 30 Jan 1649 Stuart, Charles I ...................... 1600-1649

Lord Protectors

16 Dec 1653 - 03 Sep 1658 Oliver Cromwell ........................ 1599-1658

03 Sep 1658 - 07 May 1659 Richard Cromwell ....................... 1626-1712

Speakers of Parliament

07 May      - 13 Oct 1659 William Lenthall (1st Time) ............ 1591-1662

13 Oct      - 25 Oct 1659 Bulstrode Whitlocke .................... 1605-1675

25 Oct      - 24 Dec 1659 Committee of Saftey

Speaker of the Parliament of England

24 Dec 1659 - 16 Mar 1660 William Lenthall (2nd Time)

President of the Council of State

16 Mar      - 25 Apr 1660 Arthur Annesley ........................ 1614-1686

25 Apr      - 29 Apr 1660 Sir Harbottle Grimston ................. 1603-1685

Kings of England, Ireland and Scotland

29 May 1660 - 06 Feb 1685 Stuart, Charles II ..................... 1630-1685

06 Feb 1685 - 13 Feb 1689 Stuart, James II/VII ................... 1633-1701

13 Feb 1689 - 08 Mar 1702 Oranje-Nassau, William III/II .......... 1650-1702

13 Feb 1689 - 28 Dec 1694 Stuart, Mary II ........................ 1662-1694

08 Mar 1702 - 01 May 1707 Stuart, Anne ........................... 1665-1714

Presidents of the Council of State

10 Dec 1653 - 19 May 1659 Henry Laurence ......................... 1600-1664

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

08 May 1660               Union of the Crowns

01 May 1707               United Kingdom of Great Britain

01 Aug 1714 - 20 Jun 1837 In Personal Union with the Kingdom of Hannover

01 Jan 1801               United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland

21 Jan 1919               Independence of Ireland (official from 06 Dec 1922)

12 Apr 1927 -             United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

01 Jan 1973 - 31 Jan 2020 Member of the E.U (EEC to 1993)


Government: Constitutional Monarchy.

Capital: London.

Language: English, Welsh, Scotch Gaelic, Irish Gaelic, Cornish.

Ethnic Groups: British (Anglo-Celtic) 85%, European 5%,

                Asian 2%, Black 2%, Irish 1.2%, Other 0.8%.

Religion: Anglican, Roman Catholic, Islam, Jewish.

National Anthem: "God Save the King".

National Emblem: The Royal Arms.

National Day: 2nd Saturday in June (Coronation day of 1953 [celebrated as the Monarchs birthday]).

National Motto: Dieu Et Mon Droit (God and my right).

EU Accession: 1st January 1973.

Currency: British Pound Sterling.


Monarchs (1714-1837 also Monarchs of Brunswick and Hanover)

01 May 1707 - 01 Aug 1714 Stuart, Anne ........................... 1665-1714

01 Aug      - 18 Sep 1714 Thomas Parker, Earl of Macclesfield .... 1666-1732

                          (Head of the Regency council)

01 Aug 1714 - 22 Jun 1727 Welf, George I ......................... 1660-1727

22 Jun 1727 - 25 Oct 1760 Welf, George II ........................ 1683-1760

1736 - 1737               Caroline von Brandenburg-Ansbach ....... 1683-1737

                          (Queen-regent for George II in Hannover)

25 Oct 1760 - 29 Jan 1820 Welf, George III ....................... 1738-1820

05 Feb 1811 - 29 Jan 1820 George Augustus Frederick,

                           Prince of Wales ....................... 1762-1830

                          (Prince Regent)

29 Jan 1820 - 26 Jun 1830 Welf, George IV ........................ (s.a)

26 Jun 1830 - 20 Jun 1837 Welf, William IV ....................... 1763-1837

20 Jun 1837 - 22 Jan 1901 Welf, Victoria ......................... 1819-1901

22 Jan 1901 - 06 May 1910 Wettin, Edward VII ..................... 1841-1910

06 May 1910 - 20 Jan 1936 Wettin, George V ....................... 1865-1936

20 Jan      - 11 Dec 1936 Wettin, Edward VIII .................... 1894-1972

11 Dec 1936 - 06 Feb 1952 Wettin, George VI ...................... 1895-1952

06 Feb 1952 - 08 Sep 2022 Wettin, Elizabeth II ................... 1926-2022

08 Sep 2022 -             Oldenburg, Charles III ................. 1948-



Prime Ministers*

26 May 1730 - 22 Feb 1742 Sir Robert Walpole, Earl of Oxford ..... 1676-1745

22 Feb 1742 - 13 Jul 1743 Spencer Compton, Earl of Wilmington .... 1673-1743

13 Jul 1743 - 06 Mar 1754 Henry Pelham ........................... 1696-1754

06 Mar 1754 - 16 Nov 1756 Thomas Pelham-Holles,

                           Duke of Newcastle-upon Tyne (1st Time). 1693-1768

16 Nov 1756 - 02 Jul 1757 William Cavendish, Duke of Devonshire .. 1720-1764

02 Jul 1757 - 02 Jul 1762 Thomas Pelham-Holles,

                           Duke of Newcastle-upon Tyne (2nd Time)

02 Jul 1762 - 16 Apr 1763 John Stuart, Earl of Bute .............. 1713-1792

16 Apr 1763 - 13 Jul 1765 George Grenville ....................... 1712-1730

13 Jul 1765 - 30 Jul 1766 Charles Watson Wentworth,

                           Marquess of Rockingham (1st Time) ..... 1730-1782

30 Jul 1766 - 14 Oct 1768 William Pitt, Earl of Chatham .......... 1708-1778

                          (The Elder)

14 Oct 1768 - 28 Jan 1770 Augustus Henry FitzRoy,

                           Duke of Grafton ....................... 1735-1811

28 Jan 1770 - 22 Mar 1782 Frederick North, Earl of Guilford ...... 1732-1792

22 Mar      - 04 Jul 1782 Charles Watson Wentworth,

                           Marquess of Rockingham (2nd Time)

04 Jul 1782 - 02 Apr 1783 William Petty-FitzMaurice,

                           Marquess of Lansdowne ................. 1737-1805

02 Apr      - 19 Dec 1783 William Henry Cavendish Bentinck,

                           Duke of Portland (1st Time) ........... 1738-1809

19 Dec 1783 - 14 Mar 1801 William Pitt "the Younger" (1st Time) .. 1759-1806

14 Mar 1801 - 10 May 1804 Henry Addington, Viscount, Sidmouth .... 1757-1844

10 May 1804 - 23 Jan 1806 William Pitt "the Younger" (2nd Time)

11 Feb 1806 - 31 Mar 1807 William Wyndham Grenville,

                           Baron Grenville ....................... 1759-1834

31 Mar 1807 - 04 Oct 1809 William Henry Cavendish Bentinck,

                          Duke of Portland (2nd Time)

04 Oct 1809 - 11 May 1812 Spencer Perceval ....................... 1762-1812

11 May 1812 - 12 Apr 1827 Lord Robert Banks Jenkinson,

                           Earl of Liverpool ..................... 1770-1828

12 Apr      - 08 Aug 1827 George Canning ......................... 1770-1827

31 Aug 1827 - 22 Jan 1828 Frederick John Robinson,

                           Viscount of Goderich .................. 1782-1859

22 Jan 1828 - 22 Nov 1830 Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington ... 1769-1852

                          (1st Time)

22 Nov 1830 - 16 Jul 1834 Charles Grey, Earl of Grey ............. 1764-1845

16 Jul      - 17 Nov 1834 William Lamb, Viscount Melbourne ....... 1779-1848

                          (1st Time)

17 Nov      - 10 Dec 1834 Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington

                          (2nd Time)

10 Dec 1834 - 18 Apr 1835 Sir Robert Peel, 2nd Baronet ........... 1788-1850

                          (1st Time)

18 Apr 1835 - 30 Aug 1841 William Lamb, Viscount Melbourne

                          (2nd Time)

30 Aug 1841 - 30 Jun 1846 Sir Robert Peel, 2nd Baronet (2nd Time)

30 Jun 1846 - 23 Feb 1852 Lord John Russell, Earl Russell ........ 1792-1878

                          (1st Time)

23 Feb      - 19 Dec 1852 Edward George Geoffrey Stanley,

                           Earl of Derby (1st Time) .............. 1799-1869

19 Dec 1852 - 06 Feb 1855 George Hamilton-Gordon,

                           Earl of Aberdeen ...................... 1784-1860

06 Feb 1855 - 20 Feb 1858 Henry John Temple,

                           viscount of Palmerston (1st Time) ..... 1784-1865

20 Feb 1858 - 12 Jun 1859 Edward George Geoffrey Stanley,

                           Earl of Derby (2nd Time)

12 Jun 1859 - 18 Oct 1865 Henry John Temple,

                           viscount of Palmerston (2nd Time)

29 Oct 1865 - 28 Jun 1866 Lord John Russell, Earl Russell (2nd Time)

28 Jun 1866 - 27 Feb 1868 Edward George Geoffrey Stanley,

                           Earl of Derby (3rd Time)

27 Feb      - 03 Dec 1868 Benjamin Disraeli,

                           Earl of Beaconsfield (1st Time) ....... 1804-1881

03 Dec 1868 - 20 Feb 1874 William Ewart Gladstone (1st Time) ..... 1809-1898

20 Feb 1874 - 23 Apr 1880 Benjamin Disraeli,

                           Earl of Beaconsfield (2nd Time)

23 Apr 1880 - 23 Jun 1885 William Ewart Gladstone (2nd Time)

23 Jun 1885 - 31 Jan 1886 Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoyne Cecil,

                           Marquess of Salisbury (1st Time) ...... 1830-1903

01 Feb      - 25 Jul 1886 William Ewart Gladstone (3rd Time)

25 Jul 1886 - 15 Aug 1892 Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoyne Cecil,

                           Marquess of Salisbury (2nd Time)

15 Aug 1892 - 05 Mar 1894 William Ewart Gladstone (4th Time)

05 Mar 1894 - 25 Jun 1895 Lord Archibald Philip Primrose,

                           Earl of Rosebery ...................... 1847-1929 LD

25 Jun 1895 - 12 Jul 1902 Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoyne Cecil,

                           Marquess of Salisbury (3rd Time)

12 Jul 1902 - 05 Dec 1905 Arthur James Balfour, Earl Balfour ..... 1848-1930 C

05 Dec 1905 - 08 Apr 1908 Sir Henry Campbell Bannerman ........... 1836-1908 LD

08 Apr 1908 - 07 Dec 1916 Herbert Henry Asquith,

                           Earl of Oxford & Asquith .............. 1852-1928 LD

07 Dec 1916 - 23 Oct 1922 David Lloyd George, Earl of Dwyfor ..... 1863-1945 LD

23 Oct 1922 - 22 May 1923 Andrew Bonar Law ....................... 1858-1923 C

22 May 1923 - 22 Jan 1924 Stanley Baldwin, Earl of Bewdley ....... 1867-1947 C

                          (1st Time)

22 Jan      - 04 Nov 1924 James Ramsay MacDonald ................. 1866-1937 L

                          (1st Time)

04 Nov 1924 - 05 Jan 1929 Stanley Baldwin, Earl of Bewdley

                          (2nd Time)

05 Jan 1929 - 07 Jun 1935 James Ramsay MacDonald (2nd Time)

07 Jun 1935 - 28 May 1937 Stanley Baldwin, Earl of Bewdley

                          (3rd Time)

28 May 1937 - 10 May 1940 Arthur Neville Chamberlain ............. 1869-1940 C

10 May 1940 - 26 Jul 1945 Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill .. 1874-1965 C

                          (1st Time)

26 Jul 1945 - 26 Oct 1951 Clement Richard Attlee, Earl of Atlee... 1883-1967 L

26 Oct 1951 - 06 Apr 1955 Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill

                          (2nd Time)

06 Apr 1955 - 10 Jan 1957 Sir Robert Anthony Eden, Earl of Avon .. 1897-1977 C

10 Jan 1957 - 19 Oct 1963 Maurice Harold Macmillan,

                           Earl of Stockton ...................... 1894-1986 C

19 Oct 1963 - 16 Oct 1964 Alexander Frederick Douglas Home,

                           Baron Home of Hirsel .................. 1903-1995 C

16 Oct 1964 - 19 Jun 1970 James Harold Wilson, Baron of Rievaulx  1916-1995 L

                          (1st Time)

19 Jun 1970 - 04 Mar 1974 Sir Edward Richard George Heath ........ 1916-2005 C

04 Mar 1974 - 05 Apr 1976 James Harold Willson, Baron of Rievaulx

                          (2nd Time)

05 Apr 1976 - 04 May 1979 Leonard James Callaghan,

                           Baron Callaghan of Cardiff ............ 1913-2005 L

04 May 1979 - 28 Nov 1990 Margaret Hilda Thatcher,

                           Baroness Thatcher of Kesteven ......... 1925-2013 C

28 Nov 1990 - 02 May 1997 Sir John Roy Major ..................... 1943-     C

02 May 1997 - 27 Jun 2007 Anthony Charles Lynton Blair ........... 1953-     L

27 Jun 2007 - 11 May 2010 James Gordon Brown ..................... 1951-     L

11 May 2010 - 13 Jul 2016 David William Donald Cameron ........... 1966-     C

13 Jul 2016 - 24 Jul 2019 Theresa Mary May ....................... 1956-     C

24 Jul 2019 - 06 Sep 2022 Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson ..... 1964-     C

06 Sep      - 25 Oct 2022 Mary Elizabeth Truss ................... 1975-     C

25 Oct 2022 - 05 Jul 2024 Rishi Sunak ............................ 1980-     C

05 Jul 2024 -             Sir Keir Rodney Starmer ................ 1962-     L




C=Conservative and Unionist Party (Centre-right)

L=Labour Party (Social-democratic)

LD=Liberal Democrats (Social-liberal)

G=Greens (Environmentalist)


Note: In the majority of cases the Prime Ministers were granted their peerages

after leaving office to allow them to enter the House of Lords, but are included

here for completeness sake.

Style of the British Monarch "His/Her Britannic Majesty". "By Grace of God King

of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of her other

Realms and Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith."

The heir to the throne is styled "Prince of Wales, Duke of Cornwall", except

in Scotland where he is styled "Duke of Rothesay".

Other members of the royal family use the following styles "Duke of Cambridge,

Duke of Edinburgh, Duke of Gloucester, Duke of Kent, Duke of York, Princess

Royal, Earl of Wessex".

Orders: Victoria Cross

        George Cross

        Order of Bath

        Order of St. Micheal and St. George

        The Distinguished Service Order

        The Royal Victorian Order

        The Order of Merit

        The Imperial Service Order

        Order of the British Empire

        Order of the Companions of Honour

        Royal Victorian Chain


55 - 54 BC                Roman invasion and occupation

43 AD                     Annexed by Roman Empire

c. 213 AD                 Division into Britannia Superior and Britannia Inferior

410 AD                    End of Roman rule

827                       Paramount Kingdom of Wessex

c.900                     First mention of Anglaland (Kingdom of England)

1016 - 1042               Danish Rule

14 Oct 1066               Norman invasion

11 Dec 1282               Wales annexed

21 Mar 1413 - 1453        In personal union with France

18 Jun 1541 - 31 Dec 1800 In personal union with Ireland

17 Mar 1649 - 16 Dec 1653 Commonwealth of England

16 Dec 1653 - 08 May 1660 Part of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland and Ireland

08 May 1660               Kingdom of England (restored)

01 May 1707               Part of United Kingdom of Great Britain

01 Jan 1801               Part of Great Britain and Ireland

06 Dec 1922               Part of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Periods in English History

43 AD - 500 AD Roman

500 AD - 1066  Anglo-Saxon

1066 - 1154    Norman

1154 - 1485    Plantagenet

1485 - 1603    Tudor

1558 - 1603    Elizabethan


Government: Constitutional Monarchy.

Capital: London.

Language: English.

Religion: Anglican, Roman Catholic, Islam, Jewish.

National Anthem: "God Save the King." "Jerusalem" (unofficial).

National Emblem: English Rose.

National Day: 23 April, St. George's day.

National Motto: Dieu et mon droit (God and my right), "This Green as pleasant land" (unofficial).

Currency: Pound Stirling.

Roman Governors

43 - 47      Aulus Plautius

47 - 52      Publius Scapula Ostorio

52 - 57      Aulus Didius Gallo

57 - 58      Quintus Veranius

58 - 61      Gaius Suetonius Paulinus

61 - 63      Publius Petronius Turpilianus

63 - 69      Marcus Trebellius Maximus

69 - 71      Marcus Vettius Bolanus

71 - 74      Quintus Petillius Cerialis

74 - 78      Sextus Julius Frontinus

78 - 84      Gnaeus Julius Agricola

84 - 89      Sallustius Lucullus

93           Aulus Vicirius Proculus

96 - 97      Publius Metilius Nepus

97 - 101     Tiberius Avidius Quietus

101 - 103    Lucius Neratius Marcellus

115 - 118    Marcus Appius Bradua

118 - 122    Quintus Pompeius Falco

122 - 125    Aulus Platorius Nepos

127          Trebius Germanus

131 - 133    Sextus Julius Severus

133 - 135    Publius Mummius Sisenna

138 - 144    Quintus Lollius Urbicus

145 - 147    Gnaeus Papirius Aelianus

147 - 154    ....

154 - 158    Gnaeus Julius Verus

158 - 161    Longinus

161 - 162    Marcus Statius Priscus

163 - 166    Sextus Calpurnius Agricola

166 - 175    ....

175 - 178    Quintas Antistius Adventus

178 - 181    Caerellius Priscus

181 - 185    Ulpius Marcellus

185 - 187    Publius Helvius Pertinax

187 - 191    ....

191 - 197    Decimus Clodius Albinus

197 - 201    Virius Lupus

202          Marcus Antius Crescens Calpurnianus

202 - 205    Gaius Valerius Pudens

205 - 207    Lucius Alfenus Senecio

208 - 211    C. Junius Faustinus Postumanius

Legendary Kings

410-425 Vortigern, Oein

425-466 Vortigern, Wyrtgeorn I

466-471 Vortigern, Weortymer

471-480 Vortigern, Wyrtgeorn II

480-488 Vortigern, Ambrosius Aurelianus

488     Vortigern, Uthyr Pendragon, King of the Britains

496-537 Vortigern, Arthur, King of the Britains

       774 - 26 Jul 796 Offa

Monarchs (of the Kingdom of Wessex until c.900)

827 - 839               Cerdicingas, Egbert of Wessex .............. 775-839

05 Feb 839 - 858        Cerdicingas, Ethelwulf ..................... 795-858

858 - 860               Cerdicingas, Ethelbald ..................... 834-860

21 Dec 860 - 865        Cerdicingas, Ethelbert ..................... 835-865

       865 - 24 Apr 871 Cerdicingas, Ethelred I .................... 837-871

24 Apr 871 - 27 Oct 899 Cerdicingas, Alfred ........................ 840-899 "The Great"

27 Oct 899 - 03 Aug 924 Cerdicingas, Edward I ...................... 871-924 "The Elder"

03 Aug 924 - 28 Oct 939 Cerdicingas, Athelstan ..................... 895-939 "The Glorious"

28 Oct 939 - 27 May 946 Cerdicingas, Edmund ........................ 921-946 "The Magnificent"

27 May 946 - 24 Nov 955 Cerdicingas, Eadred ........................ 923-955 "The weak in the feet"

24 Nov 955 - 02 Oct 959 Cerdicingas, Eadwig ........................ 940-959 "The Fair"

02 Oct 959 - 09 Jul 975 Cerdicingas, Edgar I ....................... 943-975 "The Peaceabul"

09 Jul 975 - 19 Mar 978 Cerdicingas, Edward II ..................... 962-978 "The Martyr"

19 Mar 978 - 25 Dec 1013 Cerdicingas, Ethalred II ................. 968-1016 "The Unready"

                         (1st Time)

25 Dec 1013 - 03 Feb 1014 Skioldung, Sven Forkbeard ............... 960-1014

03 Feb 1014 - 24 Apr 1016 Cerdicingas, Ethalred II (2nd Time)

24 Apr      - 30 Nov 1016 Cerdicingas, Edmund II Ironside ......... 993-1016

01 Dec 1016 - 13 Nov 1035 Skioldung, Canute ....................... 995-1035

13 Nov 1035 - 18 Jun 1040 Skioldung, Harold I Harefoot............ 1016-1040

18 Jun 1040 - 09 Jun 1042 Skioldung, Hardecanute ................. 1018-1042

09 Jun 1042 - 05 Jan 1066 Cerdicingas, Edward III ................ 1004-1066 "The Connfessor"

05 Jan      - 14 Oct 1066 Cerdicingas, Harold II Godwinsson ...... 1022-1066 "The Ætheling"

14 Oct      - 10 Dec 1066 Cerdicingas, Edgar II .................. 1051-1126

25 Dec 1066 - 09 Sep 1087 Normandy, William I .................... 1028-1087 "The Conqueror"

09 Sep 1087 - 02 Aug 1100 Normandy, William II Rufus ............. 1056-1100

02 Aug 1100 - 01 Dec 1135 Normandy, Henry I ...................... 1068-1135

01 Dec      - 22 Dec 1135 Normandy, Matilda Countess of Boulogne . 1101-1167

                          (Lady of the English)

22 Dec 1135 - 25 Oct 1154 Blois, Steven of Blois ................. 1096-1154

06 Apr 1152 - 17 Aug 1153 Blois, Eustace IV, Count of Boulogne ... 1129-1153

                          (Not recognised)

19 Dec 1154 - 06 Jul 1189 Plantaganet, Henry II .................. 1133-1189

14 Jun 1170 - 11 Jun 1183 Henry "The Young King" ................. 1155-1183

                          (junior King)

06 Jul 1189 - 06 Apr 1199 Plantaganet, Richard I ................. 1157-1199 "The Lion Heart"

                          (absent during the Third Crusade 1190-92)

1190 - 1192               Aliénor d'Aquitaine .................... 1122-1204

                          (Queen-Dowager regent for absent Richard I)

06 Apr 1199 - 19 Oct 1216 Plantaganet, John Lackland ............. 1166-1216 "Bad King John"

02 Jun 1216 - 20 Sep 1217 Capet, Louis of France "the Lion" ...... 1187-1226

                          (in rebellion in London, claim is retro-

                           actively revoked by agreement in 1217)

19 Oct 1216 - 16 Nov 1272 Plantaganet, Henry III ................. 1207-1272

11 Nov 1216 - 09 Apr 1219 William Marshal. Earl of Pembroke ...... 1146-1219

                          (Regent for Henry III)

09 Apr 1219 -    Jan 1227 Hugh de Burgh .......................... 1180-1243

                          (Regent for Henry III)

16 Nov 1272 - 07 Jul 1307 Plantaganet, Edward I (IV) ............. 1239-1307 "Longshanks"

07 Jul 1307 - 25 Jan 1327 Plantaganet, Edward II (V) ............. 1284-1327

25 Jan 1327 - 1330        Capet, Isabella of France .............. 1295-1358 "the She-Wolf"

                          (Queen-regent, in rebellion from 24 Sep 1326)

25 Jan 1327 - 1330        Roger de Mortimer, Baron de Mortimer,

                           Earl of March (de-facto ruler) ........ 1287-1330

25 Jan 1327 - 21 Jun 1377 Plantaganet, Edward III (VI) ........... 1312-1377

1374 - 1377               John of Gaunt (Ghent), Duke of Lancaster 1340-1399

                          (de facto head of government)

21 Jun 1377 - 30 Sep 1399 Plantaganet, Richard II ................ 1367-1400

30 Sep 1399 - 20 Mar 1413 Lancaster, Henry IV Bolingbrook ........ 1367-1413

20 Mar 1413 - 31 Aug 1422 Lancaster, Henry V ..................... 1387-1422

31 Aug 1422 - 04 Mar 1461 Lancaster, Henry VI .................... 1421-1471

                          (1st Time)

03 Apr 1454 - 25 Feb 1456 Richard Plantagenet, Duke of York ...... 1411-1460


04 Mar 1461 - 02 Oct 1470 York, Edward IV (VII) .................. 1442-1483

                          (1st Time)

02 Oct 1470 - 11 Apr 1471 Lancaster, Henry VI (2nd Time)

11 Apr 1471 - 09 Apr 1483 York, Edward IV (VII) (2nd Time)

09 Apr      - 25 Jun 1483 York, Edward V (VIII) .................. 1470-1483

25 Jun 1483 - 22 Aug 1485 York, Richard III ...................... 1452-1485 "Crookback"

                          (Regent for Edward V from 09 Apr 1483)

22 Aug 1485 - 21 Apr 1509 Tudor, Henry VII ....................... 1457-1509

21 Apr 1509 - 28 Jan 1547 Tudor, Henry VIII ...................... 1491-1547

28 Jan 1547 - 06 Jun 1553 Tudor, Edward VI (IX) .................. 1537-1553

01 Feb 1547 - 13 Oct 1549 Edward Seymore, Duke of Somerset ....... 1500-1552

                          (Lord Protector, regent for Edward VI)

13 Oct 1549 - 06 Jul 1553 John Dudley, Duke of Northumberland .... 1502-1553

                          (regent for Edward VI)

10 Jul      - 19 Jul 1553 Grey, Jane ............................. 1537-1554 "The Nine Days Queen"


19 Jul 1553 - 17 Nov 1558 Tudor, Mary I .......................... 1516-1558 "Bloody Mary"

25 Jul 1554 - 17 Nov 1558 Habsburg, Philip II of Spain and Naples  1527-1598

                          (King consort)

17 Nov 1558 - 24 Mar 1603 Tudor, Elizabeth I ..................... 1533-1603 "The Virgin Queen"

24 Mar 1603 - 27 Mar 1625 Stuart, James I ........................ 1567-1625

                          (James VI of Scotland)

27 Mar 1625 - 30 Jan 1649 Stuart, Charles I ...................... 1600-1649 "The Martyr"

Speaker of the Parliament of England

04 Jan 1649 - 20 Apr 1653 William Lenthall ....................... s.a

Captain-general and Comander-in-chief

20 Apr      - 04 Jul 1653 Oliver Cromwell (1st Time)

Speaker of Parliament

04 Jul      - 12 Dec 1653 Francis Rous ........................... 1579-1658

Captain-general and Comander-in-chief

12 Dec      - 16 Dec 1653 Oliver Cromwell (2nd Time)


25 May 1660 - 06 Feb 1685 Stuart, Charles II ..................... 1630-1685

06 Feb 1685 - 13 Feb 1689 Stuart, James II ....................... 1633-1701

                          (James VII of Scotland, fled England 23 Dec 1688

                           declared deposed; in Ireland 12 Mar 1689 - 02 Jul 1690)

13 Feb 1689 - 28 Dec 1694 Stuart, Mary II ........................ 1662-1694

                          (co-ruler with William III)

13 Feb 1689 - 08 Mar 1702 Nassau, William III .................... 1650-1702

                          (Willem van Nassau, prins van Orange)

08 Mar 1702 - 30 Apr 1707 Stuart, Anne ........................... 1665-1714



Lord Chancellors

       1485 - 24 Dec 1515 Richard Fox, Bishop of Exeter

24 Dec 1515 - 18 Oct 1529 Thomas Cardinal Wolsey

18 Oct 1529 - 16 May 1532 Sir Thomas More

16 May 1532 - 22 Apr 1544 Sir Thomas Audley

22 Apr 1544 - 07 Mar 1547 Sir Thomas Wriothesley

07 Mar      - 23 Oct 1547 Sir William Paulet

23 Oct 1547 - 21 Dec 1551 Richard Rich, Baron Rich ............... 1496-1567

Lord High Treasurers and Chief Advisors

03 Feb 1550 - 10 Mar 1572 William Paulet, Earl of Wiltshire,

                           Marquess of Winchester ................ 1484-1572

   Jul 1572 - 04 Aug 1598 William Cecil, Baron Cecil of

                           Burghley .............................. 1520-1598

15 May 1599 - 19 Apr 1608 Thomas Sackville, Baron Buckhurst,

                           Earl of Dorset ........................ 1536-1608

04 May 1608 - 24 May 1612 Robert Cecil, Viscount Cranborne,

                           Earl of Sailsbury

17 Jun 1612 - 24 May 1613 Henry Howard, Earl of Northingham

24 May 1613 - 11 Jul 1614 Thomas Egerton, Baron Ellesmere

11 Jul 1614 -    Jul 1618 Thomas Howard, Earl of Suffolk

   Jul 1618 - 14 Dec 1620 George Villiers, Earl of Buckingham

14 Dec 1620 - 30 Sep 1621 Henry Montagu, Viscount Mandville

01 Oct 1621 - 25 Apr 1624 Lionel Cransfield, Baron Cranfield,

                           Earl of Middlesex

25 Apr 1624 - 15 Jul 1628 James Ley, Baron Ley of Ley,

                           Earl of Marlborough

15 Jul 1628 - 13 Mar 1635 Richard Weston, Baron Weston,

                           Earl of Portland

15 Mar 1635 - 06 Mar 1636 William Laud, Archbishop of


06 Mar 1636 - 21 May 1641 William Juxon, Bishop of London

21 May 1641 - 03 Oct 1643 Edward Littleton, Baron Lyttleton

03 Oct 1643 - 30 Jan 1649 Francis Cottington,

                           Baron Cottington of Hanworth

Lord High Treasurers

08 Sep 1660 - 16 May 1667 Thomas Wriothesley,

                           Earl of Southampton

01 Jun 1667 - 03 Jan 1670 George Monk, Duke of Albemarle

03 Jan 1670 - 28 Nov 1672 Anthony Ashley Cooper, Baron Ashley

28 Nov 1672 - 19 Jun 1673 Thomas Clifford, Baron Clifford

                           of Chudleigh

19 Jun 1673 - 06 Mar 1678 Thomas Osborne, Viscount Osborne

                           of Dunblane

First Lords of the Treasury

06 Mar 1678 - 19 Nov 1679 Arthur Capel, Earl of Essex ............ 1632-1683

19 Nov 1679 - 25 Aug 1684 Laurence Hyde, Viscount Hyde

                           of Kenilworth (1st Time) .............. 1642-1711

25 Aug 1684 - 16 Feb 1685 Sidney Godolphin, Baron Godolphin ...... 1645-1712

                          (1st Time)

19 Feb 1685 - 05 Jan 1686 Laurence Hyde, Viscount Hyde

                           of Kenilworth (2nd Time)

05 Jan 1686 - 08 Apr 1689 John Belasyee, Baron Belasyee .......... 1614-1689

08 Apr 1689 - 19 Mar 1690 Charles Mordaunt, Earl of Monmouth ..... 1658-1735

19 Mar      - 15 Nov 1690 John Lowther ........................... 1655-1700

15 Nov 1690 - 01 May 1697 Sidney Godolphin, Baron Godolphin

                          (2nd Time)

01 May 1697 - 25 May 1699 Charles Montagu (1st Time) ............. 1661-1715

25 Nov 1699 - 12 Dec 1700 Forde Grey, Baron Grey of Werk

                           Earl of Tankerville ................... 1655-1701

12 Dec 1700 - 27 Dec 1701 Sidney Godolphin, Baron Godolphin

                          (3rd Time)

27 Dec 1701 - 08 May 1702 Charles Howard, Earl of Carlisle ....... 1669-1738

08 May 1702 - 30 Apr 1707 John Churchill, Duke of Marlborough .... 1650-1722

Style of the English Monarch: "King of England" Latin: Rex Anglorum. Also

"King of England, France and Ireland, Duke of Lancaster, Duke of Normandy".

Orders: The Most Noble Order of Garter.

Northern Ireland

Coat of arms 1925-1972

1171                      English rule begins

18 Jun 1541               Kingdom of Ireland in personal union with England

01 Jan 1801               Part of Great Britain

03 May 1921               Government of Ireland Act 1920 partitions Ireland

                           into Northern and Southern Ireland

07 Jul 1921 - 31 Mar 1972 Home rule

06 Dec 1922               Southern Ireland independent

05 Oct 1968 - 1998        Northern Ireland conflict "the Troubles"

01 Apr 1972 - 30 Jun 1998 UK direct rule imposed

08 Mar 1973               Referendum favours union with the UK

                          (boycotted by nationalists)

01 Jul 1998 - 15 Oct 2002 Home Rule restored

15 Oct 2002 - 08 May 2007 Home rule suspended

09 Jan 2017 - 11 Jan 2020 Home rule suspended

04 Feb 2022 -             Home rule suspended

Government: Devolved government.

Capital: Belfast.

Language: English, Irish, Ulster Scots.

Religion: Roman Catholic 42.3%, Protestant 30.5% (2021).

National Anthem: "God Save the King." "

National Emblem: Red Hand of Ulster (traditional). Flax flower.

National Day: St. Patrick's Day, 17 March (461). Battle of the Boyne, 12 July (1690).

National Motto: Dieu Et Mon Droit (God and my right).

Currency: Pound Stirling.


12 Dec 1922 - 07 Sep 1945 James Albert Edward Hamilton,

                           Duke of Abercorn ...................... 1869-1953

07 Sep 1945 - 01 Dec 1952 William Spencer,

                           Earl Spencer of Granville ............. 1880-1953

01 Dec 1952 - 01 Dec 1964 John de Vere Loder, Baron Wakehurst .... 1895-1970

01 Dec 1964 - 01 Dec 1968 John Maxwell Erskine, Baron of Rerrick . 1893-1980

01 Dec 1968 - 18 Jul 1972 Ralph Francis Alnwick Grey,

                           Baron Grey of Naunton ................. 1910-1999

Secretaries of State for Northern Ireland

01 Apr 1972 - 02 Dec 1973 William Stephen Ian Whitelaw,

                           viscount Whitelaw ..................... 1918-1999 C

02 Dec 1973 - 05 Mar 1974 Francis Leslie Pym ..................... 1922-2008 C

05 Mar 1974 - 10 Sep 1976 Merlyn Merlyn-Rees ..................... 1920-2006 L

10 Sep 1976 - 05 May 1979 Roy Mason .............................. 1924-2015 L

05 May 1979 - 14 Sep 1981 Humphrey Edward Gregory Atkins ......... 1922-1996 C

14 Sep 1981 - 10 Sep 1984 James Michael Leathes Prior ............ 1927-2016 C

10 Sep 1984 - 02 Sep 1985 Douglas Richard Hurd ................... 1930-     C

02 Sep 1985 - 24 Jul 1989 Thomas Jeremy King ..................... 1933-     C

24 Jul 1989 - 02 Apr 1992 Peter Leonard Brooke ................... 1934-2023 C

02 Apr 1992 - 02 May 1997 Sir Patrick Barnabas Burke Mayhew ...... 1929-2016 C

02 May 1997 - 11 Oct 1999 Marjorie Mowlam ........................ 1951-2005 L

11 Oct 1999 - 24 Jan 2001 Peter Benjamin Mandelson ............... 1953-     L

24 Jan 2001 - 24 Oct 2002 John Reid .............................. 1947-     L

24 Oct 2002 - 06 May 2005 Paul Peter Murphy ...................... 1948-     L

06 May 2005 - 28 Jun 2007 Peter Gerald Hain ...................... 1950-     L

28 Jun 2007 - 11 May 2010 Shaun Anthony Woodward ................. 1958-     L

12 May 2010 - 04 Sep 2012 Owen William Paterson .................. 1956-     C

04 Sep 2012 - 14 Jul 2016 Theresa Anne Villiers .................. 1968-     C

14 Jul 2016 - 08 Jan 2018 James Peter Brokenshire ................ 1968-2021 C

08 Jan 2018 - 24 Jul 2019 Karen Anne Bradley ..................... 1970-     C

24 Jul 2019 - 13 Feb 2020 Julian Richard Smith ................... 1971-     C

13 Feb 2020 - 07 Jul 2022 Brandon Kenneth Lewis .................. 1971-     C

07 Jul      - 13 Sep 2022 Shailesh Lakhman Vera .................. 1960-     C

13 Sep 2022 - 05 Jul 2024 Christopher Heaton-Harris .............. 1967-     C

05 Jul 2024 -             Hilary James Wedgwood Benn ............. 1953-     L



Prime Ministers

07 Jun 1921 - 24 Nov 1940 Sir James Craig ........................ 1871-1940 UUP

24 Nov 1940 - 01 May 1943 John Miller Andrews .................... 1871-1956 UUP

01 May 1943 - 26 Mar 1963 Sir Basil Stanlake Brooke .............. 1888-1973 UUP

26 Mar 1963 - 01 May 1969 Terence Marne O'Neil ................... 1914-1990 UUP

01 May 1969 - 23 Mar 1971 James Dawson Chichester-Clark .......... 1923-2002 UUP

23 Mar 1971 - 30 Mar 1972 Arthur Brian Deane Faulkner ............ 1921-1977 UUP

First Ministers

01 Jul 1998 - 11 Feb 2000 William David Trimble (1st Time) ....... 1944-2022 UUP

11 Feb 2000 - 06 Nov 2001 Post Suspended

06 Nov 2001 - 15 Oct 2002 William David Trimble (2nd Time)

15 Oct 2002 - 08 May 2007 Post Suspended

08 May 2007 - 05 Jun 2008 Ian Richard Kyle Paisley ............... 1926-2014 DUP

05 Jun 2008 - 11 Jan 2016 Peter David Robinson ................... 1948-     DUP

11 Jan      - 03 Feb 2010 Arlene Isobel Foster ................... 1970-     DUP

                          (1st Time, acting for Robinson)

10 Sep      - 20 Oct 2015 Arleen Isabel Foster (2nd Time)

                          (acting for Robinson)

11 Jan 2016 - 09 Jan 2017 Arlene Isabel Foster (3rd Time)

09 Jan 2017 - 11 Jan 2020 Post Suspended

11 Jan 2020 - 17 Jun 2021 Arlene Isabel Foster (4th Time)

17 Jun 2021 - 04 Feb 2022 Paul Jonathan Given .................... 1981-     DUP

04 Feb 2022 - 03 Feb 2024 Post Suspended

03 Feb 2024 -             Michelle Doris O'Neill ................. 1977-     SF


Deputy First Ministers

01 Jul 1998 - 06 Nov 2001 Seamus Frederick Mallon ................ 1936-     SDLP

06 Nov 2001 - 14 Oct 2002 Mark Durkan ............................ 1960-     SDLP

14 Oct 2002 - 08 May 2007 Post Suspended

08 May 2007 - 09 Jan 2017 James Martin Pacelli McGuinness ........ 1950-2017 SF

09 Jan 2017 - 11 Jan 2020 Post Suspended

11 Jan 2020 - 04 Feb 2022 Michelle Doris O'Neill ................. s.a       SF

04 Feb 2022 - 03 Feb 2024 Post Suspended

03 Feb 2024 -             Emma Little-Pengelly ................... 1979-     DUP


SF=Sinn Féin (We Ourselves, Socialist, Irish Nationalist, Irish unionism)

SDLP=Páirtí Sóisialta Daonlathach an Lucht Oibre (Social Democratic and Labour party,

Irish Nationalist, Social Democratic)

DUP=Democratic Unionist Party (Far-right, British Nationalist, pro-Devolution, Unionist)

UUP=Ulster Unionist Party (Conservative, Unionist)


470                       Kingdom of Dàl Riada

... - 834                 Kingdom of Picts

06 Feb 858                Unification as Kingdom of Scots and Picts

       899                Kingdom of Alba

06 Jan 1156 -    May 1493 Lordship of the Isles (Hebrides) under Scottish suzreignty

02 Jul 1266               Kingdom of Scotland

13 Jun 1291 - 17 Nov 1292 English rule

10 Jul 1296 - 07 Jul 1307 English rule

21 Jan 1590               Okney and Shetland Islands ceded to Scotland by Denmark

24 Mar 1603 - 01 May 1707 In Personal Union with England

03 Jun 1653               English occupation

26 May 1652 - 08 May 1660 Part of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland and Ireland

04 May 1654 - 08 May 1660 Monarchy abolished

08 May 1660               Kingdom of Scotland (restored)

01 May 1707               Act of Union with England as United Kingdom of Great Britain

06 Sep 1715 - 04 Jan 1716 First "Jacobite" rebellion

03 Aug 1745 - 01 Oct 1746 Second "Jacobite" rebellion

01 Jan 1801               Part of Great Britain and Ireland

11 Sep 1997               Referendum endorses home rule

01 Jul 1999               Home rule

18 Sep 2014               Referendum rejects independence, 55% No to 45% Yes


569 - 574                Garban

574 - 607                Aidanch

607 - 608                Cineadh Kerr

608 - 632                Arthur

632 - 646                Domhnal I

646 - 664                Fadar

664 - 684                Maldach I

684 - 697                Oan

697 - 719                Ainbhceallach

732                      Moredach

767 - 7..                Sealbhach

Kings of Alba

843 - 13 Feb 858         Alpin, Cinàed/Kenneth II mac Ailpín

859 - 13 Apr 862         Alpin, Domhnall/Donald II Domnall mac Alpin

862 - 877                Alpin, Causantín/Constantine I mac Cinàed

877 - 878                Alpin, Áed I Aodh mac Cinàeda

878 - 889                Strathclyde, Eochaidh I mac Rhun


878 - 889                Alpin, Giric I mac Dunghail

889 - 904                Alpin, Domhnall/Donald III mac Causantín

900 - 943                Alpin, Causantín/Constantine II ma Áeda

943 - 954                Alpin, Callum/Malcolm I Màel Colium mac Domnall

954 - 962                Alpin, Indulbh I mac Causantin

962 - 967                Alpin, Dubh I mac Maíl Choluim

20 Jul 966 - 971         Alpin, Cuilean I Cuilén mac Iduilb

971 - 973                Alpin, Cinàed/Kenneth II mac Maíl Choluim (1st Time)

973 - 977                Alpin, Amlaibh I mac Iduilb

977 - 995                Alpin, Cinàed/Kenneth II mac Maíl Choluim (2nd Time)

995 - 997                Alpin, Causantín/Constantine III mac Cuilén

997 - 1005               Alpin, Cinàed/Kenneth III mac Duib

25 Mar 1005 - 25 Nov 1034 Aplin, Calum/Malcolm II Màel Coluim mac Cinàeda

25 Nov 1034 - 15 Aug 1040 Dunkeld, Donnchadh/Duncan I mac Crinain

15 Aug 1040 - 15 Aug 1057 Moray, MacBeatha/Macbeth I mac Findlàich

15 Aug 1057 - 17 Mar 1058 Moray, Lulach I mac Gillai Comgain

17 Mar 1058 - 13 Nov 1093 Dunkeld, Calum/Malcolm III Màel Coluim mac Donnachada

13 Nov 1093 -    May 1094 Dunkeld, Domhnall/Donald IV mac Donnchada (1st Time)

   May      - 12 Nov 1094 Dunkeld, Donnchadh/Duncan II mac Maíl Choluim

12 Nov 1094 -    Oct 1097 Dunkeld, Domhnall/Donald IV mac Donnchada (2nd Time)

   Oct 1097 - 08 Jan 1107 Dunkeld, Etgair/Edg I mac Choluim

08 Jan 1107 - 23 Apr 1124 Dunkeld, Alasdair/Alexander I mac Maíl Choluim

23 Apr 1124 - 24 May 1153 Dunkeld, David/Daibhídh I mac Maíl Choluim

24 May 1153 - 09 Dec 1165 Dunkeld, Calum/Malcom IV Màel Coluim mac Enric

09 Dec 1165 - 04 Dec 1214 Dunkeld, Uillaem/William I mac Enric

04 Dec 1214 - 06 Jul 1249 Dunkeld, Alasdair/Alexander II

08 Jul 1249 - 25 Nov 1286 Dunkeld, Alasdair/Alexander III

25 Nov 1286 - 26 Sep 1290 Sverre, Margaret/Mairead I ............. 1283-1290 "The Maid of Norway"

Kings of Scotland

17 Nov 1292 - 10 Jul 1296 Bailiol, John/Iain I ................... 1249-1314 "Toom Tabard"

25 Mar 1306 - 07 Jun 1329 Bruis, Robert/Raibaert de Bruis ........ 1274-1329 "The Good"

07 Jun 1329 - 22 Feb 1371 Bruis, David/Daibhídh II ............... 1324-1371     

22 Feb 1371 - 19 Apr 1390 Stewart/Stiubhairt, Robert/Raibaert II . 1316-1371 "The Stuart"

19 Apr 1390 - 04 Apr 1406 Stewart/Stiubhairt, Robert/Raibaert III  1340-1406 "The Lame"

04 Apr 1406 - 21 Feb 1437 Stewart/Stiubhairt, James/Seumas I ..... 1394-1437

21 Feb 1437 - 03 Aug 1460 Stewart/Stiubhairt, James/Seumas II .... 1430-1460

03 Aug 1460 - 11 Jun 1488 Stewart/Stiubhairt, James/Seumas III ... 1451-1488

11 Jun 1488 - 09 Sep 1513 Stewart/Stuibhairt, James/Seumas IV .... 1473-1513

09 Sep 1513 - 14 Dec 1542 Stewart/Stuibhairt, James/Seumas V ..... 1512-1542

14 Dec 1542 - 24 Jul 1567 Stuart, Mary/Mairi I .................... 1542-1587

                          (Queen of France 10 Jul 1559 - 05 Dec 1560;

                           prisoner from 16 Jul 1567)

14 Dec 1542 - 03 Jan 1543 David Cardinal Beaton,

                           Archbishop of St. Andrews ............. 1494-1546

03 Jan 1543 - 12 Apr 1554 James Hamilton, 2nd Earl of Arran ...... 1516-1575

                          (regent for the Kingdom)

12 Apr 1554 - 11 Jun 1560 Queen Marie de Guise ................... 1515-1560

11 Jun 1560 - 19 Aug 1561 George Gordon, Earl of Huntly .......... 1513-1562

                          (regent for Mairi)

24 Jul 1567 - 27 Mar 1625 Stuart, James VI/Seumas VI ............. s.a

                          (James I of England from 24 Mar 1603)

24 Jul 1567 - 23 Jan 1570 James Stuart, 1st Earl of Moray ........ 1531-1570

                          (regent for James VI)

23 Jan 1570 - 04 Sep 1571 Matthew Stuart, 4th Earl of Lennox ..... 1516-1571

                          (regent for James VI)

04 Sep 1571 - 28 Oct 1572 John Erskine, Earl of Mar .............. 15..-1572

                          (regent for James VI)

28 Oct 1572 - 10 Mar 1578 James Douglas, 4th Earl Morton ......... 1516-1581

27 Mar 1625 - 30 Jan 1649 Stuart, Charles/Teàrlach I ............. s.a

                          (Charles I of England)

30 Jan 1649 - 06 Aug 1651 Stuart, Charles/ Teàrlach II (1st Time) 

                          (fled Scotland for France 15 Oct 1651)

English Commanders-in-chief

04 Sep 1650 - 04 Aug 1651 Oliver Cromwell ........................ s.a

04 Aug 1651 - 21 Jan 1652 George Monck ........................... 1608-1676

Commissioners of the Parliament of Commonwealth

21 Jan      - 21 Apr 1652 Commissioners

                        - Oliver St. John ........................ 1598-1673

                        - Sir Henry Vane ......................... 1613-1662

                        - Richard Salwey ......................... 1615-1685

                        - George Fenwick ......................... 1603-1657

                        - John Lambert ........................... 1619-1684

                        - Richard Deane .......................... 1610-1653

                        - Robert Tichborne ....................... 1604-1682

                        - George Monck ........................... s.a

English Commanders-in-chief

21 Apr      -    Dec 1652 Richard Deane .......................... s.a

   Dec 1652 - 22 Apr 1654 Robert Lilburne ........................ 1613-1665

22 Apr 1654 - 25 May 1660 George Monck ........................... s.a

02 Jan      - 25 May 1660 Sir Thomas Morgan ...................... 1604-1679

                          (acting for Monck)


25 May 1660 - 06 Feb 1685 Stuart, Charles/Teàrlach II (2nd Time)

                          (Charles II of England)

06 Feb 1685 - 11 Apr 1689 Stuart, James/Seumas VII ............... 1633-1701

                          (James II of England)

11 Apr 1689 - 28 Dec 1694 Stuart, Mary/Mairi II .................. 1662-1694

11 Apr 1689 - 08 Mar 1702 Nassau, William/Uilleam II ............. 1650-1702

                          (Wilem van Nassau, prins van Orange

08 Mar 1702 - 30 Apr 1707 Stuart, Anne/Anna ...................... 1665-1714

06 Sep 1715 - 04 Jan 1716 Stuart, James/Seumas VIII .............. 1688-1766 "The Old Pretender"

                          (in distance)

03 Aug 1745 - 01 Oct 1746 Stuart, Charles/Teàrlach III ........... 1720-1788 "Bonnie Prince Charlie"

                          (in rebellion)


Secretaries for Scotland

03 Feb 1709 - 06 Jul 1711 James Douglas, Duke of Queensbury and Dover

30 Sep 1713 -    Sep 1714 John Erskine, Earl of Mar

24 Sep 1714 -    Aug 1715 James Graham, Duke of Montrose

13 Dec 1716 - 25 Aug 1725 John Ker, Duke of Roxburghe

16 Feb 1742 - 03 Jan 1746 James Hay, Marquess Tweeddale

03 Jan 1746 - 17 Aug 1885 Post Abolished

17 Aug 1885 - 28 Jan 1886 Charles Henry Gordon-Lennox,

                           Duke of Richmond

08 Feb      -    Mar 1886 Baron George Otto Trevelyan (1st Time)

05 Apr      - 20 Jul 1886 Sean Liam Maule Ramsay, Earl of Dalhousie

05 Aug 1886 - 11 Mar 1887 Arthur James Balfour, Earl of Balfour

11 Mar 1887 - 11 Aug 1892 Lord Schomberg Henry Kerr,

                           Marquess of Lothian

18 Aug 1892 - 21 Jun 1895 Baron George Otto Trevelyan (2nd Time)

29 Jun 1895 - 09 Oct 1903 Alexander Hugh Bruce,

                           Lord Balfour of Burleigh

09 Oct 1903 - 02 Feb 1905 Andrew Graham Murray, viscount Dunedin

02 Feb      - 04 Dec 1905 John Adrian Louis Hope,

                           Marquess of Linlithgow

10 Dec 1905 - 13 Feb 1912 John Sinclair, Baron Pentland

13 Feb 1912 - 09 Jul 1916 Thomas McKinnon Wood

09 Jul      - 05 Dec 1916 Harold John Tennant

10 Dec 1916 - 19 Oct 1922 Robert Munro, Baron Alness

19 Oct 1922 - 03 Nov 1924 Ronald Craufurd Munro Ferguson,

                           viscount Novar

07 Nov 1924 - 07 Jun 1929 Sir John Gilmour

Secretaries of State for Scotland

07 Jun 1929 - 26 Aug 1931 William Adamson

26 Aug 1931 - 01 Oct 1932 Sir Archibald Henry Macdonald Sinclair,

                           viscount Thurso

01 Oct 1932 - 13 Oct 1936 Sir Godfrey Pattison Collins

13 Oct 1936 - 16 May 1938 Walter Elliot Elliot

16 May 1938 - 15 May 1940 David John Colville, Baron Clydesmuir

15 May 1940 - 12 Feb 1941 Alfred Ernest Brown .................... 1881-1962

12 Feb 1941 - 23 May 1945 Thomas Johnson ......................... 1882-1965

23 May      - 26 Jun 1945 Albert Edward Harry Meyer Archibald

                           Primrose, Earl of Rosebery ............ 1882-1974

03 Aug 1945 - 07 Oct 1947 Joseph Westwood ........................ 1884-1948 L

07 Oct 1947 - 28 Feb 1950 Arthur Woodburn ........................ 1890-1978 L

28 Feb 1950 - 26 Oct 1951 Hector McNeil .......................... 1907-1955 L

30 Oct 1951 - 13 Jan 1957 James Gray Stuart,

                           Viscount Stuart of Findhorn ........... 1897-1971 C

13 Jan 1957 - 13 Jul 1962 John Scott Maclay, Viscount Muirshiel .. 1905-1992 C

13 Jul 1962 - 18 Oct 1964 Michael Anthony Cristobal Noble,

                           Baron Glenkinglas ..................... 1913-1984 L

18 Oct 1964 - 19 Jun 1970 Liam Ross, Baron of Marnock ............ 1911-1988 L

                          (1st Time)

19 Jun 1970 - 05 Mar 1974 Gordon Thomas Calthrop Campbell,

                           Baron of Croy ......................... 1921-2005 C

05 Mar 1974 - 08 Apr 1976 Liam Ross, Baron of Marnock (2nd Time)

08 Apr 1976 - 05 May 1979 Bruce Millan ........................... 1927-2013 L

05 May 1979 - 11 Jan 1986 George Kenneth Hotson Younger,

                           Viscount of Leckie .................... 1931-2003 C

11 Jan 1986 - 28 Nov 1990 Sir Malcolm Leslie Rifkind ............. 1946-     C

28 Nov 1990 - 05 May 1995 Ian Bruce Lang, Baron Lang of Monkton .. 1940-     C

05 May 1995 - 01 May 1997 Michael Bruce Forsyth,

                           Baron Forsyth of Drumlean ............. 1954-     C

02 May 1997 - 17 May 1999 Donald Campbell Dewar .................. 1937-2000 L

17 May 1999 - 24 Jan 2001 John Reid .............................. 1947-     L

24 Jan 2001 - 12 Jun 2003 Helen Lawrie Liddell ................... 1950-     L

13 Jun 2003 - 06 May 2006 Alistair Maclean Darling ............... 1953-2023 L

06 May 2005 - 28 Jun 2007 Douglas Garven Alexander ............... 1967-     L

28 Jun 2007 - 03 Oct 2008 Desmond Henry Browne ................... 1952-     L

03 Oct 2008 - 11 May 2010 James Francis Murphy ................... 1967-     L

11 May      - 29 May 2010 Daniel Grian Alexander ................. 1973-     LD

29 May 2010 - 07 Oct 2013 Michael Kevin Moore .................... 1965-     LD

07 Oct 2013 - 08 May 2015 Alistair Morrison Carmichael ........... 1965-     LD

11 May 2015 - 24 Jul 2019 David Gordon Mundell ................... 1962-     C

24 Jul 2019 - 05 Jul 2024 Alister William Jack ................... 1963-     C

05 Jul 2024 -             Ian Murray ............................. 1976-     L



First Ministers

17 May 1999 - 11 Oct 2000 Donald Campbell Dewar  ................. (s.a)     L

                          (Domhnall Mac an Deoir)

26 Oct 2000 - 08 Nov 2001 Henry Macleish (Eanraig Mac Gill-losa) . 1948-     L

22 Nov 2001 - 17 May 2007 Jack Wilson McConnell .................. 1960-     L

                          (Seac Uilosn MacChonnail)

17 May 2007 - 19 Nov 2014 Alexander Elliot Anderson Salmond ...... 1954-     SNP

19 Nov 2014 - 28 Mar 2023 Nicola Ferguson Sturgeon ............... 1970-     SNP

28 Mar 2023 - 08 May 2024 Humza Haroon Yousaf .................... 1985-     SNP

08 May 2024 -             John Ramsay Swinney .................... 1964-     SNP



SNP=Scottish National Party/Pàrtaidh Nàiseanta na h'Alba (Left-wing Scottish nationalism).

C=Conservative and Unionist Party (Centre-right, unionism).

G=Greens (Environmentalist, leftist, pro-independence).

L=Labour Party (Social-democratic, unionist).

SSP=Scottish Socialist Party (Socialist, pro-independence).

LD=Liberal Democrats (Social Liberal).

Style of the Monarch: "By Grace of God, His Grace the King of Scotts" Lat: Rex Scottorum.

Rex Caledoniae (old style).

Orders: The Most Ancient and Most Noble Order of the Thistle.


11 Dec 1282               Annexed by England

03 Mar 1284               Act of Union with England

07 Feb 1301 -             Principality of Wales, title "Prince of Wales"

                           held by the heir to the English throne

16 Sep 1400 -    Feb 1409 Independence revolt

14 Apr 1536               Act of Union with England

       1542               Second Act of Union with England

18 Sep 1997               Referendum endorses devolution

16 May 1999 -             Devolved government


Princes (Heirs Apparent to the Throne of England from 1301)

11 Dec 1282 - 03 Oct 1283 Dafydd ap Gruffydd

                          (in rebellion)

07 Feb 1301 - 07 Jul 1307 Lancaster, Edward of Carnarvon (Edward II)

12 May 1343 - 08 Jun 1376 Lancaster, Edward "The Black Prince" ... 1330-1376

20 Nov 1376 - 22 Jun 1377 Richard of Bordeaux (Richard II) ....... (s.a)

15 Oct 1399 - 21 Mar 1413 Henry of Monmouth (Henry V) ............ (s.a)

16 Sep 1400 - 1409        Owain Glyndwr, Prince of Wales ......... 1359-1415?

                          (in rebellion, crowned prince of Wales in 1404)

13 Oct 1453 - 15 Mar 1454 Lancaster, Edward of Westminster ....... 1453-1471

26 Jun 1471 - 09 Apr 1483 York, Edward of the Sanctuary (Edward V) (s.a)

24 Aug 1483 - 09 Apr 1484 York, Edward of Middleham .............. 1473-1484

24 Aug 1489 - 02 Apr 1502 Tudor, Arthur .......................... 1486-1502

12 Oct 1537 - 28 Jan 1547 Tudor, Edward (Edward VI) .............. (s.a)

04 Jun 1610 - 06 Nov 1612 Stuart, Henry Frederick ................ 1594-1612

29 May 1630 - 30 Jan 1649 Stuart, Charles (Charles II)

10 Jun 1688 - 13 Feb 1689 Stuart, James Francis Edward ........... 1688-1766

08 Jan 1729 - 31 Mar 1751 Hannover, Frederick Louis .............. 1707-1751

19 Aug 1762 - 29 Jan 1820 Hannover, George Augustus Frederick .... (s.a)

08 Dec 1862 - 22 Jan 1901 Wettin, Albert Edward (George V) ....... (s.a)

23 Jun 1910 - 20 Jan 1936 Wettin, Edward Albert Christian

                           George Patrick David (Edward VIII) .... (s.a)

06 Feb 1958 - 08 Sep 2022 Oldenburg, Charles Phillip Arthur George (s.a)

09 Sep 2022 -             Oldenburg, William Arthur Phillip Louis. 1982-


Lord-lieutenants and Lord Presidents of the Council of Wales and the Marshes

       1473 - 01 Oct 1500 John Alcock, Bishop of Ely

1501 - 1512               William Smyth, Bishop of Coventry

1525 - 1534               John Versey, Bishop of Exeter

1534 - 1543               Rowland Lee, Bishop of Lichfield

1543 - 1549               Richard Sampson, Bishop of Chichester

1549 - 1550               John Dudley, Duke of Northumberland

1550 - 1558               William Herbert, Earl of Pembroke,

                           Baron of Cardiff

1553 - 1555               Nicholas Heath, Bishop of York

       1558 - 10 Sep 1559 Gilbert Bourne, Bishop of Bath and Wells

10 Sep      - 14 Oct 1559 John Williams, Baron of Thame

       1560 - 05 May 1586 Sir Henry Sidney         

24 Feb 1587 - 19 Jan 1601 Henry Herbert, Earl of Pembroke

20 Jul 1602 - 12 Sep 1607 Baron Edward la Zouch, Baron St. Maur

12 Sep 1607 - 07 Mar 1617 Baron Ralph Eure

07 Mar      - 24 Nov 1617 Baron Thomas Gerard

24 Nov 1617 - 24 Jun 1630 William Compton, Earl of Northampton

11 Jul 1631 - 1642        John Egerton, Earl of Bridgewater

22 Dec 1660 - 20 Jul 1672 Richard Vaughan, Earl of Carbery

20 Jul 1672 - 22 Mar 1689 Henry Somerset, Duke of Beaufort

22 Mar 1689 - 07 Jan 1694 Charles Gerald, Earl of Macclesfield

11 May 1694 - 07 Oct 1715 Thomas Herbert, Earl of Pembroke,

                           Earl of Montgomery .................... 1656-1733

                          (South Wales)

31 May 1694 - 10 Mar 1696 Charles Talbot, Duke of Shrewsbury ..... 1660-1718

                          (North Wales)

10 Mar 1696 - 05 Nov 1701 Charles Gerard, 2nd Earl of Macclesfield 1659-1701

                           (North Wales)

18 Jun      - 05 Nov 1702 William, Richard George Stanley,

                           9th Earl of Derby ..................... 1655-1702

                          (North Wales)

02 Dec 1702 - 04 Sep 1713 Hugh Cholmondeley, Earl of Cholmondeley  1662-1725

                          (North Wales)

04 Sep 1713 - 21 Oct 1714 Other Windsor, 2nd Earl of Plymouth .... 1679-1727

                           (North Wales)

Secretaries of State for Wales

18 Oct 1964 - 05 Apr 1966 James Griffiths ........................ 1890-1975 L

05 Apr 1966 - 05 Apr 1968 Cledwyn Hughes,

                           Baron Cledwyn of Penrhos .............. 1916-2001 L

05 Apr 1968 - 20 Jun 1970 Thomas George, Viscount of Tonypandy ... 1909-1997 L

20 Jun 1970 - 05 Mar 1974 Peter John Mitchell Thomas,

                           Baron of Gwydir ....................... 1920-2008 C

05 Mar 1974 - 05 May 1979 John Morris, Baron Morris of Aberavon .. 1931-     L

05 May 1979 - 13 Jun 1987 Nicholas Edwards,

                           Baron Edwards of Crickhowell .......... 1934-     C

13 Jun 1987 - 04 May 1990 Peter Edward Walker,

                           Baron Walker of Worcester ............. 1932-     C

04 May 1990 - 27 May 1993 David James Fletcher Hunt,

                           Baron Hunt of Wirral .................. 1942-     C

27 May 1993 - 26 Jun 1995 John Alan Redwood ...................... 1951-     C

26 Jun 1995 - 03 May 1997 William Jefferson Hague ................ 1961-     C

03 May 1997 - 27 Oct 1998 Ronald Davies .......................... 1946-     L

27 Oct 1998 - 28 Jul 1999 Alun Edward Michael .................... 1942-     L

28 Jul 1999 - 24 Oct 2002 Paul Peter Murphy L (1st Time)

24 Oct 2002 - 24 Jan 2008 Peter Gerald Hain ...................... s.a       L

                          (1st Time)

24 Jan 2008 - 05 Jun 2009 Paul Peter Murphy (2nd Time)

05 Jun 2009 - 11 May 2010 Peter Gerald Hain (2nd Time)

12 May 2010 - 04 Sep 2012 Cheryl Elise Kendall Gillan ............ 1952-     C

04 Sep 2012 - 15 Jul 2014 David Ian Jones ........................ 1952-     C

15 Jul 2014 - 19 Mar 2016 Stephen Crabb .......................... 1973-     C

19 Mar 2016 - 06 Nov 2019 Alun Hugh Cairns ....................... 1970-     C

06 Nov      - 16 Dec 2019 Kevin John Foster ...................... 1978-     C


16 Dec 2019 - 06 Jul 2022 Simon Anthony Hart ..................... 1963-     C

07 Jul      - 25 Oct 2022 Sir Robert James Buckland .............. 1968-     C

25 Oct 2022 - 05 Jul 2024 David Thomas Charles Davies ............ 1970-     C

05 Jul 2024 -             Joanna Meriel Stevens .................. 1966-     L



First Ministers

12 May 1999 - 09 Feb 2000 Alun Edward Michael .................... s.a       L

09 Feb 2000 - 10 Dec 2009 Hywel Rhodri Morgan .................... 1939-2017 L

10 Dec 2009 - 12 Dec 2018 Carwyn Howell Jones .................... 1967-     L

12 Dec 2018 - 20 Mar 2024 Mark Drakeford ......................... 1954-     L

20 Mar 2024 -             Humphrey Vaughan David ap Gething ...... 1974-     L

L=Labour(Social Democratic)

PL=Plaid Cymru (Party of Wales, Centre Left, pro-Independence)

CY=Cymru Ymlaen (Socialist, pro-Independence)

C= Conservative (Centre Right)

LD= Liberal Democrats (Social Liberal)


